Owner: Thomas Pucci
- Have Yarn installed (~5min)
- Have Docker and Docker-compose installed (~5min)
- Have Postman installed (~2min)
Thanks to Tycho Tatitscheff and Yann Leflour for helping me with their great BAM API repo
During this standard, we will create a Heroes graphQL API. We will have a Hero model with superheroes real and hero names. We will add one example of association.
Our API will be lightly protected and use batching to minimise DB round-trips.
Note: You should commit between each step.
Create and go to a new directory for the project:
mkdir graphql_formation && cd graphql_formation
Init a git repository:
git init
Create two services with Docker-compose, one postgres database and one node server:
For this step, notice that our final folder architecture looks like this:
📂 graphql_formation ├ 📂 api │ └ 🗋 Dockerfile ├ 📂 db │ └ 🗋 Dockerfile ├ 🗋 config.env └ 🗋 docker-compose.yml
Make sure your local 3000 port is available as we will use this port to reach our API
- In a new
file, write all the commands to assemble the API image:
FROM node:8.1.0-alpine WORKDIR /usr/src/api EXPOSE 3000 CMD ["yarn", "run", "serve"]
- In a new
file, write all the commands to assemble the db image:
FROM postgres:9.6.3
- In a new
file, declare the two services:
version: '3' services: api: build: context: ./api image: heroes-api env_file: config.env volumes: - ./api:/usr/src/api ports: - 3000:3000 links: - db:db db: build: context: ./db env_file: config.env image: heroes-db ports: - 5431:5432
- In a new
file, declare your environnement variable for these Docker containers:
POSTGRES_USER=heroesuser POSTGRES_PASSWORD=heroespassword POSTGRES_DB=heroesdb PGDATA=/data DB_HOST=db
Build these services with the command:
docker-compose build
CHECK 1: Your terminal should prompt successively these lines confirming Docker images have been built:
Successfully tagged heroes-db:latest
Successfully tagged heroes-api:latest
- Add this to the project .gitignore:
echo "node_modules" > .gitignore
- In the
folder, interactively create aapi/package.json
file:cd api && yarn init
- Add
to our dev dependencies:yarn add nodemon babel-cli babel-plugin-transform-class-properties babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-flow -D
- In a new
file, write the babel configuration:
- In our
, write the command to launch the server:
"scripts": {
"serve": "nodemon index.js --exec babel-node"
- Create a new empty file
- Go back to the root of the project:
cd ..
- Run the project:
docker-compose up
CHECK 1: You terminal should prompt the logs of the two containers together with two different colors
CHECK 2: From another terminal, you can access the API and see the following folder structure:
docker-compose exec api /bin/sh
then inside the container:ls -lath
;drwxrwxr-x 3 node node 4.0K Aug 17 12:37 . -rw-rw-r-- 1 node node 0 Aug 17 12:37 index.js drwxrwxr-x 222 node node 12.0K Aug 17 12:37 node_modules -rw-rw-r-- 1 node node 426 Aug 17 12:37 package.json -rw-rw-r-- 1 node node 66.2K Aug 17 12:37 yarn.lock -rw-rw-r-- 1 node node 86 Aug 17 12:32 Dockerfile drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Aug 3 11:50 ..Exit with:
CHECK 3: You can access the db and prompt the PostgreSQL version:
docker-compose exec db psql -U heroesuser -d heroesdb
then inside the container:select version();
PostgreSQL 9.6.3 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2, 64-bitExit with:
- Install koa and koa-router in our API:
cd api && yarn add koa koa-router
- In the
file, create our server:
import Koa from 'koa';
import koaRouter from 'koa-router';
const app = new Koa();
const router = new koaRouter();
router.get('/', ctx => {
ctx.body = 'Hello World!';
console.log('Server is up and running');
CHECK 1: In your terminal which run docker-compose, you should see
Server is up and running
CHECK 2: Hitting
should returnHello World!
:curl localhost:3000
This layer will let our API know how to present data: what data one user can query? How should front end query this data (fields, root queries, sub queries...)?
- Install graphQL, graphQL Server Koa, graphQL tools and Koa body-parser:
yarn add graphql graphql-server-koa graphql-tools koa-bodyparser
- In a new folder
add a newschema.js
file describing a simple graphQL schema:
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
const typeDefs = [`
type Hero {
id: Int!
firstName: String
lastName: String
type Query {
heroes: [Hero]
schema {
query: Query
const resolvers = {
Query: {
heroes: () => ([
id: 1,
firstName: 'Clark',
lastName: 'Kent',
id: 2,
firstName: 'Bruce',
lastName: 'Wayne',
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });
export default schema;
- In the
file, add ourapi
import koaBody from 'koa-bodyparser';
import { graphqlKoa } from 'graphql-server-koa';
import schema from './presentation/schema';
graphqlKoa(async ctx => {
return {
schema: schema,
context: {},
debug: true,
// Write the following line before all other app.use(...) calls:
CHECK 1: In Postman, making a POST request to
which content-type is JSON(application/json) with the following raw body:{ "query": "{heroes { firstName lastName }}" }
- Install Koa graphiQL:
yarn add koa-graphiql
- In the
file, let our API knows it should use Koa-graphiql:
import graphiql from 'koa-graphiql';
// Write the following block after others router.verb(...) calls:
router.get('/graphiql', graphiql(async (ctx) => ({
url: '/api',
CHECK 2: Hitting
should return graphiql interface and show the Docs
CHECK 3: Using graphiql interface with the following query:
{ heroes { firstName lastName } }...should return our two heroes, Clark and Bruce:
This layer will contain all business logic: access controll, scoping / whitelisting, batching and caching and computed properties. More explanations can be found here, in the bam-api repo. In this MO, we will only cover access control logic and batching / caching.
- In a new
folder add a newhero.js
file describing our class for this business object:
const mockedHeroes = [
id: 1,
firstName: 'Clark',
lastName: 'Kent',
id: 2,
firstName: 'Bruce',
lastName: 'Wayne',
class Hero {
id: number;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
constructor(data) {
this.id = data.id;
this.firstName = data.firstName;
this.lastName = data.lastName;
static async load(ctx, args) {
const data = mockedHeroes[args.id];
if (!data) return null;
return new Hero(data);
static async loadAll(ctx, args) {
const data = mockedHeroes;
return data.map(row => new Hero(row));
export default Hero;
- In our previous
file, modify our mocked resolvers to use our business layer:
+import Hero from '../business/hero';
type Query {
heroes: [Hero]
+ hero(id: Int!): Hero
const resolvers = {
Query: {
- heroes: () => ([
- {
- firstName: 'Clark',
- lastName: 'Kent',
- },
- {
- firstName: 'Bruce',
- lastName: 'Wayne',
- }
- ]),
+ heroes: async (_, args, ctx) => Hero.loadAll(ctx, args),
+ hero: async (_, args, ctx) => Hero.load(ctx, args),
CHECK 1: Using graphiql interface with the following query:
{ heroes { id firstName lastName } }...should return our two heroes, Clark and Bruce.
CHECK 2: Using graphiql interface with the following query:
{ hero(id:0) { id firstName lastName } }
...should return Clark Kent with its
id: 1
CHECK 3: Using graphiql interface with the following query:
{ hero(id:1) { id firstName lastName } }
...should return Bruce Wayne with its
id: 2
- Install
at the root of the project:cd .. && yarn add knex pg
- At the root of our project, add a
module.exports = {
development: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 5431,
user: 'heroesuser',
password: 'heroespassword',
database: 'heroesdb',
migrations: {
directory: './api/db/migrations',
seeds: {
directory: './api/db/seeds',
- Create a migration file:
yarn knex migrate:make add_heroes_table
and complete the new created file with this:
exports.up = function(knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.createTableIfNotExists('Heroes', function(table) {
exports.down = function(knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('Heroes');
- Create a seed file:
yarn knex seed:make heroes
and complete the new created file with this:
exports.seed = function(knex, Promise) {
return knex('Heroes').del()
.then(function () {
return knex('Heroes').insert([
{id: 1, firstName: 'Clark', lastName: 'Kent', heroName: 'Superman'},
{id: 2, firstName: 'Bruce', lastName: 'Wayne', heroName: 'Batman'},
{id: 3, firstName: 'Peter', lastName: 'Parker', heroName: 'Spiderman'},
{id: 4, firstName: 'Susan', lastName: 'Storm-Richards', heroName: 'Invisible Woman'},
- Run the migration and the seed:
yarn knex migrate:latest && yarn knex seed:run
CHECK 1: You can access the db and prompt content of the
table:docker-compose exec db psql -U heroesuser -d heroesdb
then inside the container:select * from "Heroes";
;id | firstName | lastName | heroName ----+-----------+----------------+----------------- 1 | Clark | Kent | Superman 2 | Bruce | Wayne | Batman 3 | Peter | Parker | Spiderman 4 | Susan | Storm-Richards | Invisible Woman (4 rows)Exit with:
This layer let our API query the data using knex query builder.
- Install
in our API:cd api && yarn add knex pg
- In the
folder add a newindex.js
import knex from 'knex';
export default knex({
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host: process.env.DB_HOST,
user: process.env.POSTGRES_USER,
password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
database: process.env.POSTGRES_DB,
debug: true,
- In a new
subfolder, create a newhero.js
file and add these few methods to query our data:
// @flow
import db from '..';
class Hero {
static async getById(id: number) {
return db
.where('id', id);
static async getByIds(ids: Array<number>) {
return db
.whereIn('id', ids);
static async getAll() {
return db
export default Hero;
- Modify the
file in our business layer this way:
-const heroes = [
- {
- id: 0,
- firstName: 'Clark',
- lastName: 'Kent',
- },
- {
- id: 1,
- firstName: 'Bruce',
- lastName: 'Wayne',
- }
+import HeroDB from '../db/queryBuilders/hero';
class Hero {
static async load(ctx, args) {
- const data = heroes[args.id];
+ const data = await HeroDB.getById(args.id);
if (!data) return null;
return new Hero(data);
static async loadAll({ authToken, dataLoaders }) {
- const data = heroes;
+ const data = await HeroDB.getAll();
return data.map(row => new Hero(row));
CHECK 1: Using graphiql interface with the following query:
{ hero(id:1) { id firstName lastName } }
...should return Clark Kent with its
id: 1
CHECK 2: Using graphiql interface with the following query:
{ heroes { id firstName lastName } }...should return all 4 heroes of our database.
Association are made both in our db and in our API, in our presentation layer.
- Create a new migration:
cd .. && yarn knex migrate:make add_heroes_enemies
- Complete the newly created migration file with this:
exports.up = function(knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table('Heroes', function(table) {
exports.down = function(knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table('Heroes', function(table) {
- Modify our
exports.seed = function(knex, Promise) {
return knex('Heroes').del()
.then(function () {
return knex('Heroes').insert([
{id: 1, firstName: 'Clark', lastName: 'Kent', heroName: 'Superman', enemyId: 2},
{id: 2, firstName: 'Bruce', lastName: 'Wayne', heroName: 'Batman', enemyId: 1},
{id: 3, firstName: 'Peter', lastName: 'Parker', heroName: 'Spiderman'},
{id: 4, firstName: 'Susan', lastName: 'Storm-Richards', heroName: 'Invisible Woman'},
- Run these migrations:
yarn knex migrate:latest && yarn knex seed:run
- In our business layer, modify
this way:
class Hero {
id: number;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
+ heroName: string;
+ enemyId: number;
constructor(data) {
this.id = data.id;
this.firstName = data.firstName;
this.lastName = data.lastName;
+ this.heroName = data.heroName;
+ this.enemyId = data.enemyId;
- In our API, in our presentation layer, modify our
const typeDefs = [`
type Hero {
id: Int
firstName: String
lastName: String
+ heroName: String
+ enemy: Hero
const resolvers = {
Query: {
+ Hero: {
+ enemy: async (hero, args, ctx) => Hero.load(ctx, {id: hero.enemyId}),
+ },
CHECK 1: Using graphiql interface with the following query:
{ hero(id:1) { id firstName lastName heroName enemy { heroName } } }
...should return Clark Kent with its heroName and its enemy: Batman.
Trying to query heroes and their enemies'heroName will show up a N+1 problem. Indeed, our API make 5 round-trips to our database! Try yourself:
{ "query": "{heroes { id firstName lastName heroName enemy { heroName } }}" }We can reduce these calls adding caching to our business layer
- Install
:cd api && yarn add dataloader
- Add a
method to ourapi/business/hero.js
file in our business layer:
import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
class Hero {
static getLoaders() {
const getById = new DataLoader(ids => HeroDB.getByIds(ids));
const primeLoaders = (heroes) => {
heroes.forEach(hero =>
getById.clear(hero.id).prime(hero.id, hero))
return { getById, primeLoaders };
- In our
file, add a new dataloader to our context for each query on/api
+import Hero from './business/hero';
graphqlKoa(async ctx => {
return {
schema: schema,
+ context: {
+ dataLoaders: {
+ hero: Hero.getLoaders(),
+ }
+ },
debug: true,
- Back in our
business layer file, modifyload
methods to use our dataloader:
static async load(ctx, args) {
+ const data = await ctx.dataLoaders.hero.getById.load(args.id);
if (!data) return null;
return new Hero(data);
static async loadAll(ctx, args) {
const data = await HeroDB.getAll();
+ ctx.dataLoaders.hero.primeLoaders(data);
return data.map(row => new Hero(row));
- Protect
function call if no argument is supplied:
static async load(ctx, args) {
+ if (!args.id) return null;
const data = await ctx.dataLoaders.hero.getById.load(args.id);
if (!data) return null;
return new Hero(data);
CHECK 1: Using graphiql interface with the following query:
{ heroes { id firstName lastName heroName enemy { heroName } } }...should return all heroes and their enemies and your terminal should prompt only one request to the DB.
CHECK 2: Using graphiql interface with the following query:
{ h1: hero(id:1) { id firstName lastName heroName enemy { heroName } } h2: hero(id:2) { id firstName lastName heroName enemy { heroName } } }...should return Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne; and only one SELECT call should have beeen made to our DB.
This is a very simple example, for a more advanced solution, prefer using Koa Jwt.
- In a new
file, add these two methods to parse Authorization header and verify token:
export const parseAuthorizationHeader = (req) => {
const header = req.headers.authorization;
if (typeof header === 'undefined' || header === 'null') {
return null;
const [, scheme, token] = (/(\w+) ([\w.-]+)/g).exec(header);
return token;
// Not production-ready: this is a simple example for the tutorial
export const verifyToken = token => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (token !== 'authorized') {
const error = new Error('UNAUTHORIZED');
error.code = 401;
- In our
file, parse authorization header and pass it to our context:
+import { parseAuthorizationHeader } from './utils';
graphqlKoa(async ctx => {
return {
schema: schema,
context: {
+ authToken: parseAuthorizationHeader(ctx.req),
dataLoaders: {
hero: Hero.getLoaders(),
debug: true,
- In our business layer, modify
+import { verifyToken } from '../utils';
static async load(ctx, args) {
+ await verifyToken(ctx.authToken);
static async loadAll(ctx, args) {
+ await verifyToken(ctx.authToken);
CHECK 1: In Postman, making a POST request to
which content-type is JSON(application/json) with the following raw body:{ "query": "{hero(id:1) { id firstName lastName heroName }}" }...should return
CHECK 2: In Postman, making a POST request to
which content-type is JSON(application/json) with the following raw body:{ "query": "{heroes { id firstName lastName heroName }}" }...should return
CHECK 3: In Postman, making a POST request to
which content-type is JSON(application/json) and Authorization Header isBearer authorized
with the following raw body:{ "query": "{hero(id:1) { firstName lastName }}" }...should return Clark Kent.
You should notice that in Postman making a POST request to
which content-type is JSON(application/json) and Authorization Header isBearer authorized
with the following raw body:{ "query": "{h1: hero(id:1) { id firstName lastName heroName enemy { heroName } } h2: hero(id:2) { id firstName lastName heroName enemy { heroName } }}" }...returns the same than the following request (ids switched):
{ "query": "{h1: hero(id:2) { id firstName lastName heroName enemy { heroName } } h2: hero(id:1) { id firstName lastName heroName enemy { heroName } }}" }This is due to our DB query:
select * from "Heroes" where "id" in (1, 2)
return the same result than:select * from "Heroes" where "id" in (2, 1)
- In
, add the following method:
export const orderByArgIdsOrder = ids => ("array_position(string_to_array(?, ',')::integer[], id)", ids.join(','));
- In our db layer, modify
like this:
+import { orderByArgIdsOrder } from '../../utils';
class Hero {
static async getByIds(ids: Array<number>): Promise<Array<CostDBType>> {
return db
+ .whereIn('id', ids)
+ .orderByRaw(orderByArgIdsOrder(ids));
CHECK 1: In Postman, making a POST request to
which content-type is JSON(application/json) and Authorization Header isBearer authorized
with the following raw body:{ "query": "{h1: hero(id:2) { heroName } h2: hero(id:1) { heroName }}"" }...should return Batman (as
) then Superman (ash2