- Support ROS 2 Jazzy (#62)
- Replaced "Twist" with "TwistStamped"
- Contributors: Kazushi Kurasawa, YusukeKato
- サービスクライアントでexecutorを使用しない (#59)
- SubscriberとService Clientに別々のcallback_groupを設定 (#58)
- Contributors: ShotaAk, YusukeKato
- READMEにSLAM&Navigationパッケージの案内を追加 (#53)
- Camera_FollowerクラスをCameraFollowerに変更 (#52)
- Update camera line follower: Set motor power with switch input. Add area_threthold param. (#51)
- Add velocity parameters for camera_line_follower (#50)
- カメラライントレースを修正 (#49)
- Change threthold of line detection
- Add usb_cam dependency (#48)
- RGBカメラによるライントレースの実装 (#47)
- リリースのためにCHANGELOG.rstとpackage.xmlを更新 (#45)
- Contributors: Shota Aoki, ShotaAk, YusukeKato
- READMEにGazeboでも実行できることを追記 (#44)
- object_trackingにおいて画像トピックをサブスクライブするように変更 (#43)
- Contributors: YusukeKato
- Humble対応 (#41)
- Contributors: Shuhei Kozasa
- Update map command (#38)
- Adds config file for DUALSHOCK4 (#36)
- Update README for foxy-devel (#34)
- Remove node_ prefix from launch files (#33)
- Use ament_export_targets instead of ament_export_interfaces. (#31)
- Remove dashing check from CI (#32)
- Update rviz config to show scan and graph topics (#29)
- Add descriptions to READMEs for use_pulse_counters param settings (#28)
- Use joy_linux instead of joy (#27)
- Update CI to support ROS Foxy (#26)
- Update package.xml (#25)
- Install raspimouse2 and imu packages via rosdep command (#22)
- Add rt_usb_9axisimu_driver dependency to package.xml (#21)
- Add direction control example (#18)
- Use images of rt-net/images repo. (#17)
- Add lidar example (#14)
- Turn on/off leds with joy inputs (#15)
- Update Gamepad F710 usage in README (#13)
- Use multi threads in the object tracking example to stabilize the tracking (#11)
- update video link (#12)
- Merge teleop_joy launch files into one file. (#10)
- Add line follower examples (#9)
- Add object tracking sample (#8)
- Rename launch files (#7)
- Refactoring (#6)
- Support remote control (#5)
- Add Joystic example (#4)
- Add industrial_ci test settings (#3)
- Fix teleop.launch for flake8 check (#2)
- Add github workflow (#1)
- Contributors: Daisuke Sato, Shota Aoki, Shuhei Kozasa