This article explains the facilities provided by royale-ros
to manually
change the exposure times on the fly for a running camera. Changing the
exposure is set on a per stream basis.
The first step is to inspect our current camera configuration.
$ rosrun royale_ros dump _srv:=/camera/Dump
"Device": {
"Id": "0005-4804-0050-1916",
"Imager": {
"CurrentUseCase": {
"ExposureLimits": {
"57082": [
"ExposureMode": {
"57082": "0"
"FrameRate": "5",
"MaxFrameRate": "5",
"Name": "MODE_9_5FPS_2000",
"NumberOfStreams": "1",
"Streams": [
"MaxSensorHeight": "171",
"MaxSensorWidth": "224",
"UseCases": [
The first thing to note is that the imager is configured to use a single stream
. Next, we see that this particular stream is set to a manual
"ExposureMode": {
"57082": "0"
NOTE: manual exposure = 0, auto exposure = 1.
We also note the exposure limits for this stream:
"ExposureLimits": {
"57082": [
The units of the exposure limits are in microseconds. Let's now see what the camera is reporting for the actual exposure times used:
$ rostopic echo /camera/stream/1/exposure_times
seq: 1536
secs: 1503082272
nsecs: 754138947
frame_id: camera_optical_link
usec: [200, 2000, 2000]
Lets now set the long exposure to 1000 usecs. This is done by publishing on the
$ rostopic pub -1 /camera/SetExposureTime royale_ros/SetExposureTime "streamid: 57082
exposure_usecs: 1000"
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
Now, let's see what the camera is reporting:
$ rostopic echo /camera/stream/1/exposure_times
seq: 2480
secs: 1503082461
nsecs: 649880886
frame_id: camera_optical_link
usec: [200, 1000, 1000]
To be clear, the output from the Dump
service will report the exposure limits
for the configured use case. The stream/X/exposure_times
topic will publish
the actual exposure times used for image acquisition.