In javascript:, action, opt_label, props)
Current events:
- "admin", "export", "users"
- "listing", "commented"
- "listing", "created"
- "message", "sent"
- "user", "signed up", "facebook"
- "user", "signed up", "normal form"
In controllers:
record_event(flash, event_category, event_data)
Current events:
- "AccountConfirmed"
- "admin_email_confirmed"
- "BuyButtonClicked", {listing_id, listing_uuid, payment_process, user_logged_in}
- "GaveConsent"
- "InitiatePreauthorizedTransaction", {listing_id, listing_uuid}
- "ListingViewed", {listing_id, listing_uuid, payment_process}
- "PreauthorizedTransactionAccepted", {listing_id, listing_uuid, transaction_id}
- "PreauthorizedTransactionRejected", {listing_id, listing_uuid, transaction_id}
- "ProviderPaymentDetailsMissing", {listing_id, listing_uuid}
- "RedirectingBuyerToPayPal", { listing_id, listing_uuid, community_id, marketplace_uuid, user_logged_in}
- "SignUp", {method}
- "TransactionCreated", {listing_id, listing_uuid, transaction_id, payment_process}
- "user", {action: "deleted", opt_label: "by user"})
- "km_record", {km_event: "Onboarding cover photo uploaded"})
- "km_record", {km_event: "Onboarding filter created"})
- "km_record", {km_event: "Onboarding invitation created"})
- "km_record", {km_event: "Onboarding listing created"}
- "km_record", {km_event: "Onboarding payment disabled"})
- "km_record", {km_event: "Onboarding payments setup"})
- "km_record", {km_event: "Onboarding payments setup"})
- "km_record", {km_event: "Onboarding paypal connected"})
- "km_record", {km_event: "Onboarding slogan/description created"})
All analytics events are triggered as custom jQuery "st-analytics:" events.
Event is triggered on initialization, with user and community info, to send proper identification data to analytics engine: = {
community_ident: "",
community_uuid: "b1b3b8e4-41e6-11e7-b73b-204747729953",
community_id: "1",
user_id: "eIyDCQJZ-StdbCqLMC1qEA",
user_uuid: "b233c084-41e6-11e7-b73b-204747729953",
user_is_admin: true,
user_email: "[email protected]",
user_name: "Admin D",
user_hash: null,
feature_flags: ["topbar_v1"],
plan_status: "active",
plan_member_limit: null,
plan_created_at: 1497439731,
plan_updated_at: 1497439731,
plan_expires_at: null,
plan_features: "deletable, admin_email, whitelabel",
identity_information: {
Sample handler for GTM:
$(document).on("st-analytics:setup", function(event, info) {
if (info.community_id) {
dataLayer.push({"event": "identify", "id": "mp-"+info.community_id+"-admin" });
dataLayer.push({ event: 'feature flags', featureFlags: info.feature_flags});
Event is triggered on user logout, for example to clear user session if tracked.
$(document).on("st-analytics:logout", function(event, args){
Triggered for new analytics event. = function(category, action, opt_label, props) {
$(document).trigger('st-analytics:event', {category: category, action: action, opt_label: opt_label, props: props});
Sample handle for Google Analytics:
$(document).on('st-analytics:event', function(event, args) {
var params_array = [args.category, args.action, args.opt_label];
if (typeof _gaq !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(_gaq)) {