- there are no rules, just suggestions
- avoid presentations at all costs, instead prepare either a script that you can work through or, even better, a reproducible document with brief explanations and code
- feel free to re-use material and data available from the Web, but provide references and give credit to the authors
- sublime text and Rmarkdown for reproducible research: knitr, pander, pandoc, table generation - Ricardo (done)
- git, github and gists for reproducible research - Ricardo (done)
- Jekyll for the dissemination of research information - Ricardo (done)
- Data mining with rattle - Ricardo (code selected)
- ggplot2 for graphical exploratory analysis - Ricardo (code selected)
- slidify, dot language, dynamic graphics (rcharts, animations, googlevis) and basic css for reproducible slides - Ricardo (code selected)
- basics of R data management - Ricardo (skeleton in place)
- bare bones of R programming and package development - Ricardo (code selected)
- data posting to github and other data repositories, API-retrieval (JSON and XML), and NLTK processing using python - Ricardo
- data simulation and analysis of randomized experiments - Ricardo
- predictive modeling and assessment statistics - Ricardo
- dissecting linear regression through matrix manipulation - Ricardo
- predictive modeling and assessment statistics - Ricardo (code selected)
- data gathering from github and other data repositories - Ricardo (code selected)
- data simulation - Ricardo (code selected)
- Rcpp for C loops in R for function optimization - Ricardo (code selected)
- dissecting linear regression through matrix manipulation - Ricardo (code selected)
- web searching hacks for multilanguage data and information retrieval - Ricardo
- basic Bayesian regression models - Ricardo
- basic UX (User eXperience) for dissemination of research information - Ricardo
- API-retrieval (JSON and XML), and NLTK processing using python
- mongoDB - Jacson??
- R interaction with RDF and LOD - Jacson??
- hadoop - Jose Eduardo??
- Bayesian nets - Jose Eduardo??
- Concerto, IRT and CAT - Joao (remote)??
- sqlliteR for data management - Elias??
- Global Portuguese for article writing - Katia??
- knitcitations and bibtex embedded in markdown for reproducible research - Elias??
- CFA and SEM with psych and lavaan - Joao (remote)??
- MongoDB API, mongoHQ, and queries - Marcelo??
- D2RQ and sql-rdf conversion - Marcelo??
- QCA (logic and fuzzy logic) for qualitative studies - Joao??
- text mining with tm and NLTK - Jacson??
- R and BIs - Jacson??
This document is licensed under the DILLIGAS public license, which allows you to freely copy and modify it for any purpose, commercial or not.