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Simple, declarative, lightweight React form built with performance in mind.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


Building forms should involve simply defining how each field behaves. This package aims to create a simple, declarative, lightweight React form built with performance in mind.

Plug and play your own custom input components. No more copying and pasting boilerplate. No more large forms with confusing, nested components.

Simply define each field's behaviour and jellyform will generate the form element and render it all for you in a simple, beautiful, and extensible way.

Fully typed components will allow your IDE to pick up any errors as well as autocomplete for you.


npm install --save jellyform


import React, { Component } from 'react'

import Jellyform from 'jellyform'
import 'jellyform/dist/index.css'

const App = () => {
  return (
        name: {
          Component: InputText,
          staticProps: {
            placeholder: 'Enter your name',
            required: true
        nickname: {
          Component: InputText,
          getError: (f) =>
            f.nickname.charAt(0) !==
              ? 'First letter of nickname must match name'
              : null
      formValues={{ name: 'Timothy', nickname: 'Tim' }}
      layout={[['name', 'nickname']]}


formValues *


This is a simple key/value object that define the form's initial state.

layout *


This is an array of string arrays that defines the layout of the form. The strings are the keys of formValues.

fieldConfigs *


This is an object that contains the behaviour definitions for all fields. Each key is associated with a FieldConfig object with the following properties.

onFormSubmit *


This is a function that will get executed on form submit. It may be async or synchronous. The function takes the current formValues object as its only parameter.



When generating props for a field using generateProps, you may need dynamic values from your app to be passed into the form to generate the correct props. An example of this is creating dynamic options asynchronously for a select component.

To pass in application state into the form dynamically, you can define the propGeneratorOptions object so your field configs can access this state to generate input field props in the generateProps function.



This is a function that executes every time a form value is changed. The function takes the current formValues object as its only parameter.



This defines the submit button text.



You can override components by passing in the overrides in the components object. Currently you can only override SubmitButton.

Override Prop types
SubmitButton {disabled: boolean, onClick: () => void}


This type is used to define the configuration of each field using the fieldConfigs prop.

Component *

React Component

This is the React input component for this field.



These are static props that will always get passed into Component.



This function dynamically creates props that get passed into Component. The function has one parameter object which keys include formValues, setFormValues, and any key/value pair in propGeneratorOptions.

Sometimes an update to one field can trigger an update on another field. setFormValues is a function that takes an object to override the current formValues.

// say formValues is {a: 0, b: 0, c: 0}

setFormValues({b: 1, c: 2})

// now formValues is {a: 0, b: 1, c: 2}



This is a function that takes the formValues as a parameter. It should return a error string if the field has an error and null if it does not.



Jellyform toggles the disabled state of the form's submit button based on the existence of the value and if the value has an error or not. Jellyform, by default, uses an identity function x => x to get the value of the form's field to check if it is unpopulated or erroneous.

You can override this identity function with a custom function if necessary.

When is this relevant?

Some component libraries, like react-select, have input components that take a value prop but the value that is actually selected is different 🙄

For example, you might have <Select value={{value: 1, label: 'one'}} />. As you can see, value is actually an object that contains the actual value.

In this scenario, getActualValue needs to be x => x.value

Input components

Jellyform offers InputText and InputSelect out of the box, however, you can use your own custom input components as well.

If you want to use a custom input component, you can simply pass it to Component in the field config. To have your component wrapped with a label and error message feedback, you can use the wrapCustomInputComponent function. See it in use with Jellyform's InputText component.


Jellyform is built with typescript. When instantiating Jellyform you can specify three generics.

Fully typing everything is recommended as your IDE can then autofill a lot for you.



This is a simple object type defining the key/values of your form.


This is another simple object tpe defining the key/values of the object, propGeneratorOptions, that is passed into generateProps.


This is a type that defines all possible input components (or'd together). For example we can have:

type PossibleComponentProps = InputTextProps | InputSelectProps


MIT © Octavio Roscioli