This console app, which uses the cexfind go module to make searches on Cex/Webuy, is written using the bubbletea TUI framework.
This console app needs to be built or downloaded from the releases page. Please note that the app only works for queries emanating from the UK.
This gif was made using Charm's vhs:
vhs console.vhs
(I've been using sxiv -af console.gif
or my browser to view the recording.)
The app is structured around a main model which contains a list and input model, together with a status area. The use of a custom list item delegate is adapted from the example provided in the bubbletea "list-fancy" example.
The bubbletea repo includes two short but informative tutorials about the bubbletea ELM architecture and commands.
I also found the Charm video on YouTube about the mini-project
kancli helpful. The
app is a simple cli kanban board with several models.
Commands (as explained in the tutorial/commands/ are
particularly fun to use. For example the following case
in the main
model's Update function is triggered on a listEnterMsg
, which
temporarily sets the status area to notify the user of text having been
copied to the clipboard. This event itself triggers an asynchronous
update to reset the status area after 2.5s.
// data was selected in the list view; reset the status after a
// short wait
case listEnterMsg:
clipboard.Write(clipboard.FmtText, []byte(msg.url))
m.status = m.status.setCopied(msg.String())
return m, func() tea.Msg {
time.Sleep(2500 * time.Millisecond)
return resetListStatus{}
The console component includes the following files:
main.go # entry point
model.go # the main model
status.go # the status component (used in the model)
input.go # the input sub-model
list.go # the list sub-model
delegate.go # the list item delegate
find.go # the model's adapter to the main cexfind
keymap.go # keymaps, used for interaction and help
model_test.go # test
list_example.go # example list contents
console.vhs # vhs instruction file
console.gif # example gif
diagram.svg # diagram of the program
diagram.png # diagram png