Paracelsus is responsible for Launching Campaigns, and Invoking LP after the first 24 Hours.
createCampaign() launches a new Undine Contract.
- 50% Supply Minted to Undine for LP -- [Performed by Chainlink Automation 24 Hours after each createCampaign()]
- 45% Supply Minted for Initial Claim
- 5% Supply Minted to ManaPool
- Launch is registered with Archivist.sol.
Undines are ERC20 contracts, which custody their own UniV2 LP.
- Undines mint 100% of their supply in the constructor, and then Accept ETH as tribute().
- 100% of the ETH accepted as tribute is transformed into Contract Owned LP, via Chainlink Automation.
- Each Week, the Undine receive ETH from the ManaPool according to their Undine Rank -- [compoundLP() is performed via Chainlink Automation on a weekly basis.]
tribute() gives ETH to the Undine | Open for 24 Hours from first tribute().
- .01 ETH Minimum
- Contributions are registered with Archivist.sol
- CLaims are available from ManaPool -- [Calculations Performed by Chainlink Automation 24 Hours after first tribute() of each campaign.]
The ManaPool is inspired by The Moonbased Rovers, as well as Chainlink BUILD, and Aerodrome's Bribe Model.
- The ManaPool accepts 5% of Token Supply from every Undine Launched.
- Chainlink Automation is used to Market Sell 1% of those tokens for ETH on a weekly cycle.
- 50% of Rewards ETH goes to UNDINES to Compound LP
- 50% of Rewards ETH goes to LINK [Reserves for Automation]
- The ManaPool captures ETH from Undine Markets, and returns that ETH to compound Undine Owned LP, according to their Rank.
- LINK tokens are also purchased to perpetuate Automation Upkeeps.
The Archivist serves two main purposes:
- The Archivist serves as a Registry for each Undine Campaign Launched.
- The Archivist Processes Undine Dominance Ranking each Week -- [performed via Chainlink Automation.]
Dominance is a performance metric based on how much ETH was raised in the launch of each Undine, compared to the sum of all ETH raised by all Undines.
- amountRaised / totalAmountRaised = dominancePercentage
These variables are dynamic, since amountRaised increases with each dispersal from the ManaPool, and the totalAmountRaised increases with each campaign.
There is also a Reward Decay, where the bottom 20% in the Dominance Hierarchy receive a strike against their Ranking during that epoch.
Rankings are fluid, and if an Undine's Ranking goes to 0, then it can no longer claim any value from the ManaPool.
- UniswapV2Router02 0xC532a74256D3Db42D0Bf7a0400fEFDbad7694008
- UniswapV2Factory 0x7E0987E5b3a30e3f2828572Bb659A548460a3003
- Chainlink Automation Registry 0x86EFBD0b6736Bed994962f9797049422A3A8E8Ad
- Chainlink Automation Registrar 0xb0E49c5D0d05cbc241d68c05BC5BA1d1B7B72976
- UniswapV2Router02 0x4A7b5Da61326A6379179b40d00F57E5bbDC962c2
- UniswapV2Factory 0x0c3c1c532F1e39EdF36BE9Fe0bE1410313E074Bf
- Univ2 Docs
- Chainlink Automation Registry 0x696fB0d7D069cc0bb35a7c36115CE63E55cb9AA6
- Chainlink Automation Registrar 0xe601C5837307f07aB39DEB0f5516602f045BF14f
- Chainlink Automation Docs
- UniswapV2Router02 0x4752ba5dbc23f44d87826276bf6fd6b1c372ad24
- UniswapV2Factory 0x8909Dc15e40173Ff4699343b6eB8132c65e18eC6
- Univ2 Docs
- Chainlink Automation Registry 0xE226D5aCae908252CcA3F6CEFa577527650a9e1e
- Chainlink Automation Registrar 0xD8983a340A96b9C2Bb6855E46847aE134Db71fB1
Setting up a development environment for Paracelsus:
npm install -g npm
npm install --save-dev hardhat
npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
npm install dotenv
npm install ethers
npm install @uniswap/v2-core
npm i @chainlink/contracts
npx hardhat
Contracts are (un)Audited by Milady Ethereum Developer Shop | GPT.
- Campaigns can be run Once Per Week. -- Creates a Slow and Steady | Quality over Quantity Atmosphere.
- Set Automation times to 10 min instead of 24 HR.