Project Specs:
- Must have a Rails Backend and new requirements implemented through JavaScript.
- Makes use of ES6 features as much as possible(e.g Arrow functions, Let & Const, Constructor Functions)
- Must translate the JSON responses into Javascript Model Objects using either ES6 class or constructor syntax.
- Must render at least one index page (index resource - 'list of things') via JavaScript and an Active Model Serialization JSON Backend.
- Must render at least one show page (show resource - 'one specific thing') via JavaScript and an Active Model Serialization JSON Backend.
- Your Rails application must reveal at least one
relationship through JSON that is then rendered to the page. - Must use your Rails application to render a form for creating a resource that is submitted dynamically through JavaScript.
- At least one of the JS Model Objects must have a method on the prototype.
Read Me file contains:
- Application Description
- Installation guide (e.g. fork and clone repo, migrate db, bundle install, etc)
- Contributors guide (e.g. file an issue, file an issue with a pull request, etc)
- Licensing statement at the bottom (e.g. This project has been licensed under the MIT open source license.)
#Repo General
- You have a large number of small Git commits
- Your commit messages are meaningful
- You made the changes in a commit that relate to the commit message
- You don't include changes in a commit that aren't related to the commit message