diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index cff8d16..1035708 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,24 +1,41 @@ # Aerial Surveying in IIT Indore +Welcome to the drone simulation by IITI +(Project made under IITI SoC 2022) +Contributors: +Jha Rohan +Abhishek Nair +Ebrahim Rampurawala +Niranjana Nair +Mentors: +Bhavya Dalal +Raghuvamsi Bokka -Mentors: [Bhavya Dalal](https://github.com/dalalbhavya), [Raghuvamsi Bokka](https://github.com/RaghuvamsiBokka) +The repository can be used for a complete drone simulation for aerial simulation. It contains the model of a drone with down facing camera in a gazebo world (a lake). -**Description:** IIT Indore has a considerable land area under -thick forest cover. In the blazing hot summers of Indore (as -we all have experienced), there are chances of bushes -catching fire and escalating to a forest fire. To prevent -it, an aerial surveying drone equipped with infrared cameras -and other sensors can be used to predict the areas which are -potential hotspots. +To run this repositiory please clone the repository to your local machine: +LINK -**Specifications:** -- Recognize abnormally high-temperature spots of the -forest cover to detect and signal the ground station -immediately. -- Identify high-risk areas that generally have higher -temperatures than average. -- Bonus Points for generalising the approach for -detecting animals (such as wild boar herds and -leopards) on our campus. +Dependencies: +i. This is made for ROS Noetic and Ubuntu 20.04. +ii. ArduCopter 4.0.4 +iii. MAVROS and MAVLink +iv. Gazebo 11 +v. Python3 -For package creation instructions see [here](/docs/INSTRUCTIONS.md) +To run the simulation please run the following commands in the terminal with all the dependencies satisfied: +(Run these codes in your catkin workspace) +i. catkin build +ii. source devel/setup.bash +iii. roslaunch iq_sim lake_travis.launch +In new terminal +iv. cd iq_sim/scripts/ +v. ./startsitl.sh +In new terminal +vi. source devel/setup.bash +vii. roslaunch iq_sim apm.launch +In new terminal +viii. rosrun iq_gnc square.py +In new terminal +ix. rqt_image_view +To run the colab files, upload the pictures being send by the drone on google colab or use the loacl machines for image processing.