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Tidied up, extra fields added, ready to move to apsw.ext
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rogerbinns committed Nov 30, 2024
1 parent f43292b commit dbceda6
Showing 1 changed file with 179 additions and 166 deletions.
345 changes: 179 additions & 166 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,111 +3,11 @@
import apsw, pprint, sys, apsw.ext, math,, os, html, math
from fractions import Fraction

from typing import TextIO

con = apsw.Connection(sys.argv[1])

root, group, each = (apsw.ext.analyze_pages(con, n) for n in range(3))

if False:

# angles are 0.0 through 1.0
# distance (radius) is 0 through 1.0

# use this as radius for output coordinates as int
RADIUS = 1000

def colour_for_angle(angle: float) -> str:
# these are zero to one and cover how dark to light the colours
# become. base is added to each rgb, while span is how much
# the values range above that.
base = 0
span = 1
assert base + span <= 1

radians = angle * math.pi
third = 1 / 3 * math.pi

red = int(255 * (base + span * abs(math.cos(radians))))
green = int(255 * (base + span * abs(math.cos(third + radians))))
blue = int(255 * (base + span * abs(math.cos(third + third + radians))))

return f"#{red:02x}{green:02x}{blue:02x}"

def pos_for_angle(angle: float, distance: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
"give x,y for distance from centre"

# the minus bit is because trig has east as 0 but we want north as
# zero
radians = angle * 2 * math.pi - (1 / 4 * 2 * math.pi)

return distance * math.cos(radians), distance * math.sin(radians)

def c(v: float | list[float]) -> str:
# outputs a coordinate scaling by RADIUS
if isinstance(v, float):
return str(round(v * RADIUS))
return " ".join(str(round(x * RADIUS)) for x in v)

def p(angle, distance):
return c(pos_for_angle(angle, distance))

def slice(id: str, start_angle: float, end_angle: float, start_distance: float, end_distance: float):
assert 0 <= start_angle <= 1.0
assert 0 <= end_angle <= 1.0
assert end_angle > start_angle
assert 0 <= start_distance <= 1.0
assert 0 <= end_distance <= 1.0
assert end_distance > start_distance

l = 1 if (end_angle - start_angle) > 1 / 2 else 0

d = []
d.append(f"M {p(start_angle, start_distance)}")
d.append(f"L {p(start_angle, end_distance)}")
d.append(f"A {c(end_distance)} {c(end_distance)} 0 {l} 1 {p(end_angle, end_distance)}")
d.append(f"L {p(end_angle, start_distance)}")
d.append(f"A {c(start_distance)} {c(start_distance)} 0 {l} 0 {p(start_angle, start_distance)}")

ds = " ".join(d)

fill = colour_for_angle((start_angle + end_angle) / 2)
return f"""<a href="#" id="{id}"><path d="{ds}" stroke="black" fill="{fill}" stroke-width="1px"/></a>"""

def text(pos: tuple[float, float], id: str, name: str, ring: int, usage) -> str:
x, y = c(pos[0]), c(pos[1])
e = html.escape
res = f"""<text id="{id}" x="{x}" y="{y}" class="infobox">"""
res += f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="-2em" class="name">{e(name)}</tspan>"""
if ring == 0:
assert isinstance(usage, apsw.ext.DatabasePageUsage)
total = storage(usage.pages_total * usage.page_size)
used = storage(usage.pages_used * usage.page_size)
res += f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{used} / {total}</tspan>"""
res += f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{len(usage.tables):,} tables</tspan>"""
res += f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{len(usage.indices):,} indices</tspan>"""
if ring == 2:
kind = "table" if usage.tables else "index"
res += f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">({kind})</tspan>"""
size = storage(usage.pages_used * usage.page_size)
res += f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{size}</tspan>"""
if ring == 1:
res += f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{len(usage.tables):,} tables</tspan>"""
res += f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{len(usage.indices):,} indices</tspan>"""
res += """</text>"""
return res

def storage(v):
def storage(v) -> str:
"""Converts number to storage size (KB, MB, GB etc)"""
if not v:
return "0"
power = math.floor(math.log(v, 1024))
Expand All @@ -117,72 +17,185 @@ def storage(v):
return f"{v / 1024**power:.1f}".rstrip(".0") + suffix

# controls how much whitespace is around the edges
header = f"""<svg xmlns="" viewBox="-{round(RADIUS*OVERSCAN)} {-round(RADIUS*OVERSCAN)} {round(RADIUS*OVERSCAN*2)} {round(RADIUS*OVERSCAN*2)}">"""
footer = "</svg>"

# maps which element hovering over causes a response on
hover_response: dict[str, str] = {}

id_counter = 0

def next_id():
global id_counter
id_counter += 1
return f"id{id_counter}"

out = [header]
# z-order is based on output order so texts go last
texts: list[str] = []
def page_usage_to_svg(con: apsw.Connection, out: TextIO, schema: str = "main") -> None:
"""Visualize database space usage as a `SVG <>`__
You can hover or click on segments to get more details. The
centre circle shows information about the database as a whole, the
middle ring shows usage grouped by database (combing indices,
shadow tables for virtual tables), while the outer ring shows each
index and table separately.
Uses :func:`analyze_pages` to gather the information.
:param con: Connection to query
:param out: Where the svg is written to. You can use
:class:`io.StringIO` if you want it as a string.
:param schema: Which attached database to query
# Angles and distances are used within. They are in the range 0.0
# to 1.0 .

# Coordinates are output as int, so this is the scaling factor
RADIUS = 1000
# how much whitespace is outside the circles

def colour_for_angle(angle: float) -> str:
# we use r g b each offset by a third of the circle
radians = angle * math.pi
third = 1 / 3 * math.pi

red = int(255 * abs(math.cos(radians)))
green = int(255 * abs(math.cos(third + radians)))
blue = int(255 * abs(math.cos(third + third + radians)))

return f"#{red:02x}{green:02x}{blue:02x}"

def pos_for_angle(angle: float, distance: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
"give x,y for distance from centre"

# the minus bit is because trig has east as 0 but we want north as
# zero
radians = angle * 2 * math.pi - (1 / 4 * 2 * math.pi)

return distance * math.cos(radians), distance * math.sin(radians)

# these two are used in fstrings hence the short names
def c(v: float | list[float]) -> str:
# outputs a coordinate scaling by RADIUS
if isinstance(v, float):
return str(round(v * RADIUS))
return " ".join(str(round(x * RADIUS)) for x in v)

def p(angle: float, distance: float):
# outputs a coordinate scaling by RADIUS
return c(pos_for_angle(angle, distance))

def slice(id: str, start_angle: float, end_angle: float, start_distance: float, end_distance: float):
# produces one of the circular slices
large = 1 if (end_angle - start_angle) > 1 / 2 else 0

d = []
d.append(f"M {p(start_angle, start_distance)}")
d.append(f"L {p(start_angle, end_distance)}")
d.append(f"A {c(end_distance)} {c(end_distance)} 0 {large} 1 {p(end_angle, end_distance)}")
d.append(f"L {p(end_angle, start_distance)}")
d.append(f"A {c(start_distance)} {c(start_distance)} 0 {large} 0 {p(start_angle, start_distance)}")

ds = " ".join(d)

fill = colour_for_angle((start_angle + end_angle) / 2)
return f"""<a href="#" id="{id}"><path d="{ds}" stroke="black" fill="{fill}" stroke-width="1px"/></a>"""

def text(pos: tuple[float, float], id: str, name: str, ring: int, usage: DatabasePageUsage | PageUsage) -> str:
# produces text infobox
x, y = c(pos[0]), c(pos[1])
e = html.escape
res = []
res.append(f"""<text id="{id}" x="{x}" y="{y}" class="infobox">""")
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="-4em" class="name">{e(name)}</tspan>""")
if ring == 0:
assert isinstance(usage, apsw.ext.DatabasePageUsage)
total = storage(usage.pages_total * usage.page_size)
used = storage(usage.pages_used * usage.page_size)
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{used} / {total}</tspan>""")
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{len(usage.tables):,} tables</tspan>""")
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{len(usage.indices):,} indices</tspan>""")
if ring == 2:
kind = "table" if usage.tables else "index"
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">({kind})</tspan>""")
size = storage(usage.pages_used * usage.page_size)
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{size}</tspan>""")
if ring == 1:
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{len(usage.tables):,} tables</tspan>""")
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{len(usage.indices):,} indices</tspan>""")
f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{usage.sequential_pages/max(usage.pages_used, 1):.0%} sequential</tspan>"""
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{storage(usage.data_stored)} SQL data</tspan>""")
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{storage(usage.max_payload)} max payload</tspan>""")
res.append(f"""<tspan x="{x}" dy="1em">{usage.cells:,} cells</tspan>""")

return "\n".join(res)

# check we can get the information
root, group, each = (apsw.ext.analyze_pages(con, n, schema) for n in range(3))

# maps which element hovering over causes a response on
hover_response: dict[str, str] = {}

# z-order is based on output order so texts go last
texts: list[str] = []

id_counter = 0

def next_ids():
# return pais of element ids used to map slice to corresponding text
nonlocal id_counter
PREFIX = "id"
hover_response[f"{PREFIX}{id_counter}"] = f"{PREFIX}{id_counter + 1}"
id_counter += 2
return f"{PREFIX}{id_counter-2}", f"{PREFIX}{id_counter-1}"

f"""<svg xmlns="" viewBox="-{round(RADIUS*OVERSCAN)} {-round(RADIUS*OVERSCAN)} {round(RADIUS*OVERSCAN*2)} {round(RADIUS*OVERSCAN*2)}">""",

# inner summary circle
id, resp = next_ids()
print(f"""<a href="#" id="{id}"><circle r="{c(.3)}" fill="#777"/></a>""", file=out)
texts.append(text(pos_for_angle(0, 0), resp, os.path.basename(sys.argv[1]), 0, root))

# inner ring
start = Fraction()
for name, usage in group.items():
ring1_proportion = Fraction(usage.pages_used, root.pages_total)
id, resp = next_ids()
print(slice(id, float(start), float(start + ring1_proportion), 1 / 3, 0.6), file=out)
texts.append(text(pos_for_angle(float(start + ring1_proportion / 2), (1 / 3 + 0.6) / 2), resp, name, 1, usage))
ring2_start = start
start += ring1_proportion

# corresponding outer ring
for child in sorted(usage.tables + usage.indices):
usage2 = each[child]
ring2_proportion = Fraction(usage2.pages_used, root.pages_total)
id, resp = next_ids()
print(slice(id, float(ring2_start), float(ring2_start + ring2_proportion), 2 / 3, 1.0), file=out)
text(pos_for_angle(float(ring2_start + ring2_proportion / 2), (2 / 3 + 1) / 2), resp, child, 2, usage2)
ring2_start += ring2_proportion

for t in texts:
print(t, file=out)

.infobox { text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle; font-size: 28pt;
fill: black; stroke: white; stroke-width:4pt; paint-order: stroke;
font-family: sans-serif; }
.name {font-weight: bold;}
for source, target in hover_response.items():
print(f"""#{target} {{ display: none;}}""", file=out)
f"""#{source}:hover ~ #{target}, #{target}:hover, #{source}:active ~ #{target}, #{target}:active

# inner summary circle
id = next_id()
out.append(f"""<a href="#" id="{id}"><circle r="{c(.3)}" fill="#777"/></a>""")
print("</style></svg>", file=out)

resp = next_id()
texts.append(text(pos_for_angle(0, 0), resp, os.path.basename(sys.argv[1]), 0, root))
hover_response[id] = resp

con = apsw.Connection(sys.argv[1])

start = Fraction()
for name, usage in group.items():
ring1_proportion = Fraction(usage.pages_used, root.pages_total)
id = next_id()
out.append(slice(id, float(start), float(start + ring1_proportion), 1 / 3, 0.6))
resp = next_id()
texts.append(text(pos_for_angle(float(start + ring1_proportion / 2), (1 / 3 + 0.6) / 2), resp, name, 1, usage))
hover_response[id] = resp
ring2_start = start
start += ring1_proportion

for child in sorted(usage.tables + usage.indices):
usage2 = each[child]
ring2_proportion = Fraction(usage2.pages_used, root.pages_total)
id = next_id()
out.append(slice(id, float(ring2_start), float(ring2_start + ring2_proportion), 2 / 3, 1.0))
resp = next_id()
text(pos_for_angle(float(ring2_start + ring2_proportion / 2), (2 / 3 + 1) / 2), resp, child, 2, usage2)
hover_response[id] = resp
ring2_start += ring2_proportion


out.append(""".infobox { text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle; font-size: 20pt;
fill: black; stroke: white; stroke-width:4pt; paint-order: stroke;
font-family: sans-serif; }
.name {font-weight: bold;}""")
for source, target in hover_response.items():
out.append(f"""#{target} {{ display: none;}}""")
out.append(f"""#{source}:hover ~ #{target}, #{target}:hover, #{source}:active ~ #{target}, #{target}:active

with open(sys.argv[2], "wt") as f:
page_usage_to_svg(con, f)

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