A Force Field Analysis Tools for the Product Field Canvas.
npm install
npm run devserver
- visit
The illustrator server renders the product field as svg image. I will be used to create explaining images for the product field (e-)book.
webpack && node server
To get a quick glance of the working parts in the renderer you can see them
working in the ComponentLibrary. To do so, visit localhost:8080/component_library.html
editingEnergyId: '123',
isPresentation: false,
energies: [
{id: '1', x: 0.8, y: -0.5, strength: 3, isMuted: true},
{id: '2', x: 0.5, y: 0.6, strength: 2, isMuted: false}
dragging: false,
use normalized coordinates, based on the center of the productfield, which is at 0,0 in the middle of the stage.
Components live in src/components
. Each subcomponent live in a directory named after the parent component.
CSS files for the parent component also live in that directory.
Components are by design dump components, which means they can not alter themselves, but propagate user interactions to their parents.
The reducer and the action creators live in src/state
. Also, the connected components, i.e. the components which can trigger actions and delegate the app state to their children live here. There is only one component connected with the state machine, that is ConnectedEditor.
Let's use Suit CSS Naming Conventions. Reuse reacts components names.