Python wrappers for GTSAM 3.
This previously lived here but it made sense to move it a separate repo.
GTSAM 3.2.1 (
- There is a bug with Factor removal in GTSAM 3.2.1, see:
- replace ..../gtsam-3.2.1/gtsam/nonlinear/ISAM2.cpp with; this is critical to enable fixed-lag smoothing
- replace ..../gtsam-3.2.1/gtsam/nonlinear/ISAM2.h with; this allows us to enable/disable factor ID reuse after factor removal
- note: you may have issues with C++ Boost, especially with ver. 1.58 or greater; you may have to build ver. 1.57 from source at:, using instructions at:; the required Boost libraries are: python,serialization,system,filesystem,thread,program_options,date_time,regex,timer,chrono
- build from source
- cd gtsam-3.2.1; mkdir build; cd build
- make install
- export LIBRARY and INCLUDE paths to add include and lib directories of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
Eigen 3 (sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev)
Boost-Python (sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev)
SuiteSparse (sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev)
Google GLOG (sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev)
- git clone
- build from source
- cd pygtsam; mkdir build; cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..../gtsam-3.2.1 -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=..../gtsam-3.2.1/lib/cmake/GTSAM ..
- make install
- export PYTHONPATH to add lib directory of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
Feel free to contribute new factors and python-based applications for GTSAM on this branch, I'm sure Frank Dellaert will be ecstatic that more people are using factor graphs.