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this is a simple abstraction / utility layer on top of mongo db. from version 0.9, these are the minimum requirements:

  • Spring Framework 5.3 (Spring Boot 2.5)
  • MongoDB Driver 4.2
  • Mongojack 4.2
  • MongoDB 4.4

from version 0.10 added compatibility for Spring Framework 6.0 (Spring Boot 3.0).

it contains a few basic classes that might help, specifically:


this is an interface for a builder style class to create queries. a basic implementation called "BasicDBQuery" is provided. simple usage:

DbQuery q = BasicQuery.createQuery();
q = q.eq("fieldname","value");
q = q.gte("fieldname2","value2");


an interface for a data store that can be queried with a DbQuery. an implementation for mongo (along with the necessary translator to translate DbQuery into an actual mongo query is provided in dbstore-mongo and dbstore-query-mongo). simple usage:

DbQuery q = BasicQuery.createQuery();
q = q.eq("fieldname","value");
q = q.gte("fieldname2","value2");
DataStore ds = getDataStore();
return ds.findObjects(MyClass.class,q);

and, for saving:


note that your objects have to extend DBStoreEntity.


this is an interface for anything that's interested in receiving notifications on the persistence of specific objects. in a spring context (if your data store is a bean in your spring context), these will be autowired. a basic adaptor called "DBStoreListenerAdapter" is provided.


this package contains a few annotations that can come in handy, most importantly:

		@Index(name = "firstNameIdx", fields = "firstName"),
		@Index(name = "lastNameIdx", fields = "lastName"),
		@Index(name = "fullNameIdx", fields = {"firstName", "lastName"}, unique = true)
public class EntityWithIndexes extends BaseDBStoreEntity {

for creating indexes on collections of entities.


public class Entity extends BaseDBStoreEntity {

for configuring how collections are named.

How To Use This In A Maven Project

to use this in a maven project, add our repo to your classpath:


and then depend on the API artifacts:


and possibly the implementations:


this is meant to be used with spring, and it contains a couple of classes to do autoconfig in a spring context, so that (apart from some env variables) everything should be wired up correctly out of the box.

questions? ask me! i'll try to help.


mongo helpers






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