LIMA-LOPES, R. E. DE. No delivery today: Hashtags and strike movement on Twitter. The article is still under review.
Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes
Campinas State University
[email protected]
I would like to thank CNPq for financing this project.
I hope this script is useful for researchers in fields of linguistics and applied linguistics. Unfortunately due to regulations form the ethic research committee, I am unable to provide my data (actual comments and their classification). However, the article explains all classification and a link for the post is available (see bellow).
If you have any further questions, please feel free to drop me a line.
Each script brings a different research step:
- Data scraping
- Anonimysation
- User Network Analysis
- Hashtag Network Analysis
- Timeline of tweets
- Ploting
Inside each script is a step-by-step tutorial.
You will need the latest versions of the following packages:
- Quanteda: Text cleaning, concordancing examples, creating the term matrices for network analysis
- Dplyr: Data consolidation
- Digest: Anonymisation of Twitter handles
- Ggplot2: Plotting all graphs but networks
- academictwitteR: For data collection
It will also be necessary a Twitter Academic Account.
I would like to express my gratitude to CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) for financing this research.
#Disclaimer Please, note that some tweets might not be available when you do the scrapping. Besides, sometimes, Twitter API delivers a different set of data.
In this tutorial I am not going to cover Gephi, used for network plotting.