This is a .NET API wrapper for Silverpop Transact XML email sending.
The recommended installation method is the silverpop-dotnet-api NuGet package.
PM> Install-Package silverpop-dotnet-api
- .NET Framework 4.6.1 /
Create the client
// Create the TransactClient with standard authentication only.
// Note: This does not enable OAuth scenarios.
// OAuth is typically used when an application is hosted
// somewhere with a non-static IP address (Azure Websites, etc.),
// or when you don't want to specify IP address(es) with Silverpop.
var client = TransactClient.Create(YourPodNumberInteger, YourUsername, YourPassword);
// ------------------------- OR -------------------------
// Create the TransactClient enabling all features.
// OAuth will be used for non-batch message scenarios.
var client = TransactClient.CreateIncludingOAuth(
// ------------------------- OR -------------------------
// Create the TransactClient with OAuth authentication only.
// Note: This cannot be used with batch sending.
var client = TransactClient.CreateOAuthOnly(
// ------------------------- OR -------------------------
var client = TransactClient.CreateUsingConfiguration();
When using TransactClient.CreateUsingConfiguration()
the configuration can be defined using TransactClientConfigurationSection or appSettings. Both can be used, too -- they'll be combined, with appSettings overwriting any settings defined in TransactClientConfigurationSection.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section name="transactClientConfiguration" type="Silverpop.Client.TransactClientConfigurationSection, Silverpop.Client" />
<!-- Configure:
- podNumber
- username/password and/or oAuthClientId/oAuthClientSecret/oAuthRefreshToken
- If both are configured, OAuth is used.
oAuthRefreshToken="" />
<add key="silverpop-dotnet-api:PodNumber" value="" />
<add key="silverpop-dotnet-api:Username" value="" />
<add key="silverpop-dotnet-api:Password" value="" />
<add key="silverpop-dotnet-api:OAuthClientId" value="" />
<add key="silverpop-dotnet-api:OAuthClientSecret" value="" />
<add key="silverpop-dotnet-api:OAuthRefreshToken" value="" />
Create a simple message
var message = TransactMessage.Create("123456", TransactMessageRecipient.Create("[email protected]");
Send a message using the client (1-10 recipients)
TransactMessageResponse response = client.SendMessage(message);
Send a message using the client asynchronously (1-10 recipients)
TransactMessageResponse response = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);
Send a message batch using the client (1 or more recipients -- intended for bulk usage rather than sending an email to a single user)
// This may send multiple XML files to Silverpop depending on the number of recipients.
IEnumerable<string> batchResponse = client.SendMessageBatch(message);
Send a message batch using the client asynchronously (1 or more recipients -- intended for bulk usage rather than sending an email to a single user)
// This may send multiple XML files to Silverpop depending on the number of recipients.
IEnumerable<string> batchResponse = await client.SendMessageBatchAsync(message);
Get the status of a message batch
// This checks the status for the first batch only from one of the above calls
// (there may be more than one XML file sent to Silverpop).
TransactMessageResponse response = client.GetStatusOfMessageBatch(batchResponse[0]);
Get the status of a message batch asynchronously
// This checks the status for the first batch only from one of the above calls
// (there may be more than one XML file sent to Silverpop).
TransactMessageResponse response = await client.GetStatusOfMessageBatchAsync(batchResponse[0]);
First, we recommend creating a class as a model for the personalization tags.
public class MyPersonalizationTags
// The SilverpopPersonalizationTag attribute is optional
// and specifies the actual tag name configured in Silverpop.
// This is useful when you want the model properties to differ
// from the Silverpop tag names, or you are unable to specify
// the tag name as a property. For example: spaces are not permitted
// in C# property names.
[SilverpopPersonalizationTag("First Name")]
public string FirstName { get; set; }
[SilverpopPersonalizationTag("Last Name")]
public string LastName { get; set; }
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
Then, use the model class when constructing a message.
var message = TransactMessage.Create(
"[email protected]",
new MyPersonalizationTags()
FirstName = "TheFirstName",
LastName = "TheLastName",
Amount = 123.45M
MIT License