Steel retrieves state for a view call at a specific block, therefore it commits the relevant block data to the journal for validation on-chain; this data is known as a Steel commitment.
Concretely, a Steel commitment consists of a block identifier, and the block hash. To validate this block commitment on-chain, the block hash in the commitment is compared with the block hash available on-chain. If there is a discrepancy, there is no guarantee that the proof accurately reflects the correct blockchain state at the specified block.
Steel uses revm to generate an EVM execution environment, EvmEnv
within the guest. When you create the EvmEnv
, you can specify a block (the default is the latest block).
// Create an EVM environment from that provider
let mut env = EthEvmEnv::builder()
This block is used for RPC queries (i.e. getStorageAt
) during the preflight
call. Once the preflighting is done, into_input
is called:
let evm_input = env.into_input().await?
During this into_input
step, the preflight data is packed into a form that can be read and validated in the guest.
Crucially, during the step, Steel will use the RPC call [eth_getProof] for all accounts accessed during the preflight and the return data is combined into a sparse Merkle trie.
Within the guest, calling into_env
checks that all Merkle tries are consistent, have the correct root and computes the corresponding block hash.
This blockhash is Steel's trust anchor; it needs to be recomputed within the guest to validate the integrity of the RPC data.
// Read the input from the guest environment.
let input: EthEvmInput = env::read();
let contract: Address = env::read();
let account: Address = env::read();
// Converts the input into a `EvmEnv`
let env = input.into_env().with_chain_spec(Ð_SEPOLIA_CHAIN_SPEC);
For the Steel commitment, it is this block hash, computed within the guest, that is committed to the journal:
let journal = Journal {
commitment: env.into_commitment(),
tokenAddress: contract,
This block hash has to be compared on-chain, alongside the verification of the proof, to validate that the Steel proof is correct and to verify the integrity of RPC data.
A commitment consists of two values: the block ID and the block digest. The block ID encodes two values, the Steel version number and a block identifier (e.g. a block number).
struct Commitment {
uint256 id;
bytes32 digest;
bytes32 configID
In the increment
function in the Counter
contract, we saw this require statement:
require(Steel.validateCommitment(journal.commitment), "Invalid commitment");
The Steel library contains the function validateCommitment
function validateCommitment(Commitment memory commitment) internal view returns (bool) {
(uint240 claimID, uint16 version) = Encoding.decodeVersionedID(;
if (version == 0) {
return validateBlockCommitment(claimID, commitment.digest);
} else if (version == 1) {
return validateBeaconCommitment(claimID, commitment.digest);
} else {
revert InvalidCommitmentVersion();
Steel supports two methods of commitment validation (see validateCommitment
in Steel.sol); This validation on-chain is essential to ensure that the proof accurately reflects the correct blockchain state.
- Block hash commitment
/// @notice Validates if the provided block commitment matches the block hash of the given block number.
/// @param blockNumber The block number to compare against.
/// @param blockHash The block hash to validate.
/// @return True if the block's block hash matches the block hash, false otherwise.
function validateBlockCommitment(uint256 blockNumber, bytes32 blockHash) internal view returns (bool) {
if (block.number - blockNumber > 256) {
revert CommitmentTooOld();
return blockHash == blockhash(blockNumber);
This method uses the blockhash
opcode to commit to a block hash that is no more than 256 blocks old. With Ethereum's 12-second block time, this provides a window of about 50 minutes to generate the proof and ensure that the validating transaction is contained in a block. This approach will work for most scenarios, including complex computations, as it typically provides sufficient time to generate the proof.
- Beacon Block Root Commitment
/// @notice Validates if the provided beacon commitment matches the block root of the given timestamp.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp to compare against.
/// @param blockRoot The block root to validate.
/// @return True if the block's block root matches the block root, false otherwise.
function validateBeaconCommitment(uint256 timestamp, bytes32 blockRoot) internal view returns (bool) {
if (block.timestamp - timestamp > 12 * 8191) {
revert CommitmentTooOld();
return blockRoot == Beacon.parentBlockRoot(timestamp);
The second method allows validation using the EIP-4788 beacon roots contract. This technique extends the time window in which the proof can be validated on-chain to just over a day. It requires access to a beacon API endpoint and can be enabled by calling EvmEnv::builder().beacon_api()
. However, this approach is specific to Ethereum (L1) Steel proofs and depends on the implementation of EIP-4788.
Note that EIP-4788 only provides access to the parent beacon root, requiring iterative queries in Solidity to retrieve the target beacon root for validation. This iterative process can result in slightly higher gas costs compared to using the blockhash
opcode. Overall, it is suitable for environments where longer proof generation times are required.
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