This repository contains several examples for controlling the real panda robot. It was created as a supplement to the official panda documentation. Further it serves as a storage place for several problems I encountered while working with the panda robot (see the discussions section).
To clone the repository use the following command:
mkdir real_catkin_ws
cd real_catkin_ws
git clone --recurse-submodules src
Install the ROS package dependencies using the following command:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro melodic -y
The catkin package can be build by executing one of the following commands:
catkin build -j4 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFranka_DIR:PATH=~/libfranka/build
Please see this discussion post that explains how to run the example launch files provided by Emika Franka.
To test out Moveit control, after you build and sourced the catkin workspace, you can launch the example included in the panda_moveit_config
using the following command:
roslaunch panda_moveit_config panda_control_moveit_rviz.launch load_gripper:=true robot_ip:=
Additionally the real_panda_control_examples
contains a slightly modified version of this example:
roslaunch real_panda_control_examples real_panda_moveit_control.launch
To test out Trajectory control, after you build and sourced the catkin workspace, you can launch the example included in the panda_moveit_config
using the following command:
roslaunch panda_moveit_config panda_control_moveit_rviz.launch load_gripper:=true robot_ip:=
Additionally the real_panda_control_examples
contains a slightly modified version of this example:
roslaunch real_panda_control_examples real_panda_traj_control.launch
Feel free to open an issue if you have ideas on how to make this GitHub action better or if you want to report a bug! All contributions are welcome. 🚀 Please consult the contribution guidelines for more information.