All the configuration options can be used both in do_utcw()
and the shortcode.
Description: Which strategy to use when fetching terms. Detailed custom strategy documentation
Type: Class
Name: strategy
Default: UTCW_PopularityStrategy
Predefined values: popularity
, random
, creation
, current_list
Predefined classes: UTCW_PopularityStrategy
, UTCW_RandomStrategy
, UTCW_CreationTimeStrategy
, UTCW_CurrentListStrategy
Base class to extend: UTCW_SelectionStrategy
Shortcode example: [utcw strategy=ClassName]
Description: How the result should be ordered
Type: Set
Name: order
Default: name
Valid values: name
, random
, slug
, id
, color
, count
Shortcode example: [utcw order=count]
Description: How the tags list should be used
Type: Set
Name: tags_list_type
Default: exclude
Valid values: exclude
, include
Shortcode example: [utcw tags_list_type=include]
Description: Which coloring strategy to use
Type: Set
Name: color
Default: none
Valid values: none
, random
, set
, span
Shortcode example: [utcw color=span]
Description: Which color value to start from in color calculation. This is the color that the smallest tag will get.
Type: Color
Name: color_span_to
Default: None
Shortcode example: [utcw color_span_to="#bada55"]
Description: Which color value to end at in color calculation. This is the color that the biggest tag will get.
Type: Color
Name: color_span_from
Default: None
Shortcode example: [utcw color_span_from="#bada55"]
Description: A set of colors to randomly select from when coloring the tags
Type: Array
Name: color_set
Default: None
Shortcode example: [utcw color_set="#fff,#000,#bada55"]
Description: Which taxonomy to show tags from
Type: Array
Name: taxonomy
Default: [post_tag]
Shortcode example: [utcw taxonomy="foo,bar,baz"]
Description: An array of post type names to to include posts from in tag size calculation
Type: Array
Name: post_type
Default: [post]
Shortcode example: [utcw post_type="foo,bar,baz"]
Description: Which authors to include posts from. An empty array will include all authors
Type: Array
Name: authors
Default: None
Shortcode example: [utcw authors="1,2,3"]
Description: A list of term IDs to be included or excluded. Inclusion or exclusion is determined by tags list type
Type: Array
Name: tags_list
Default: None
Shortcode example: [utcw tags_list="1,2,3"]
Description: A list of term IDs which the posts needs to have to be included in tag size calculation
Type: Array
Name: post_term
Default: None
Shortcode example: [utcw post_term="1,2,3"]
Description: The smallest possible size
Type: Measurement
Name: size_from
Default: 10px
Shortcode example: [utcw size_from="10px"]
Description: The greatest possible size
Type: Measurement
Name: size_to
Default: 30px
Shortcode example: [utcw size_to="10px"]
Description: Maximum number of tags to display
Type: Integer
Name: max
Default: 45
Shortcode example: [utcw max=10]
Description: How many posts a term needs to have to be shown in the cloud
Type: Integer
Name: minimum
Default: 1
Shortcode example: [utcw minimum=10]
Description: How many days old a post needs to be to be included in tag size calculation
Type: Integer
Name: days_old
Default: 0
Shortcode example: [utcw days_old=10]
Description: If the order of tags should be shown in reverse order
Type: Boolean
Name: reverse
Default: false
Shortcode example: [utcw reverse=1]
Description: If sorting should be applied case sensitive
Type: Boolean
Name: case_sensitive
Default: false
Shortcode example: [utcw case_sensitive=1]
Description: If the resulting link should include query vars to filter to only the terms given in post_term
Type: Boolean
Name: post_term_query_var
Default: false
Shortcode example: [utcw post_term_query_var=1]
Description: CSS text-transform value
Type: Set
Name: text_transform
Default: none
Valid values: lowercase
, uppercase
, capitalize
Shortcode example: [utcw text_transform=capitalize]
Description: If links should be styled with underline decoration
Type: Set
Name: link_underline
Default: default
Valid values: default
, yes
, no
Shortcode example: [utcw link_underline=no]
Description: If links should be styled as bold
Type: Set
Name: link_bold
Default: default
Valid values: default
, yes
, no
Shortcode example: [utcw link_bold=no]
Description: If links should be styled as italic
Type: Set
Name: link_italic
Default: default
Valid values: default
, yes
, no
Shortcode example: [utcw link_italic=no]
Description: If links should be decorated with underline decoration in their hover state
Type: Set
Name: hover_underline
Default: default
Valid values: default
, yes
, no
Shortcode example: [utcw hover_underline=no]
Description: If links should be styled as bold in their hover state
Type: Set
Name: hover_bold
Default: default
Valid values: default
, yes
, no
Shortcode example: [utcw hover_bold=no]
Description: If links should be styled as italic in their hover state
Type: Set
Name: hover_italic
Default: default
Valid values: default
, yes
, no
Shortcode example: [utcw hover_italic=no]
Description: Border style for links
Type: Set
Name: link_border_style
Default: none
Valid values: none
, dotted
, dashed
, solid
, double
, groove
, ridge
, inset
, outset
Shortcode example: [utcw link_border_style=outset]
Description: Border style for links in their hover state
Type: Set
Name: hover_border_style
Default: none
Valid values: none
, dotted
, dashed
, solid
, double
, groove
, ridge
, inset
, outset
Shortcode example: [utcw hover_border_style=outset]
Description: How the text in the resulting cloud should be aligned
Type: Set
Name: alignment
Default: None
Valid values: left
, right
, center
, justify
Shortcode example: [utcw alignment=justify]
Description: How the resulting cloud should be displayed
Type: Set
Name: display
Default: inline
Valid values: inline
, list
Shortcode example: [utcw display=list]
Description: What type of information the title text should contain
Type: Set
Name: title_type
Default: counter
Valid values: counter
, name
, custom
Shortcode example: [utcw title_type=custom]
Description: Background color for links
Type: Color
Name: link_bg_color
Default: transparent
Shortcode example: [utcw link_bg_color="#bada55"]
Description: Background color for links in their hover state
Type: Color
Name: hover_bg_color
Default: transparent
Shortcode example: [utcw hover_bg_color="#bada55"]
Description: Border color for links
Type: Color
Name: link_border_color
Default: none
Shortcode example: [utcw link_border_color="#bada55"]
Description: Text color for links in their hover state
Type: Color
Name: hover_color
Default: default
Shortcode example: [utcw hover_color="#bada55"]
Description: Border color for links in their hover state
Type: Color
Name: hover_border_color
Default: none
Shortcode example: [utcw hover_border_color="#bada55"]
Description: CSS letter-spacing value (in pixels)
Type: Measurement
Name: letter_spacing
Default: normal
Shortcode example: [utcw letter_spacing="10px"]
Description: CSS word-spacing value (in pixels)
Type: Measurement
Name: word_spacing
Default: normal
Shortcode example: [utcw word_spacing="10px"]
Description: CSS margin between tags
Type: Measurement
Name: tag_spacing
Default: auto
Shortcode example: [utcw tag_spacing="10px"]
Description: CSS line-height for the tags
Type: Measurement
Name: line_height
Default: inherit
Shortcode example: [utcw line_height="10px"]
Description: Border width for links
Type: Measurement
Name: link_border_width
Default: 0
Shortcode example: [utcw link_border_width="10px"]
Description: Border width for links in their hover state
Type: Measurement
Name: hover_border_width
Default: 0
Shortcode example: [utcw hover_border_width="10px"]
Description: Title text of the widget
Type: String
Name: title
Default: Tag Cloud
Shortcode example: [utcw title="foo"]
Description: Separator between tags
Type: String
Name: separator
(space character)
Shortcode example: [utcw separator="foo"]
Description: Prefix before each tag
Type: String
Name: prefix
Default: None
Shortcode example: [utcw prefix="foo"]
Description: Suffix after each tag
Type: String
Name: suffix
Default: None
Shortcode example: [utcw suffix="foo"]
Description: A C-style printf-template for the title text. Include %d to get the post count and %s to get the term name.
Type: String
Name: title_custom_template
Default: None
Shortcode example: [utcw title_custom_template="foo"]
Description: If the title attribute should be added to links in the cloud
Type: Boolean
Name: show_title
Default: true
Shortcode example: [utcw show_title=0]
Description: If the tags should be wrapped in links
Type: Boolean
Name: show_links
Default: true
Shortcode example: [utcw show_links=0]
Description: If the widget title should be shown
Type: Boolean
Name: show_title_text
Default: true
Shortcode example: [utcw show_title_text=0]
Description: If the number of posts with that term should be displayed with the name
Type: Boolean
Name: show_post_count
Default: false
Shortcode example: [utcw show_post_count=1]
Description: If wrapping lines in the middle of words should be prevented
Type: Boolean
Name: prevent_breaking
Default: false
Shortcode example: [utcw prevent_breaking=1]
Description: Try to avoid styles applied to the tag cloud from themes
Type: Boolean
Name: avoid_theme_styling
Default: false
Shortcode example: [utcw avoid_theme_styling=1]
Description: If debug output should be included
Type: Boolean
Name: debug
Default: false
Shortcode example: [utcw debug=1]
Configuration options auto generated at 2014-04-19 17:02:46 for version 2.7.2