diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/_variables.base.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/_variables.base.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 64704c20a6..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/_variables.base.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
-// CivicTheme base default variables.
-// Do not copy this file for customisations.
-// Use `components/variables.base.scss` instead.
-// Variables are split into 2 files:
-// - _variables.base.scss - base variables that are used to calculate other
-// variables' values.
-// - _variables.components.scss - variables that control the look of components.
-// These are split into 2 files to allow changing base variables without the
-// need to provide component variables in custom themes (e.g., to override
-// heading color in child theme and have it propagate to components).
-@use 'sass:map';
-@use 'sass:math';
-@use 'sass:color';
-@import 'mixins';
-// Particle.
-// The most basic unit of measurement.
-// Using pixels to tie to the design grid which is in pixels as well.
-// Depending on the context, most of the values will be using conversion to
-// rem with rem() function.
-// Do not use these directly.
-// Use ct-particle() function instead.
-// Use ct-spacing() function for spacing.
-$ct-particle: 8px !default;
-// Assets directory.
-$ct-assets-directory: './assets/' !default;
-// Colors.
-// Components are using colors defined in the color palette variables.
-// Color palette variables can have custom color values or can be based on
-// the brand colors to allow quick mapping.
-// Use $ct-colors-brands to provide brand color values.
-// It is available (and empty) so that consumer site implementations could
-// specify their custom brand color values an *additional* colors to extend the
-// brand color set.
-$ct-colors-brands: () !default;
-// Default CivicTheme colors palette.
-// Use $ct-colors to override and extend color palette values.
-// It is available (and empty) so that consumer site implementations could
-// specify their custom color values (to override defaults) and *additional*
-// colors to extend the color palette set. This allows CivicTheme to make
-// color palette additions without breaking consumer site implementations.
-$ct-colors: () !default;
-$ct-colors-default: (
- 'light': (
- 'heading': ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-light('brand1'), 60),
- 'body': ct-color-tint(ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-light('brand1'), 80), 20),
- 'background-light': ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-light('brand2'), 90),
- 'background': ct-color-constant-light('brand2'),
- 'background-dark': ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-light('brand2'), 20),
- 'border-light': ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-light('brand2'), 25),
- 'border': ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-light('brand2'), 60),
- 'border-dark': ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-light('brand2'), 90),
- 'interaction-text': ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-light('brand2'), 80),
- 'interaction-background': ct-color-constant-light('brand1'),
- 'interaction-hover-text': ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-light('brand2'), 80),
- 'interaction-hover-background': ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-light('brand1'), 40),
- 'interaction-focus': #8b5cd7,
- 'highlight': ct-color-constant-light('brand3'),
- 'information': #007cbf,
- 'warning': #c95100,
- 'error': #ce3836,
- 'success': #008482,
- ),
- 'dark': (
- 'heading': ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-dark('brand1'), 95),
- 'body': ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-dark('brand1'), 85),
- 'background-light': ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-dark('brand2'), 5),
- 'background': ct-color-constant-dark('brand2'),
- 'background-dark': ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('brand2'), 30),
- 'border-light': ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-dark('brand2'), 65),
- 'border': ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-dark('brand2'), 10),
- 'border-dark': ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('brand2'), 30),
- 'interaction-text': ct-color-constant-dark('brand2'),
- 'interaction-background': ct-color-constant-dark('brand1'),
- 'interaction-hover-text': ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('brand2'), 30),
- 'interaction-hover-background': ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-dark('brand1'), 40),
- 'interaction-focus': #8b5cd7,
- 'highlight': ct-color-constant-dark('brand3'),
- 'information': #4cc4fc,
- 'warning': #e38444,
- 'error': #e85653,
- 'success': #12b0ae,
- )
-// Fonts.
-// Use $ct-fonts to override any font family values. It is available
-// (and empty) so that any consumer sites could specify their fonts in here to
-// override the defaults. This allows CivicTheme to make font additions without
-// breaking consumer sites.
-$ct-fonts: () !default;
-$ct-fonts-default: (
- 'primary': (
- 'family': '"Lexend", sans-serif',
- 'types': (
- (
- 'uri': 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lexend:wght@400;500;600;700&display=swap',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'secondary': (
- 'family': '"Public Sans", sans-serif',
- 'types': (
- (
- 'uri': 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Public+Sans:wght@400;500;600&display=swap',
- ),
- ),
- ),
-// Add custom fonts to $ct-fonts with the same key as above to override
-// fonts or with a new key to add a new font kind.
-// 'uri' can be a URL to the external font or a list of local files with
-// extensions to be imported. The font type will be taken from the file
-// extensions.
-// Use $ct-assets-directory to provide a relative path.
-// IMPORTANT: Make sure to put commas at the end of every list or SASS will not
-// be able to distinguish lists and values.
-// Example:
-// $ct-fonts: (
-// 'tertiary': (
-// 'family': 'Roboto',
-// 'types': (
-// (
-// 'uri': (
-// '#{$ct-assets-directory}fonts/roboto/Roboto-Regular.ttf',
-// '#{$ct-assets-directory}fonts/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff',
-// '#{$ct-assets-directory}fonts/roboto/Roboto-Regular.eot',
-// ),
-// ),
-// (
-// 'italic': true,
-// 'weight': 'bold',
-// 'uri': (
-// '#{$ct-assets-directory}fonts/roboto/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf',
-// '#{$ct-assets-directory}fonts/roboto/Roboto-BoldItalic.woff',
-// '#{$ct-assets-directory}fonts/roboto/Roboto-BoldItalic.eot',
-// ),
-// ),
-// ),
-// ),
-// );
-// Font weights.
-// These directly correlate with font weight values set in the $ct-fonts-default
-// and $ct-fonts above.
-$ct-font-weights: ();
-$ct-font-weights-default: (
- 'thin': 100,
- 'extralight': 200,
- 'regular': 400,
- 'medium': 500,
- 'semibold': 600,
- 'bold': 700,
- 'extrabold': 800,
- 'black': 900,
-// Average character width. Used for calculating spacing based on font size.
-// @todo: This should be calculated based on the font itself and added to the
-// font definition map.
-$ct-font-average-character-width: 0.25 !default;
-// Font smoothing.
-$ct-font-smoothing-enable: true !default;
-// Typography.
-// Base font size.
-$ct-font-base-size: ct-particle-px(2) !default;
-// Base font line height.
-$ct-font-base-line-height: $ct-font-base-size !default;
-// Use $ct-typography to override any typography values. It is available
-// (and empty) so that any consumer sites could specify their typography in here to
-// override the defaults. This allows CivicTheme to make typography additions
-// without breaking consumer sites.
-$ct-typography: () !default;
-$ct-typography-default: (
- // Headings.
- 'heading-1': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 2, $ct-font-base-line-height * 2.5, 'bold', 'primary', -0.6px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 3, $ct-font-base-line-height * 3.75, 'bold', 'primary', -1px)
- ),
- 'heading-2': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.75, $ct-font-base-line-height * 2.25, 'bold', 'primary', -0.5px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 2.5, $ct-font-base-line-height * 3, 'bold', 'primary', -0.8px)
- ),
- 'heading-3': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.5, $ct-font-base-line-height * 2, 'bold', 'primary', -0.35px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 2, $ct-font-base-line-height * 2.5, 'bold', 'primary', -0.6px)
- ),
- 'heading-4': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.25, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'bold', 'primary', -0.25px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.5, $ct-font-base-line-height * 2, 'bold', 'primary', -0.4px)
- ),
- 'heading-5': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.375, 'bold', 'primary', 0),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.25, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'bold', 'primary', -0.2px)
- ),
- 'heading-6': ($ct-font-base-size, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.625, 'bold', 'primary', 0),
- // Text.
- 'text-extra-large': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.25, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'regular', 'primary', -0.1px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.5, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'regular', 'primary', 0)
- ),
- 'text-large': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.125, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.75, 'regular', 'primary', 0),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.25, $ct-font-base-line-height * 2.125, 'regular', 'primary', 0)
- ),
- 'text-regular': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 0.875, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'regular', 'primary', 0),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.75, 'regular', 'primary', 0)
- ),
- 'text-small': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 0.75, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.25, 'regular', 'primary', 0),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 0.875, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'regular', 'primary', 0),
- ),
- // Labels.
- 'label-extra-large': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.25, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'semibold', 'primary', -0.1px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.5, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'semibold', 'primary', 0)
- ),
- 'label-large': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.125, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'semibold', 'primary', -0.1px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.125, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.5, 'semibold', 'primary', 0)
- ),
- 'label-regular': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.25, 'semibold', 'primary', -0.1px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.25, 'semibold', 'primary', -0.1px)
- ),
- 'label-small': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.25, 'regular', 'primary', -0.1px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.25, 'regular', 'primary', -0.1px)
- ),
- 'label-extra-small': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 0.875, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.25, 'regular', 'primary', -0.1px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 0.875, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.125, 'regular', 'primary', 0)
- ),
- // Special elements.
- 'quote': (
- 'xxs': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.125, $ct-font-base-line-height * 1.815, 'regular', 'primary', -0.15px),
- 'm': ($ct-font-base-size * 1.5, $ct-font-base-size * 2.5, 'regular', 'primary', -0.35px)
- ),
-// Spacing.
-// Used to control spacing for elements.
-// Do not use these directly.
-// Use ct-spacing() function instead.
-// Use ct-spacing() function for spacing.
-$ct-spacing: ct-particle() !default;
-// Breakpoints.
-// The value denotes the "start" of the breakpoint range.
-// Do not use these directly.
-// Use @include ct-breakpoint() mixin instead.
-// We are not basing these on $ct-particle as these are dimensions of the real
-// screens.
-$ct-breakpoints: (
- 'xxs': 0,
- 'xs': 368px,
- 's': 576px,
- 'm': 768px,
- 'l': 992px,
- 'xl': 1280px,
- 'xxl': 1440px,
-) !default;
-// Grid.
-// Number of grid columns.
-$ct-grid-columns: 12 !default;
-// Grid spacing used to calculate gutter spacings. Since the grid is based on
-// pixel values instead of rems (for consistency), the spacing is also based on
-// pixel values.
-$ct-grid-space: ct-particle-px() !default;
-// The lowest breakpoint where column classes should start applying.
-$ct-grid-lowest-breakpoint: 'xxs' !default;
-// The lowest breakpoint where *responsive* grid classes should start applying.
-// Must align with the value in the auto-generated column_class in
-// the Grid component.
-$ct-grid-responsive-breakpoint: 'm' !default;
-// Horizontal spacing between grid items depending on the responsive
-// context.
-$ct-grid-gutters: (
- 'xxs': $ct-grid-space * 2,
- 'xs': $ct-grid-space * 2,
- 's': $ct-grid-space * 3
-) !default;
-// Horizontal spacing between grid items depending on the responsive
-// context.
-$ct-grid-vertical-gutters: (
- 'xxs': $ct-grid-space * 2,
- 'xs': $ct-grid-space * 2,
- 's': $ct-grid-space * 3
-) !default;
-// Side spacing between the edge of the viewport and a start of the grid.
-$ct-grid-offsets: (
- 'xxs': $ct-grid-space * 3,
- 'xs': $ct-grid-space * 3,
- 's': $ct-grid-space * 3,
- 'm': $ct-grid-space * 3,
- 'l': $ct-grid-space * 6,
- 'xl': $ct-grid-space * 6,
- 'xxl': $ct-grid-space * 12,
-) !default;
-// Item list.
-$ct-item-list-horizontal-large-column-gap: ct-spacing(4);
-$ct-item-list-horizontal-large-row-gap: ct-spacing(4);
-$ct-item-list-horizontal-regular-column-gap: ct-spacing(2);
-$ct-item-list-horizontal-regular-row-gap: ct-spacing(2);
-$ct-item-list-horizontal-small-column-gap: ct-spacing(1);
-$ct-item-list-horizontal-small-row-gap: ct-spacing(1);
-$ct-item-list-vertical-large-column-gap: ct-spacing(4);
-$ct-item-list-vertical-large-row-gap: ct-spacing(4);
-$ct-item-list-vertical-regular-column-gap: ct-spacing(2);
-$ct-item-list-vertical-regular-row-gap: ct-spacing(2);
-$ct-item-list-vertical-small-column-gap: ct-spacing(1);
-$ct-item-list-vertical-small-row-gap: ct-spacing(1);
-// Visibility.
-// The lowest breakpoint where visibility classes should apply.
-$ct-visibility-lowest-breakpoint: 'xxs' !default;
-// Icon size.
-// Use $ct-icon-sizes to override any icon size values. It is available
-// (and empty) so that any consumer sites could specify their icons sizes here
-// to override the defaults. This allows CivicTheme to make icon sizes additions
-// without breaking consumer sites.
-$ct-icon-sizes: () !default;
-$ct-icon-sizes-default: (
- 'extra-large': (
- 'xxs': (ct-particle-px(6), ct-particle-px(6)),
- 'm': (ct-particle-px(6), ct-particle-px(6)),
- ),
- 'large': (
- 'xxs': (ct-particle-px(5), ct-particle-px(5)),
- 'm': (ct-particle-px(5), ct-particle-px(5)),
- ),
- 'regular': (
- 'xxs': (ct-particle-px(2.5), ct-particle-px(2.5)),
- 'm': (ct-particle-px(2.5), ct-particle-px(2.5)),
- ),
- 'small': (
- 'xxs': (ct-particle-px(2), ct-particle-px(2)),
- 'm': (ct-particle-px(2), ct-particle-px(2)),
- ),
- 'extra-small': (
- 'xxs': (ct-particle-px(1.75), ct-particle-px(1.75)),
- 'm': (ct-particle-px(1.75), ct-particle-px(1.75)),
- )
-// Elevations.
-$ct-elevations: (
- 0 ct-particle(0.25) ct-particle(1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 25%),
- 0 ct-particle(0.5) ct-particle(2) rgba(0, 0, 0, 20%),
- 0 ct-particle(1) ct-particle(3) rgba(0, 0, 0, 20%),
- 0 ct-particle(2) ct-particle(8) rgba(0, 0, 0, 20%),
-) !default;
-// Flyout.
-// Flyout animation duration.
-$ct-flyout-duration: 0.5s !default;
-// Flyout animation direction.
-$ct-flyout-direction-transforms: (
- 'right': translateX(100%),
- 'left': translateX(-100%),
- 'top': translateY(-100%),
- 'bottom': translateY(100%),
-) !default;
-// Flyout z-index.
-$ct-flyout-zindex: 1000 !default;
-// Misc Variables.
-// Border radius.
-$ct-border-radius: ct-particle(0.5) !default;
-// Width or height of the highlight stripe.
-$ct-stripe-size: ct-particle(0.75) !default;
-// Background blend modes.
-$ct-background-blend-modes: (
- normal,
- color,
- color-burn,
- color-dodge,
- darken,
- difference,
- exclusion,
- hard-light,
- hue,
- lighten,
- luminosity,
- multiply,
- overlay,
- saturation,
- screen,
- soft-light,
-) !default;
-// Enable CSS animations.
-$ct-animation-enabled: true !default;
-$ct-animation-duration: 0.25s !default;
-// Outline.
-$ct-outline-offset: 0 !default;
-$ct-outline-width: ct-particle(0.375) !default;
-$ct-outline-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/_variables.components.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/_variables.components.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 65e8bc6d49..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/_variables.components.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1328 +0,0 @@
-// CivicTheme components default variables.
-// Do not copy this file for customisations.
-// Use `components/variables.components.scss` instead.
-// Variables are split into 2 files:
-// - _variables.base.scss - base variables that are used to calculate other
-// variables' values.
-// - _variables.components.scss - variables that control look of components.
-// These are split into 2 files to allow changing base variables without the
-// need to provide component variables in custom themes (e.g., to apply custom
-// heading color and have it propagated to components).
-// Variables organisation rules:
-// 1. Variables are grouped by their atomic type alphabetically.
-// 2. For every component, variables are ordered by:
-// a. generic values
-// b. light theme
-// c. dark theme
-// 3. For every light theme variable, there is a dark theme counterpart.
-// 4. Variables named according to the pattern:
-// $ct-[component]-[theme]-[?subcomponent]-[?state]-[rule]
-// where:
-// a. [component] is a hyphen delimited name of the component
-// b. [theme] is a theme name (light or dark)
-// c. [subcomponent] is an optional hyphen-delimited name of the subcomponent
-// d. [state] is a single or multiple hyphen-delimited name of the state
-// e. [rule] is an exact CSS rule name
-// Example 1:
-// $ct-link-light-visited-hover-background
-// [component]=link
-// [theme]=light
-// [state]=hover over visited
-// [rule]=background-color
-// Example 2:
-// $ct-navigation-light-dropdown-menu-item-active-background-color
-// [component]=secondary-navigation
-// [theme]=light
-// [subcomponent]=menu-item
-// [state]=active
-// [rule]=background-color
-@use 'sass:map';
-@use 'sass:math';
-@use 'sass:color';
-@import 'mixins';
-// BASE //
-// Collapsible.
-$ct-collapsible-icon-size: 'm' !default;
-$ct-collapsible-light-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-collapsible-light-icon-color: $ct-collapsible-light-color !default;
-$ct-collapsible-dark-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-collapsible-dark-icon-color: $ct-collapsible-dark-color !default;
-// Layout.
-$ct-layout-columns: $ct-grid-columns;
-$ct-layout-sidebar-left-columns: 3;
-$ct-layout-sidebar-right-columns: 3;
-$ct-layout-column-gap: ct-spacing(3);
-$ct-layout-column-gap-left-only: ct-spacing(8);
-$ct-layout-column-gap-right-only: ct-spacing(8);
-$ct-layout-row-gap: ct-spacing(3);
-$ct-layout-row-gap-left-only: ct-spacing(3);
-$ct-layout-row-gap-right-only: ct-spacing(3);
-$ct-layout-breakpoint: l;
-// Outline.
-$ct-outline-light: ct-color-light('interaction-focus') !default;
-$ct-outline-dark: ct-color-dark('interaction-focus') !default;
-// ATOMS //
-// Chip.
-$ct-chip-border-width: ct-particle(0.125) !default;
-$ct-chip-light-background-color: ct-color-light('interaction-text') !default;
-$ct-chip-light-border-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-light-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-light-selected-background-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-light-selected-border-color: $ct-chip-light-selected-background-color !default;
-$ct-chip-light-selected-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-text') !default;
-$ct-chip-light-selected-hover-color: $ct-chip-light-background-color !default;
-$ct-chip-light-selected-hover-background-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-light-selected-hover-border-color: $ct-chip-light-selected-hover-background-color !default;
-$ct-chip-light-hover-background-color: $ct-chip-light-background-color !default;
-$ct-chip-light-hover-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-light-hover-border-color: $ct-chip-light-hover-color !default;
-$ct-chip-light-focus-background-color: false !default;
-$ct-chip-light-focus-border-color: false !default;
-$ct-chip-light-focus-color: false !default;
-$ct-chip-light-focus-outline-color: ct-color-light('interaction-focus') !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-text') !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-border-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-selected-background-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-selected-border-color: $ct-chip-dark-selected-background-color !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-selected-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-text') !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-selected-hover-color: $ct-chip-dark-background-color !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-selected-hover-background-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-selected-hover-border-color: $ct-chip-dark-selected-hover-background-color !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-hover-background-color: $ct-chip-dark-background-color !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-hover-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-hover-border-color: $ct-chip-dark-hover-color !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-focus-background-color: false !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-focus-border-color: false !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-focus-color: false !default;
-$ct-chip-dark-focus-outline-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-focus') !default;
-// Content Link.
-$ct-content-link-light-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
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-$ct-callout-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-callout-dark-stripe-background-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-// Field.
-$ct-field-horizontal-label-min-width: auto !default;
-$ct-field-horizontal-label-max-width: 25% !default;
-$ct-field-label-fixed-widths: 15, 25 !default;
-// Figure.
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-$ct-figure-dark-caption-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-// Logo.
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-// Map.
-$ct-map-padding-bottom: 56.25% !default;
-$ct-map-space-horizontal: ct-spacing(7) !default;
-$ct-map-light-wrapper-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-map-dark-wrapper-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-// Next steps.
-$ct-next-step-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
-$ct-next-step-stripe-width: $ct-stripe-size !default;
-$ct-next-step-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-next-step-light-border-color: ct-color-light('border-light') !default;
-$ct-next-step-light-stripe-background-color: ct-color-light('highlight') !default;
-$ct-next-step-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-next-step-dark-border-color: ct-color-dark('border') !default;
-$ct-next-step-dark-stripe-background-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-// Table Of Contents.
-$ct-table-of-contents-link-active-border-radius: math.div($ct-border-radius, 2) !default;
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-// Tooltip.
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-// List/Single filter.
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-// List/Group filter.
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-$ct-group-filter-dark-mobile-toggle-border-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-group-filter-dark-mobile-toggle-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
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-$ct-group-filter-dark-mobile-toggle-display-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
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-// List/Pagination.
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-$ct-pagination-light-border-color: ct-color-light('border-light') !default;
-$ct-pagination-dark-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
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-// List/Event card.
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-$ct-event-card-image-height-mobile: ct-particle(25) !default;
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-$ct-event-card-image-width-mobile: auto !default;
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-$ct-event-card-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-event-card-dark-stripe-background-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-// List/Navigation card.
-$ct-navigation-card-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
-$ct-navigation-card-image-height-mobile: ct-particle(35) !default;
-$ct-navigation-card-image-width-mobile: auto !default;
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-$ct-navigation-card-light-icon-color: $ct-link-light-color !default;
-$ct-navigation-card-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-card-dark-icon-color: $ct-link-dark-color !default;
-// List/Promo card.
-$ct-promo-card-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
-$ct-promo-card-image-height-desktop: ct-particle(30) !default;
-$ct-promo-card-image-height-mobile: ct-particle(25) !default;
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-$ct-promo-card-image-width-mobile: auto !default;
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-$ct-promo-card-light-stripe-background-color: ct-color-light('highlight') !default;
-$ct-promo-card-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-promo-card-dark-stripe-background-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-// List/Publication card.
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-$ct-publication-card-image-width-desktop: 50% !default;
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-$ct-publication-card-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-// List/Service card.
-$ct-service-card-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
-$ct-service-card-stripe-height: $ct-stripe-size !default;
-$ct-service-card-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-service-card-light-stripe-background-color: ct-color-light('highlight') !default;
-$ct-service-card-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-service-card-dark-stripe-background-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-// List/Subject card.
-$ct-subject-card-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
-$ct-subject-card-image-height-mobile: ct-particle(20) !default;
-$ct-subject-card-image-width-mobile: auto !default;
-$ct-subject-card-image-height-desktop: ct-particle(28) !default;
-$ct-subject-card-image-width-desktop: auto !default;
-$ct-subject-card-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-subject-card-light-image-opacity: 30% !default;
-$ct-subject-card-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-subject-card-dark-image-opacity: 20% !default;
-// List/Snippet.
-$ct-snippet-light-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-snippet-dark-background-color: transparent !default;
-// Alert.
-$ct-alert-light-divider-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-alert-light-error-background-color: ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-light('error'), 80) !default;
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-$ct-alert-light-information-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-alert-light-information-icon-color: $ct-alert-light-information-color !default;
-$ct-alert-light-success-background-color: ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-light('success'), 80) !default;
-$ct-alert-light-success-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-alert-light-success-icon-color: $ct-alert-light-success-color !default;
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-$ct-alert-light-warning-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
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-$ct-alert-dark-divider-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
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-$ct-alert-dark-error-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-error-icon-color: $ct-alert-dark-error-color !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-information-background-color: ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('information'), 20) !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-information-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-information-icon-color: $ct-alert-dark-information-color !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-success-background-color: ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('success'), 20) !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-success-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-success-icon-color: $ct-alert-dark-success-color !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-warning-background-color: ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('warning'), 20) !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-warning-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-alert-dark-warning-icon-color: $ct-alert-dark-warning-color !default;
-// Banner.
-$ct-banner-decorative-mobile-clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% calc(100% - #{ct-spacing(2)}), 0% 100%) !default;
-$ct-banner-decorative-desktop-clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% calc(100% - #{ct-spacing(6)}), 0% 100%) !default;
-$ct-banner-featured-image-width: 40% !default;
-$ct-banner-featured-image-clip-path: polygon(13% 10%, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0% 100%) !default;
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-$ct-banner-light-featured-image-shadow-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-banner-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-banner-dark-featured-image-shadow-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-// Campaign.
-$ct-campaign-image-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
-$ct-campaign-image-shadow-offset-x: ct-particle(2) !default;
-$ct-campaign-image-shadow-offset-y: ct-particle(2) !default;
-$ct-campaign-mobile-height: ct-particle(30) !default;
-$ct-campaign-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-campaign-light-image-shadow-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-campaign-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-campaign-dark-image-shadow-color: ct-color-dark('background-dark') !default;
-// Footer.
-$ct-footer-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-footer-light-border-color: ct-color-light('border-light') !default;
-$ct-footer-light-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-footer-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background-dark') !default;
-$ct-footer-dark-border-color: ct-color-dark('border') !default;
-$ct-footer-dark-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-// Header.
-$ct-header-desktop-menu-breakpoint: 'm' !default;
-$ct-header-light-middle-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-header-light-middle-border-color: ct-color-light('border-light') !default;
-$ct-header-light-top-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-header-light-top-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-header-dark-middle-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-header-dark-middle-border-color: ct-color-dark('border') !default;
-$ct-header-dark-top-background-color: ct-color-dark('background-dark') !default;
-$ct-header-dark-top-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-// List.
-$ct-list-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-list-light-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-list-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-list-dark-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-// Message.
-$ct-message-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
-$ct-message-light-error-background-color: ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-light('error'), 80) !default;
-$ct-message-light-error-border-color: ct-color-light('error') !default;
-$ct-message-light-error-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-message-light-error-icon-color: $ct-message-light-error-color !default;
-$ct-message-light-information-background-color: ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-light('information'), 80) !default;
-$ct-message-light-information-border-color: ct-color-light('information') !default;
-$ct-message-light-information-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-message-light-information-icon-color: $ct-message-light-information-color !default;
-$ct-message-light-success-border-color: ct-color-light('success') !default;
-$ct-message-light-success-background-color: ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-light('success'), 80) !default;
-$ct-message-light-success-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-message-light-success-icon-color: $ct-message-light-success-color !default;
-$ct-message-light-warning-background-color: ct-color-tint(ct-color-constant-light('warning'), 80) !default;
-$ct-message-light-warning-border-color: ct-color-light('warning') !default;
-$ct-message-light-warning-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-message-light-warning-icon-color: $ct-message-light-warning-color !default;
-$ct-message-dark-error-background-color: ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('error'), 20) !default;
-$ct-message-dark-error-border-color: ct-color-dark('error') !default;
-$ct-message-dark-error-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-message-dark-error-icon-color: $ct-message-dark-error-color !default;
-$ct-message-dark-information-background-color: ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('information'), 20) !default;
-$ct-message-dark-information-border-color: ct-color-dark('information') !default;
-$ct-message-dark-information-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-message-dark-information-icon-color: $ct-message-dark-information-color !default;
-$ct-message-dark-success-border-color: ct-color-dark('success') !default;
-$ct-message-dark-success-background-color: ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('success'), 20) !default;
-$ct-message-dark-success-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-message-dark-success-icon-color: $ct-message-dark-success-color !default;
-$ct-message-dark-warning-background-color: ct-color-shade(ct-color-constant-dark('warning'), 20) !default;
-$ct-message-dark-warning-border-color: ct-color-dark('warning') !default;
-$ct-message-dark-warning-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-message-dark-warning-icon-color: $ct-message-dark-warning-color !default;
-// Navigation
-// Navigation can be rendered in 3 ways: plain, with dropdown and with drawer.
-// Inline.
-$ct-navigation-inline-column-gutter: $ct-item-list-horizontal-regular-column-gap !default;
-$ct-navigation-inline-row-gutter: $ct-item-list-horizontal-regular-column-gap !default;
-// Dropdown.
-$ct-navigation-dropdown-zindex: 11 !default;
-$ct-navigation-dropdown-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
-// Top offset for the drawer from the bottom of the trigger.
-$ct-navigation-dropdown-top-offset: ct-spacing() !default;
-// Colors.
-$ct-navigation-light-dropdown-sub-menu-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-dropdown-sub-menu-background-color: ct-color-dark('background-light') !default;
-// Drawer.
-$ct-navigation-drawer-zindex: 10 !default;
-// Maximum number of columns a drawer may have.
-$ct-navigation-drawer-cols: 4 !default;
-// Top offset for the drawer from the bottom of the trigger.
-$ct-navigation-drawer-top-offset: ct-spacing(2) !default;
-// Gutter size between the drawer columns.
-$ct-navigation-drawer-column-gutter: ct-spacing(4) !default;
-// Colors.
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-border-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-hover-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-active-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-item-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-item-border-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-item-hover-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-item-hover-border-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-item-active-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-item-active-border-color: ct-color-light('highlight') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-item-active-trail-background-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-menu-item-active-trail-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-border-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-hover-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-active-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-menu-item-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-menu-item-border-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-menu-item-hover-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-menu-item-hover-border-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-menu-item-active-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-menu-item-active-border-color: ct-color-light('highlight') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-menu-item-active-trail-background-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-menu-item-active-trail-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-item-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-item-heading-color: ct-color-light('heading') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-item-heading-hover-color: ct-color-light('heading') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-item-heading-active-color: ct-color-light('heading') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-item-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-item-hover-background-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-item-hover-color: ct-color-light('interaction-hover-text') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-item-active-background-color: ct-color-light('body') !default;
-$ct-navigation-light-drawer-sub-menu-item-active-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-border-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-hover-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-active-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-item-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-item-border-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-item-hover-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-item-hover-border-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-item-active-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-item-active-border-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-item-active-trail-background-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-menu-item-active-trail-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-border-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-hover-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-active-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-menu-item-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-menu-item-border-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-menu-item-hover-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-menu-item-hover-border-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-menu-item-active-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-menu-item-active-border-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-menu-item-active-trail-background-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-menu-item-active-trail-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-background-color: ct-color-dark('background-light') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-item-background-color: transparent !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-item-heading-color: ct-color-dark('heading') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-item-heading-hover-color: ct-color-dark('heading') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-item-heading-active-color: ct-color-dark('heading') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-item-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-item-hover-background-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-background') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-item-hover-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-hover-text') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-item-active-background-color: ct-color-dark('body') !default;
-$ct-navigation-dark-drawer-sub-menu-item-active-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-// @todo Remove this in favour of inline classes.
-$ct-navigation-breakpoint: $ct-header-desktop-menu-breakpoint !default;
-// Navigation/Side navigation.
-$ct-side-navigation-link-active-border-radius: math.div($ct-border-radius, 2) !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-title-color: ct-color-light('heading') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-expanded-icon-color: ct-color-light('heading') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-border-color: ct-color-light('border-light') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-color: ct-color-light('heading') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-stripe-background-color: ct-color-light('border-light') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-hover-background-color: ct-color-light('background-dark') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-hover-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-hover-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-hover-stripe-background-color: ct-color-light('highlight') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-active-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-active-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-active-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-active-stripe-background-color: ct-color-light('highlight') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-background-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-background-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-stripe-background-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-stripe-background-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-hover-background-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-parent-hover-background-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-hover-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-hover-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-hover-stripe-background-color: ct-color-light('highlight') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-active-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-active-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-active-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-active-stripe-background-color: $ct-side-navigation-light-link-child-hover-stripe-background-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-title-color: ct-color-dark('heading') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-expanded-icon-color: ct-color-dark('heading') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-background-color: ct-color-dark('background-light') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-border-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-text') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-color: ct-color-dark('heading') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-stripe-background-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-text') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-hover-background-color: ct-color-dark('background-dark') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-hover-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-hover-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-hover-stripe-background-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-active-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-active-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-active-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-active-stripe-background-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-background-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-background-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-stripe-background-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-stripe-background-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-hover-background-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-parent-hover-background-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-hover-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-hover-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-hover-stripe-background-color: ct-color-dark('highlight') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-active-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-active-border-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-border-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-active-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-color !default;
-$ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-active-stripe-background-color: $ct-side-navigation-dark-link-child-hover-stripe-background-color !default;
-// Navigation/Mobile navigation.
-$ct-mobile-navigation-breakpoint: $ct-header-desktop-menu-breakpoint !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-light-panel-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-light-top-menu-background-color: $ct-mobile-navigation-light-panel-background-color !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-light-bottom-menu-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-light-menu-item-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-light-menu-item-hover-color: $ct-mobile-navigation-light-menu-item-color !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-light-menu-divider-border-color: ct-color-light('border-light') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-light-subsection-heading-color: ct-color-light('heading') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-light-subsection-heading-icon-color: $ct-mobile-navigation-light-subsection-heading-color !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-light-subsection-trigger-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-trigger-light-color: ct-color-light('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-dark-panel-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-dark-top-menu-background-color: $ct-mobile-navigation-dark-panel-background-color !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-dark-bottom-menu-background-color: ct-color-dark('background-dark') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-dark-menu-item-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-dark-menu-item-hover-color: $ct-mobile-navigation-dark-menu-item-color !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-dark-menu-divider-border-color: ct-color-dark('border') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-dark-subsection-heading-color: ct-color-dark('heading') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-dark-subsection-heading-icon-color: $ct-mobile-navigation-dark-subsection-heading-color !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-dark-subsection-trigger-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-$ct-mobile-navigation-trigger-dark-color: ct-color-dark('interaction-background') !default;
-// Promo.
-$ct-promo-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-promo-light-border-color: ct-color-light('border-light') !default;
-$ct-promo-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-promo-dark-border-color: ct-color-dark('border') !default;
-$ct-promo-space-horizontal: ct-spacing(7) !default;
-// Skip link.
-$ct-skip-link-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-skip-link-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-// Slider.
-$ct-slider-border-radius: $ct-border-radius !default;
-$ct-slider-space-horizontal: ct-spacing(7) !default;
-$ct-slider-slide-desktop-min-height: ct-particle(35) !default;
-$ct-slider-slide-mobile-min-height: ct-particle(35) !default;
-$ct-slider-mobile-transition: 0.5s !default;
-$ct-slider-desktop-transition: 1s !default;
-$ct-slider-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-slider-light-slide-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-slider-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-$ct-slider-dark-slide-background-color: ct-color-dark('background-dark') !default;
-// Webform.
-$ct-webform-space-horizontal: ct-spacing(7) !default;
-$ct-webform-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background') !default;
-$ct-webform-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background') !default;
-// Page.
-$ct-page-light-background-color: ct-color-light('background-light') !default;
-$ct-page-dark-background-color: ct-color-dark('background-dark') !default;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/about-civictheme/about-civictheme.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/about-civictheme/about-civictheme.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 28d82b721b..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/about-civictheme/about-civictheme.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import AboutCivicThemeStoryTemplate from './about-civictheme.stories.twig';
-export default {
- title: 'About CivicTheme',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'fullscreen',
- options: { showPanel: false },
- showPanel: false,
- },
-export const AboutCivicTheme = () => AboutCivicThemeStoryTemplate({
- logos: {
- primary: {
- mobile: {
- url: LOGOS.light.civictheme.mobile,
- },
- desktop: {
- url: LOGOS.light.civictheme.desktop,
- },
- },
- },
-AboutCivicTheme.storyName = 'About CivicTheme';
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/about-civictheme/about-civictheme.stories.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/about-civictheme/about-civictheme.stories.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index d96c9fd5e4..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/about-civictheme/about-civictheme.stories.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-.story-about-civictheme {
- // CivicTheme's own brand color.
- background-color: #003f56;
- .ct-logo {
- .ct-logo__image--mobile {
- max-height: ct-particle(6);
- }
- .ct-logo__image--desktop {
- max-height: ct-particle(12);
- }
- }
- .ct-heading {
- margin-top: ct-spacing(3);
- @include ct-breakpoint(m) {
- margin-top: 0;
- }
- }
- .ct-item-list__item {
- display: flex;
- padding-left: 0;
- align-items: center;
- .ct-paragraph {
- padding-left: ct-spacing(2);
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- .ct-icon {
- overflow: visible;
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/about-civictheme/about-civictheme.stories.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/about-civictheme/about-civictheme.stories.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index 25c64f97be..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/about-civictheme/about-civictheme.stories.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * About CivicTheme story template.
- */
- {% include '@molecules/logo/logo.twig' with {
- theme: 'light',
- logos: logos,
- url: 'https://civictheme.io/',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'CivicTheme is an open-source design system build for modern web development. It offers a comprehensive suite of customisable components and templates designed to streamline the creation of visually appealing and highly functional websites.',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'With a strong emphasis on accessibility compliance, CivicTheme ensures compliance with WCAG 2.2 standards and the platform\'s responsive design provides a seamless user experience across various devices and screen sizes. The rich library of pre-built components, such as buttons, forms, and navigation menus, allow developers to quickly integrate essential features into their projects, significantly reducing development time and costs.',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/heading/heading.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Key benefits',
- level: 3,
- } only %}
- {% set list_item1 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'layer',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: list_item_icon_1 ~ ' Atomic design system of 60+ components',
- allow_html: true,
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% set list_item2 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'eye',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Compliant with WCAG 2.2 AA Standards',
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% set list_item3 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'water-drop',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Integrates with Drupal theme',
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% set list_item4 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'open-source',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Open source and community-driven',
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% include '@base/item-list/item-list.twig' with {
- direction: 'vertical',
- items: [
- list_item1,
- list_item2,
- list_item3,
- list_item4,
- ],
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/heading/heading.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Key features',
- level: 3,
- } only %}
- {% set list_item1 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'web',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Enhanced user experience',
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% set list_item2 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'mobile',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Responsive design and consistent branding',
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% set list_item3 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'layers',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Scalable and flexible for evolving needs',
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% set list_item4 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'document',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Documentation and support',
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% include '@base/item-list/item-list.twig' with {
- direction: 'vertical',
- items: [
- list_item1,
- list_item2,
- list_item3,
- list_item4,
- ],
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'CivicTheme\'s focus on consistent branding and design aims to ensure that organisations can maintain a cohesive online presence, reinforcing their brand identity across all digital touchpoints.',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Ultimately, CivicTheme\'s blend of flexibility, scalability, and cost efficiency makes it an ideal choice for organisations seeking to create professional, user-friendly websites without the need for extensive development resources.',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/heading/heading.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'Under the following conditions:',
- level: 5,
- } only %}
- {% set list_item1 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'lock-file',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'This page must remain in Figma.',
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% set list_item2 %}
- {% include '@base/icon/icon.twig' with {
- symbol: 'lock-gallery',
- size: 'large',
- } only %}
- {% include '@atoms/paragraph/paragraph.twig' with {
- theme: 'dark',
- content: 'The co-branded logo must remain in Storybook and must not be deleted.',
- } only %}
- {% endset %}
- {% include '@base/item-list/item-list.twig' with {
- direction: 'vertical',
- items: [
- list_item1,
- list_item2,
- ],
- } only %}
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fbc31733f..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// Background component.
-@mixin ct-background() {
- & {
- background-position: center;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- background-size: cover;
- }
-.ct-background {
- @include ct-background();
-// Generate .ct-background--[blend-mode] classes that can be added to elements.
-@include ct-generate-class-variations-from-map($ct-background-blend-modes, 'ct-background', true) using($key, $value, $index) {
- background-blend-mode: $value;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4708d90901..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import { knobColor, knobSelect, objectFromArray, shouldRender } from '../storybook/storybook.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Background',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'centered',
- storyLayoutSize: 'large',
- storyLayoutClass: 'story-background-wrapper',
- },
-export const Background = (parentKnobs = {}) => {
- const knobs = {
- url: knobSelect('Background', Object.keys(BACKGROUNDS), Object.keys(BACKGROUNDS)[0], parentKnobs.bgImageUrl, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- color: knobColor('Background color', '#003a4f', parentKnobs.bgColor, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- blend_mode: knobSelect(
- 'Blend mode',
- objectFromArray(SCSS_VARIABLES['ct-background-blend-modes']),
- SCSS_VARIABLES['ct-background-blend-modes'][0],
- parentKnobs.blendMode,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ),
- };
- return shouldRender(parentKnobs)
- ? `
- : knobs;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.stories.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.stories.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index df80adcc71..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.stories.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// Background component stories.
-#root {
- > .story-layout {
- &.story-background-wrapper {
- position: absolute;
- width: 80%;
- height: 80%;
- top: 50%;
- left: 50%;
- transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
- .ct-background {
- height: 100%;
- width: 100%;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.utils.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.utils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cba385276..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/background/background.utils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
- * @file
- * Background component utilities.
- */
-const fs = require('fs');
-const pathUtil = require('path');
-const dir = '../../../assets/backgrounds';
-const basePath = pathUtil.resolve(__dirname, dir);
-const paths = fs.readdirSync(basePath);
-function getBackgrounds() {
- const urls = {};
- paths.forEach((path) => {
- urls[path] = `${dir.replace('../../../', '')}/${path}`;
- });
- return urls;
-module.exports = {
- getBackgrounds,
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9979ca05b7..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
- * @file
- * Collapsible component.
- *
- * Attaches to markup with 'data-collapsible' attribute.
- * Available attributes:
- * - data-collapsible-trigger - trigger for the collapsible. If not provided,
- * then the first descendant will be used.
- * - data-collapsible-panel - panel for the collapsible. If not provided,
- * then the second descendant will be used.
- * - data-collapsible-collapsed - indicate that a starting state is collapsed.
- * - data-collapsible-duration - duration in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.
- * - data-collapsible-group-enabled-breakpoint - enable grouping at breakpoint.
- * Needs 'data-responsive' attribute.
- */
-function CivicThemeCollapsible(el) {
- // Use "data-collapsible"'s attribute value to identify if this component was
- // already initialised.
- if (el.getAttribute('data-collapsible') === 'true' || this.el) {
- return;
- }
- const trigger = this.getTrigger(el);
- const panel = this.getPanel(el);
- // Exit early if trigger or panel were not found.
- if (!trigger || !panel) {
- return;
- }
- this.el = el;
- this.trigger = trigger;
- this.panel = panel;
- this.collapsed = this.isCollapsed(el);
- this.duration = this.el.hasAttribute('data-collapsible-duration') ? this.el.getAttribute('data-collapsible-duration') : 500;
- this.group = this.el.hasAttribute('data-collapsible-group') ? this.el.getAttribute('data-collapsible-group') : null;
- this.icon = ' ';
- this.iconGroupEnabled = this.el.hasAttribute('data-collapsible-icon-group');
- // Make sure that both trigger and a panel have required attributes set.
- this.trigger.setAttribute('data-collapsible-trigger', '');
- this.panel.setAttribute('data-collapsible-panel', '');
- if (!this.panel.hasAttribute('data-collapsible-trigger-no-icon') && !this.trigger.querySelector('.ct-collapsible__icon')) {
- const iconEl = this.htmlToElement(this.icon);
- iconEl.classList.add('ct-collapsible__icon');
- // If multiple words - use last word and icon grouping.
- if (this.iconGroupEnabled) {
- const text = this.trigger.innerText.trim();
- const lastWordIndex = text.lastIndexOf(' ');
- const lastWord = lastWordIndex >= 0 ? text.substring(lastWordIndex + 1) : text;
- const firstWords = lastWordIndex >= 0 ? text.substring(0, lastWordIndex + 1) : '';
- const iconGroupEl = this.htmlToElement(`${lastWord} `);
- iconGroupEl.append(iconEl);
- this.trigger.innerHTML = firstWords;
- this.trigger.append(iconGroupEl);
- } else {
- this.trigger.append(iconEl);
- }
- }
- // Attach event listener.
- this.trigger.addEventListener('click', this.clickEvent.bind(this));
- this.trigger.addEventListener('keydown', this.keydownEvent.bind(this.trigger));
- this.trigger.addEventListener('focusout', this.focusoutEvent.bind(this));
- this.panel.addEventListener('click', (e) => e.stopPropagation());
- this.panel.addEventListener('focusout', this.focusoutEvent.bind(this));
- // Collapse if was set as initially collapsed.
- if (this.collapsed) {
- this.collapse();
- // Init focusable elements for data-collapsible-collapsed only.
- this.initFocusableElements(this.panel);
- }
- this.el.addEventListener('ct.collapsible.collapse', (evt) => {
- // For some cases (like group collapse) - the animation should be disabled.
- const animate = (evt.detail && evt.detail.animate);
- const isCloseAllEvent = (evt.detail && evt.detail.closeAll);
- if ((isCloseAllEvent && this.isGroupsEnabled) || !isCloseAllEvent) {
- this.collapse(animate, evt);
- }
- });
- this.el.addEventListener('ct.collapsible.expand', () => {
- this.expand(true);
- });
- this.el.addEventListener('ct.collapsible.toggle', () => {
- if (this.isCollapsed(this.el)) {
- this.el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ct.collapsible.expand', { bubbles: true }));
- } else {
- this.el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ct.collapsible.collapse', { bubbles: true, detail: { animate: true } }));
- }
- });
- // Attach global keydown event listener to allow closing all collapsibles.
- document.addEventListener('keydown', CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.keydownEvent);
- document.addEventListener('click', CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.collapseAllGroups);
- // Responsive Collapsible Group.
- this.isGroupsEnabled = true;
- this.groupEnabledBreakpoint = this.el.getAttribute('data-collapsible-group-enabled-breakpoint');
- if (this.groupEnabledBreakpoint) {
- window.addEventListener('ct-responsive', (evt) => {
- const evaluationResult = evt.detail.evaluate(this.groupEnabledBreakpoint, () => {
- // Is within breakpoint.
- this.isGroupsEnabled = true;
- });
- if (evaluationResult === false) {
- // Not within breakpoint.
- this.isGroupsEnabled = false;
- }
- }, false);
- }
- // Mark as initialized.
- this.el.setAttribute('data-collapsible', 'true');
- this.trigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', !this.collapsed);
- * Destroy an instance.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.destroy = function (el) {
- if (el.getAttribute('data-collapsible') !== 'true' || !this.el) {
- return;
- }
- const trigger = el.querySelector('[data-collapsible-trigger]') || el.firstElementChild;
- const panel = el.querySelector('[data-collapsible-panel]') || el.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling;
- // Exit early if trigger or panel were not found.
- if (!trigger || !panel) {
- return;
- }
- this.el = el;
- this.trigger = trigger;
- this.panel = panel;
- // Remove any attached event listeners.
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign
- this.trigger.outerHTML = this.trigger.outerHTML;
- // Remove inline overrides.
- this.panel.style.height = '';
- this.panel.style.overflow = '';
- this.trigger.removeAttribute('aria-expanded');
- this.panel.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
- // Mark as non-initialized.
- this.el.setAttribute('data-collapsible', '');
- delete this.el;
- delete this.trigger;
- delete this.panel;
- delete this.collapsed;
- delete this.duration;
- delete this.group;
- * Click event handler.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.clickEvent = function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- if (this.group) {
- this.closeGroup(this.group);
- }
- if (this.collapsed) {
- this.el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ct.collapsible.expand', { bubbles: true }));
- } else {
- this.el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ct.collapsible.collapse', { bubbles: true, detail: { animate: true } }));
- }
- * Focusout event handler.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.focusoutEvent = function (e) {
- // Close when trigger or panel leaves a focus, but only for grouped ones.
- if (
- e.relatedTarget
- && !this.panel.contains(e.relatedTarget)
- && !this.trigger.contains(e.relatedTarget)
- && this.group
- && this.isGroupsEnabled
- ) {
- e.target.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ct.collapsible.collapse', { bubbles: true }));
- }
- * React on pressed keys.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.keydownEvent = function (e) {
- if (!/(32|27|38|40)/.test(e.which) || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || /input|textarea|select|object/i.test(e.target.tagName)) {
- return;
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- // ESC.
- if (e.which === 27) {
- CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.collapseAllGroups();
- return;
- }
- if (this !== document) {
- // Up.
- if (e.which === 38 && !e.shiftKey) {
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ct.collapsible.collapse', { bubbles: true, detail: { animate: true, keydown: true } }));
- return;
- }
- // Down.
- if (e.which === 40 && !e.shiftKey) {
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ct.collapsible.expand', { bubbles: true }));
- }
- // Space.
- if (e.which === 32) {
- e.target.click();
- }
- }
- * Close "other" instances in the group.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.closeGroup = function (group) {
- if (this.isGroupsEnabled) {
- const currentEl = this.el;
- // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
- document.querySelectorAll('[data-collapsible-group=' + group + ']:not([data-collapsible-collapsed])').forEach((el) => {
- if (el !== currentEl) {
- el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ct.collapsible.collapse', { bubbles: true, detail: { closeGroup: true } }));
- }
- });
- }
- * Close all grouped instances on the page.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.collapseAllGroups = function () {
- document.querySelectorAll('[data-collapsible-group]').forEach((el) => {
- el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ct.collapsible.collapse', { bubbles: true, detail: { closeAll: true } }));
- });
- * Collapse panel.
- *
- * @param {boolean} animate
- * Flag to collapse with animation.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.collapse = function (animate, evt) {
- const t = this;
- if (this.isCollapsed(t.el)) {
- return;
- }
- if (evt && evt.target) {
- if (evt.detail && evt.detail.keydown && !evt.detail.closeGroup) {
- if (evt.target.closest('[data-collapsible="true"]') !== t.el) {
- return;
- }
- } else if (evt.currentTarget !== t.el || evt.target !== t.el) {
- return;
- }
- }
- t.disableElementsFocus(t.panel);
- // Helper to set attributes after collapsing.
- const setAttributes = function (obj) {
- obj.panel.style.transition = '';
- obj.panel.style.overflow = 'hidden';
- obj.el.setAttribute('data-collapsible-collapsed', '');
- obj.panel.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);
- obj.trigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false);
- obj.collapsed = true;
- };
- if (animate && t.duration > 0) {
- // Support already set transitions.
- const transition = t.panel.style.transition || `height ${t.duration}ms ease-out`;
- // Reset transition and set overflow before animation starts.
- t.panel.style.transition = '';
- t.panel.style.overflow = 'hidden';
- // Get height before animation starts.
- const h = t.panel.scrollHeight;
- requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- // Prepare for animation by setting initial values.
- t.panel.style.transition = transition;
- t.panel.style.height = `${h}px`;
- // Set progress state.
- t.el.setAttribute('data-collapsible-collapsing', '');
- requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- // Register an event listener to fire at the end of the transition.
- t.panel.addEventListener('transitionend', function () {
- // Remove the event listener straight away.
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-caller, no-restricted-properties
- t.panel.removeEventListener('transitionend', arguments.callee);
- // Remove progress state.
- t.el.removeAttribute('data-collapsible-collapsing');
- // Set all required attributes.
- setAttributes(t);
- });
- // Finally, change the height, triggering the transition.
- t.panel.style.height = '0px';
- });
- });
- } else {
- // Store current transition before it will be reset.
- const transition = t.panel.style;
- setAttributes(t);
- // Restore transition.
- t.panel.style.transition = transition;
- }
- * Expand panel.
- *
- * @param {boolean} animate
- * Flag to expand with animation.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.expand = function (animate) {
- const t = this;
- if (!this.isCollapsed(t.el)) {
- return;
- }
- t.enableElementsFocus(t.panel);
- // Helper to set attributes after collapsing.
- const setAttributes = function (obj) {
- obj.panel.style.transition = '';
- obj.panel.style.overflow = '';
- obj.panel.style.height = '';
- obj.panel.setAttribute('aria-hidden', false);
- obj.trigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
- obj.el.removeAttribute('data-collapsible-collapsed');
- obj.collapsed = false;
- };
- if (animate && t.duration > 0) {
- // Get height before animation starts.
- const h = t.panel.scrollHeight;
- // Set progress state.
- t.el.setAttribute('data-collapsible-collapsing', '');
- t.panel.style.display = '';
- requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- // Prepare for animation by setting initial values.
- t.panel.style.transition = t.panel.style.transition || `height ${t.duration}ms ease-out`;
- requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- // Register an event listener to fire at the end of the transition.
- t.panel.addEventListener('transitionend', function () {
- // Remove the event listener straight away.
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-caller, no-restricted-properties
- t.panel.removeEventListener('transitionend', arguments.callee);
- // Set all required attributes.
- setAttributes(t);
- // Remove progress state.
- t.el.removeAttribute('data-collapsible-collapsing');
- });
- // Finally, change the height, triggering the transition.
- t.panel.style.height = `${h}px`;
- });
- });
- } else {
- const transition = t.panel.style;
- setAttributes(t);
- t.panel.style.transition = transition;
- }
- * Check if the collapsible is collapsed.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.isCollapsed = function (el) {
- return el.hasAttribute('data-collapsible-collapsed');
- * Get trigger element.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.getTrigger = function (el) {
- return el.querySelector('[data-collapsible-trigger]') || el.firstElementChild || null;
- * Get panel element.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.getPanel = function (el) {
- return el.querySelector('[data-collapsible-panel]') || this.getTrigger(el).nextElementSibling || null;
- * Init focusable elements within a panel.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.initFocusableElements = function (panel) {
- this.disableElementsFocus(panel);
- * Disable elements focus.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.disableElementsFocus = function (parent) {
- this.getFocusableElements(parent).forEach((el) => {
- el.setAttribute('tabindex', -1);
- });
- * Enable elements focus.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.enableElementsFocus = function (parent) {
- this.getFocusableElements(parent).forEach((el) => {
- el.removeAttribute('tabindex');
- });
- * Get focusable elements within an element.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.getFocusableElements = function (el) {
- return el.querySelectorAll('input, select, textarea, button, object, area, a');
- * Convert HTML to a DOM element.
- */
-CivicThemeCollapsible.prototype.htmlToElement = function (html) {
- const template = document.createElement('template');
- template.innerHTML = html.trim();
- return template.content.firstChild;
-document.querySelectorAll('[data-collapsible]').forEach((el) => {
- // Delay initialisation if should be responsive.
- const breakpointExpr = el.getAttribute('data-responsive');
- if (breakpointExpr) {
- window.addEventListener('ct-responsive', (evt) => {
- evt.detail.evaluate(breakpointExpr, CivicThemeCollapsible, el);
- }, false);
- return;
- }
- new CivicThemeCollapsible(el);
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index fc06fade6e..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Collapsible component.
-@use 'sass:list';
-@use 'sass:map';
-[data-collapsible] {
- [data-collapsible-trigger] {
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .ct-collapsible__icon {
- @include ct-icon-size();
- }
- &:not([data-collapsible-trigger-no-icon]) {
- [data-collapsible-trigger] {
- position: relative;
- .ct-collapsible__icon {
- transform: rotate(-180deg);
- }
- }
- &[data-collapsible-trigger-wide] {
- [data-collapsible-trigger] {
- display: flex;
- .ct-collapsible__icon {
- @include ct-flex-align-right();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- &:not([data-collapsible-duration='0']) {
- [data-collapsible-trigger] {
- .ct-collapsible__icon {
- transition: transform 0.5s;
- }
- }
- }
- &[data-collapsible-collapsing] {
- [data-collapsible-trigger] {
- .ct-collapsible__icon {
- transform: rotate(0deg);
- }
- }
- &[data-collapsible-collapsed] {
- [data-collapsible-trigger] {
- .ct-collapsible__icon {
- transform: rotate(-180deg);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- &[data-collapsible-collapsed] {
- [data-collapsible-trigger] {
- .ct-collapsible__icon {
- transform: rotate(0deg);
- }
- }
- [data-collapsible-panel] {
- height: 0;
- overflow: hidden;
- @include ct-print() {
- height: auto;
- visibility: visible;
- }
- }
- }
-.no-js {
- [data-collapsible] {
- &[data-collapsible-collapsed] {
- [data-collapsible-panel] {
- height: auto;
- overflow: auto;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ac110c7c8..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import CollapsibleStoryTemplate from './collapsible.stories.twig';
-import './collapsible';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Utilities/Collapsible',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'centered',
- storyLayoutSize: 'medium',
- },
-export const Collapsible = CollapsibleStoryTemplate;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.stories.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.stories.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index f2112da625..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/collapsible/collapsible.stories.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Collapsible story template.
- */
Initially expanded
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Initially collapsed
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Long animation
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
No animation
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Minimal data attributes
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
No trigger icon
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Trigger icon which wraps with last word
- TRIGGER with long text Lorem ipsum est in labore do laboris dolor dolor labore labore do dolor adipisicing.
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Wide trigger icon
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Trigger is a link - Initially expanded
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Trigger is a button - Initially expanded
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Inline trigger
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Absolute panel
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- Text behind absolutely positioned panel.
Test Nested Collapsible Closed
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 1
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 2
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 2:1
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 2:2
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 3
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
Test Nested Collapsible Expanded
- TRIGGER (click me)
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 1
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 2
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 2:1
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 2:2
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
- TRIGGER (click me) 3
- Collapsible demo panel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing
- elit. Consectetur harum magnam modi obcaecati vitae voluptatibus!
- Accusamus
- atque deleniti, distinctio esse facere, nam odio officiis omnis porro
- quibusdam quis repudiandae veritatis.
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/colors/colors.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/colors/colors.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fa7d46143..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/colors/colors.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import ColorsStoryTemplate from './colors.stories.twig';
-import { themes } from '../storybook/storybook.generators.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Colors',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'fullscreen',
- },
-function getColorMap(name) {
- const map = {};
- map.default = SCSS_VARIABLES[`ct-${name}-default`] || {};
- map.custom = SCSS_VARIABLES[`ct-${name}`];
- // Normalise colors as they may not be provided.
- if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map.default, 'light') || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map.default, 'dark')) {
- map.default = {
- light: {},
- dark: {},
- };
- }
- if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map.custom, 'light') || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map.custom, 'dark')) {
- map.custom = {
- light: {},
- dark: {},
- };
- }
- for (const theme in themes()) {
- map.custom[theme] = Object.keys(map.custom[theme]).filter((n) => Object.keys(map.default[theme]).indexOf(n) === -1)
- .reduce((obj2, key) => {
- if (key in map.custom[theme]) {
- obj2[key] = map.custom[theme][key];
- }
- return obj2;
- }, {});
- }
- return map;
-export const Colors = () => {
- const sectionMap = {
- 'Brand colors': {
- Standard: [
- 'brand1',
- 'brand2',
- 'brand3',
- ],
- },
- 'Palette colors': {
- Typography: [
- 'heading',
- 'body',
- ],
- Backgrounds: [
- 'background-light',
- 'background',
- 'background-dark',
- ],
- Borders: [
- 'border-light',
- 'border',
- 'border-dark',
- ],
- Interaction: [
- 'interaction-text',
- 'interaction-background',
- 'interaction-hover-text',
- 'interaction-hover-background',
- 'interaction-focus',
- ],
- Highlight: [
- 'highlight',
- ],
- Status: [
- 'information',
- 'warning',
- 'error',
- 'success',
- ],
- Custom: [],
- },
- };
- const brandMap = getColorMap('colors-brands');
- const paletteMap = getColorMap('colors');
- const colorMap = {
- 'Brand colors': brandMap,
- 'Palette colors': paletteMap,
- };
- const sections = {};
- for (const theme in themes()) {
- for (const sectionTitle in sectionMap) {
- for (const sectionName in sectionMap[sectionTitle]) {
- sections[theme] = sections[theme] || {};
- sections[theme][sectionTitle] = sections[theme][sectionTitle] || {};
- if (sectionName === 'Custom') {
- if (Object.keys(colorMap[sectionTitle].custom[theme]).length > 0) {
- sections[theme][sectionTitle][sectionName] = sections[theme][sectionTitle][sectionName] || {};
- sections[theme][sectionTitle][sectionName] = colorMap[sectionTitle].custom[theme];
- }
- } else {
- const colorNames = sectionMap[sectionTitle][sectionName];
- for (let i = 0; i < colorNames.length; i++) {
- sections[theme][sectionTitle][sectionName] = sections[theme][sectionTitle][sectionName] || {};
- sections[theme][sectionTitle][sectionName][colorNames[i]] = colorMap[sectionTitle].default[theme][colorNames[i]];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ColorsStoryTemplate({
- sections,
- });
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/colors/colors.stories.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/colors/colors.stories.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a7dc65305..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/colors/colors.stories.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Color stories.
-@use 'sass:string';
-@use 'sass:math';
-@use 'sass:map';
-@use 'sass:color';
-// Mixin to create a color box with specific dimensions.
-@mixin ct-stories-color-box($key, $value, $width: ct-particle(12), $height: ct-particle(12)) {
- margin: 0 ct-spacing(2) ct-spacing(2) 0;
- position: relative;
- width: $width;
- .story-color-element {
- // @code
- // Uncomment below for more prominent borders.
- // $border-color: desaturate(color.invert($value, 100%), 100%);
- // @endcode
- $border-color: color.scale($value, $lightness: -40%);
- display: block;
- height: $height;
- box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 ct-particle(0.125) $border-color;
- position: relative;
- background-color: $value;
- }
- .story-color-text {
- display: block;
- @include ct-typography('label-extra-small');
- & {
- text-align: center;
- margin: ct-spacing() 0;
- }
- &::after {
- $content: string.to-upper-case(#{$value});
- content: '#{$content}';
- font-family: 'Courier New', monospace, sans-serif;
- text-align: center;
- display: block;
- position: absolute;
- line-height: 150%;
- width: 100%;
- }
- }
-.story-colors-wrapper {
- display: flex;
- flex-flow: row wrap;
- $brand-colors: _ct-colors-brands();
- $colors: _ct-colors();
- @include ct-generate-class-variations-from-map(map-get($brand-colors, 'light'), 'story-color-light') using($key, $value, $index) {
- @include ct-stories-color-box($key, $value, ct-particle(12), ct-particle(7.5));
- }
- @include ct-generate-class-variations-from-map(map-get($brand-colors, 'dark'), 'story-color-dark') using($key, $value, $index) {
- @include ct-stories-color-box($key, $value, ct-particle(12), ct-particle(7.5));
- }
- @include ct-generate-class-variations-from-map(map-get($colors, 'light'), 'story-color-light') using($key, $value, $index) {
- @include ct-stories-color-box($key, $value, ct-particle(12), ct-particle(7.5));
- }
- @include ct-generate-class-variations-from-map(map-get($colors, 'dark'), 'story-color-dark') using($key, $value, $index) {
- @include ct-stories-color-box($key, $value, ct-particle(12), ct-particle(7.5));
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/colors/colors.stories.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/colors/colors.stories.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index b3488dee95..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/colors/colors.stories.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Colors story template.
- */
- {% for theme, theme_section in sections %}
- {% for section_title, section_colors in theme_section %}
{{ section_title }}
- {% for section_name, colors in section_colors %}
- {% if section_name != 'Standard' %}
{{ section_name }}
- {% endif %}
- {% for color_name, color in colors %}
- {{ color_name|capitalize|replace({'-': ' '}) }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endfor %}
-{% if color_map_link is not empty %}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/datetime/datetime.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/datetime/datetime.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d08cb3d73..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/datetime/datetime.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import CivicThemeTimestamp from './datetime.twig';
-import { dateIsValid, knobText, shouldRender } from '../storybook/storybook.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Utilities/Datetime',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'centered',
- },
-export const Datetime = (parentKnobs = {}) => {
- const knobs = {
- start: knobText('Start', '20 Jan 2023 11:00', parentKnobs.start, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- end: knobText('End', '21 Jan 2023 15:00', parentKnobs.end, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- modifier_class: knobText('Additional classes', '', parentKnobs.modifier_class, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- attributes: knobText('Additional attributes', '', parentKnobs.attributes, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- };
- knobs.start_iso = dateIsValid(knobs.start) ? new Date(knobs.start).toISOString() : null;
- knobs.end_iso = dateIsValid(knobs.end) ? new Date(knobs.end).toISOString() : null;
- return shouldRender(parentKnobs) ? CivicThemeTimestamp(knobs) : knobs;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/datetime/datetime.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/datetime/datetime.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e0271629e..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/datetime/datetime.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Datetime component.
- *
- * Variables:
- * - start: [string] Formatted start time.
- * - start_iso: [string] Start time in ISO format.
- * - end: [string] Formatted end time.
- * - end_iso: [string] End time in ISO format.
- * - attributes: [string] Additional attributes.
- * - modifier_class: [string] Additional classes.
- */
-{% if start is not empty %}
- {{ start|raw }}
- {% if end is not empty %}
- —
- {{ end|raw }}
- {% endif %}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/debug/_index.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/debug/_index.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 2430d0eed4..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/debug/_index.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Debug helpers.
-.ct-block-debug {
- @include ct-block-debug();
-.ct-breakpoint-debug {
- @each $bp, $value in $ct-breakpoints {
- &::before {
- @include ct-breakpoint($bp) {
- content: '#{$bp}: >=#{$value}';
- position: fixed;
- bottom: 0;
- right: 0;
- background: rgba(purple, 0.75);
- display: block;
- padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
- z-index: 1000;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/elevation/elevation.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/elevation/elevation.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bec03e257b..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/elevation/elevation.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Elevation',
-export const Elevation = () => {
- let html = ``;
- html += ``;
- for (let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
- html += `
- html += `
Elevation ${i}
- html += `
- html += `
- }
- html += `
- return html;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/elevation/elevation.stories.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/elevation/elevation.stories.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index fa8942c486..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/elevation/elevation.stories.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Elevation stories.
-@use 'sass:string';
-.story-elevation-wrapper {
- display: flex;
- flex-flow: row wrap;
- @include ct-generate-class-variations-from-map($ct-elevations, 'story-elevation') using($key, $value, $index) {
- width: ct-particle(20);
- height: ct-particle(20);
- margin: ct-spacing(6) ct-spacing(10) ct-particle(12) 0;
- border-radius: ct-spacing(0.5);
- position: relative;
- background-color: white;
- @include ct-elevation($key);
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flex/_index.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flex/_index.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 64e804c5a7..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flex/_index.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// Flex utilities.
-.ct-flex-justify-content-start {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: flex-start;
-.ct-flex-justify-content-center {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
-.ct-flex-justify-content-end {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: flex-end;
-.ct-flex-row-align-middle {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- align-items: center;
- height: 100%;
-.ct-flex-align-self-start {
- align-self: flex-start;
-.ct-flex-align-self-center {
- align-self: center;
-.ct-flex-align-self-end {
- align-self: flex-end;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d3f16643ad..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
- * @file
- * Flyout component.
- *
- * Allows introducing "fly out" behaviour to a block-level HTML element on the
- * page by adding data attributes to elements. The component does not provide
- * any styles, except for z-index configuration and direction transformations.
- *
- * Also, provides a trigger to close a single (currently opened) panel and
- * another trigger to close all open panels.
- */
-function CivicThemeFlyout(el) {
- if (el.getAttribute('data-flyout') === 'true' || this.el) {
- return;
- }
- // Find all open triggers.
- const openTriggers = document.querySelectorAll('[data-flyout-open-trigger]');
- if (!openTriggers.length) {
- return;
- }
- // Find an open trigger.
- this.openTrigger = this.findOpenTrigger(openTriggers, el);
- if (!this.openTrigger) {
- return;
- }
- this.el = el;
- // Find "close trigger", but only search among triggers that are not a part
- // of descendant flyouts.
- this.closeTriggers = Array.from(this.el.querySelectorAll('[data-flyout-close-trigger]'));
- this.closeTriggers = this.closeTriggers.filter((item) => (item.closest('[data-flyout]') === this.el));
- this.closeAllTriggers = Array.from(this.el.querySelectorAll('[data-flyout-close-all-trigger]'));
- this.closeAllTriggers = this.closeAllTriggers.filter((item) => (item.closest('[data-flyout]') === this.el));
- this.panel = this.el.querySelector('[data-flyout-panel]');
- this.el.expanded = this.el.hasAttribute('data-flyout-expanded');
- this.duration = this.el.hasAttribute('data-flyout-duration') ? parseInt(this.el.getAttribute('data-flyout-duration'), 10) : 500;
- this.focusTargets = this.el.hasAttribute('data-flyout-focus') ? this.el.getAttribute('data-flyout-focus').split(',').filter((i) => i) : [];
- // Add event listener to element.
- if (this.openTrigger) {
- this.openTrigger.addEventListener('click', this.clickEvent.bind(this));
- this.openTrigger.expand = true;
- }
- if (this.closeTriggers) {
- this.closeTriggers.forEach((trigger) => {
- trigger.addEventListener('click', this.clickEvent.bind(this));
- trigger.expand = false;
- });
- }
- if (this.closeAllTriggers) {
- this.closeAllTriggers.forEach((trigger) => {
- trigger.addEventListener('click', this.closeAllTriggerClickEvent.bind(this));
- });
- }
- document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
- if (event.key === 'Tab') {
- const flyoutElements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-flyout]');
- flyoutElements.forEach((flyout) => {
- const focusableElements = flyout.querySelectorAll('button, [href], input, select, textarea, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])');
- const firstFocusable = focusableElements[0];
- const lastFocusable = focusableElements[focusableElements.length - 1];
- if (document.activeElement === lastFocusable && !event.shiftKey) {
- event.preventDefault();
- firstFocusable.focus();
- } else if (document.activeElement === firstFocusable && event.shiftKey) {
- event.preventDefault();
- lastFocusable.focus();
- }
- });
- }
- });
- // Mark as initialized.
- this.el.setAttribute('data-flyout', 'true');
- * Find open trigger for the given flyout among provided triggers.
- */
-CivicThemeFlyout.prototype.findOpenTrigger = function (triggers, el) {
- // Find a trigger for the current flyout.
- for (const i in triggers) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(triggers, i)) {
- if (triggers[i].hasAttribute('data-flyout-target')) {
- const found = document.querySelector(triggers[i].getAttribute('data-flyout-target'));
- if (found === el) {
- return triggers[i];
- }
- } else if (triggers[i].nextElementSibling && triggers[i].nextElementSibling.hasAttribute('data-flyout')) {
- // Try to get from the next element.
- const found = triggers[i].nextElementSibling;
- if (found === el) {
- return triggers[i];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- * Click event handler to toggle flyout state.
- */
-CivicThemeFlyout.prototype.clickEvent = function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- if (e.target.hasAttribute('data-flyout-trigger-allow-default') !== true) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- return e.currentTarget.expand ? this.expand() : this.collapse();
- * Event handler to close all flyout components.
- */
-CivicThemeFlyout.prototype.closeAllTriggerClickEvent = function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- if (e.target.hasAttribute('data-flyout-trigger-allow-default') !== true) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- // Collapse all panels.
- document.querySelectorAll('[data-flyout-expanded]').forEach((flyout) => {
- flyout.removeAttribute('data-flyout-expanded');
- });
- document.querySelectorAll('[data-flyout-panel]').forEach((panel) => {
- panel.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);
- const duration = panel.parentNode.hasAttribute('data-flyout-duration') ? parseInt(panel.parentNode.getAttribute('data-flyout-duration'), 10) : 500;
- setTimeout(() => {
- panel.style.visibility = null;
- document.body.style.overflow = null;
- }, duration);
- });
- document.querySelectorAll('[data-flyout-open-trigger]').forEach((trigger) => {
- trigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false);
- });
- if (this.focusTargets) {
- // Focus on the first trigger.
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelector('[data-flyout-open-trigger]').focus();
- }, this.duration);
- }
- * Expand flyout.
- */
-CivicThemeFlyout.prototype.expand = function () {
- this.el.expanded = true;
- this.openTrigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
- this.panel.style.visibility = 'visible';
- // Add required classes.
- this.el.setAttribute('data-flyout-expanded', true);
- this.panel.setAttribute('aria-hidden', false);
- document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';
- if (this.focusTargets) {
- // Focus on the first available target or close button.
- const focusTargets = [
- ...this.focusTargets,
- '[data-flyout-close-trigger]',
- '[data-flyout-close-all-trigger]',
- ];
- for (let i = 0; i < focusTargets.length; i++) {
- let focusElements = Array.from(this.panel.querySelectorAll(focusTargets[i]));
- // Filter to only focus points found in this panel.
- focusElements = focusElements.filter((el) => (el.closest('[data-flyout-panel]') === this.panel));
- if (focusElements.length > 0) {
- setTimeout(() => focusElements[0].focus(), this.duration);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- * Collapse flyout.
- */
-CivicThemeFlyout.prototype.collapse = function () {
- this.el.expanded = false;
- this.openTrigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false);
- this.el.removeAttribute('data-flyout-expanded');
- this.panel.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.panel.style.visibility = null;
- document.body.style.overflow = null;
- if (this.focusTargets) {
- this.openTrigger.focus();
- }
- }, this.duration);
-// Initialize CivicThemeFlyout on every element.
-document.querySelectorAll('[data-flyout]').forEach((flyout) => {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
- new CivicThemeFlyout(flyout);
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index ae443b37da..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Flyout component.
-[data-flyout] {
- $root: &;
- [data-flyout-panel] {
- overflow: hidden auto;
- position: fixed;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- right: 0;
- bottom: 0;
- visibility: hidden;
- transition: transform $ct-flyout-duration;
- }
- &[data-flyout-expanded] {
- > [data-flyout-panel] {
- transform: translate(0, 0);
- visibility: visible;
- transition: transform $ct-flyout-duration;
- z-index: $ct-flyout-zindex;
- }
- }
- @each $direction, $transform in $ct-flyout-direction-transforms {
- &[data-flyout-direction='#{$direction}'] {
- [data-flyout-panel] {
- transform: $transform;
- }
- &[data-flyout-expanded] {
- > [data-flyout-panel] {
- transform: translate(0, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-[data-flyout-close-all-trigger] {
- cursor: pointer;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 40d9268d15..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import './flyout';
-import FlyoutStoryTemplate from './flyout.stories.twig';
-import { knobBoolean, knobNumber, knobRadios, shouldRender } from '../storybook/storybook.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Utilities/Flyout',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'centered',
- },
-export const Flyout = (parentKnobs = {}) => {
- const knobs = {
- direction: knobRadios(
- 'Flyout from',
- {
- Top: 'top',
- Bottom: 'bottom',
- Left: 'left',
- Right: 'right',
- },
- 'right',
- parentKnobs.direction,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ),
- expanded: knobBoolean('Expanded', false, parentKnobs.expanded, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- duration: knobNumber('Duration (ms)', 500, undefined, parentKnobs.duration, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- };
- return shouldRender(parentKnobs) ? FlyoutStoryTemplate(knobs) : knobs;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.stories.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.stories.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index d53d11f251..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.stories.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Flyout component.
-#flyout-story1 {
- [data-flyout-panel] {
- box-shadow: 0 0 ct-particle(0.125) ct-particle(0.125) #f00 inset;
- padding: ct-spacing(2);
- }
-#flyout-story2 {
- [data-flyout-panel] {
- box-shadow: 0 0 ct-particle(0.125) ct-particle(0.125) #00f inset;
- padding: ct-spacing(2);
- }
-#flyout-story3 {
- [data-flyout-panel] {
- box-shadow: 0 0 ct-particle(0.125) ct-particle(0.125) #0f0 inset;
- padding: ct-spacing(2);
- }
-#flyout-story4 {
- [data-flyout-panel] {
- box-shadow: 0 0 ct-particle(0.125) ct-particle(0.125) #c95100 inset;
- padding: ct-spacing(2);
- }
-#flyout-story5 {
- [data-flyout-panel] {
- box-shadow: 0 0 ct-particle(0.125) ct-particle(0.125) #b388ff inset;
- padding: ct-spacing(2);
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.stories.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.stories.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f22242d2f..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/flyout/flyout.stories.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Flyout story template.
- */
-Open flyout 1
- Close x
- Flyout 1
- Labore commodo sunt reprehenderit mollit ipsum adipisicing commodo nisi
- cupidatat mollit dolor commodo velit tempor laboris enim est sit labore
- deserunt enim ullamco irure anim do mollit deserunt Lorem aliquip dolore ex
- laboris ea consectetur aliquip adipisicing consectetur eu ad dolore ullamco
- nostrud reprehenderit quis cillum reprehenderit excepteur enim incididunt.
-Open flyout 2
- Close ❌
- Flyout 2
- Labore commodo sunt reprehenderit mollit ipsum adipisicing commodo nisi
- cupidatat mollit dolor commodo velit tempor laboris enim est sit labore
- deserunt enim ullamco irure anim do mollit deserunt Lorem aliquip dolore ex
- laboris ea consectetur aliquip adipisicing consectetur eu ad dolore ullamco
- nostrud reprehenderit quis cillum reprehenderit excepteur enim incididunt.
-Open flyout 3 (no trigger target)
- Close ❌
- Flyout 3
- Labore commodo sunt reprehenderit mollit ipsum adipisicing commodo nisi
- cupidatat mollit dolor commodo velit tempor laboris enim est sit labore
- deserunt enim ullamco irure anim do mollit deserunt Lorem aliquip dolore ex
- laboris ea consectetur aliquip adipisicing consectetur eu ad dolore ullamco
- nostrud reprehenderit quis cillum reprehenderit excepteur enim incididunt.
-Open flyout 4 (duration)
- Close ❌
- Flyout 4
- Labore commodo sunt reprehenderit mollit ipsum adipisicing commodo nisi
- cupidatat mollit dolor commodo velit tempor laboris enim est sit labore
- deserunt enim ullamco irure anim do mollit deserunt Lorem aliquip dolore ex
- laboris ea consectetur aliquip adipisicing consectetur eu ad dolore ullamco
- nostrud reprehenderit quis cillum reprehenderit excepteur enim incididunt.
-Open flyout 5 and close all
- Close all ❌
- Flyout 5
- Labore commodo sunt reprehenderit mollit ipsum adipisicing commodo nisi
- cupidatat mollit dolor commodo velit tempor laboris enim est sit labore
- deserunt enim ullamco irure anim do mollit deserunt Lorem aliquip dolore ex
- laboris ea consectetur aliquip adipisicing consectetur eu ad dolore ullamco
- nostrud reprehenderit quis cillum reprehenderit excepteur enim incididunt.
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/fonts/_index.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/fonts/_index.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e33a788e..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/fonts/_index.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Font component.
-// stylelint-disable no-invalid-position-at-import-rule, scss/dollar-variable-pattern
-// Generate all fonts inclusions.
-@include ct-font-include(_ct-font-map-all());
-@if $ct-font-smoothing-enable {
- html {
- text-rendering: optimizelegibility;
- -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
- -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/fonts/fonts.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/fonts/fonts.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c80eb7277f..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/fonts/fonts.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import merge from 'deepmerge';
-import { capitalizeFirstLetter, cleanCssIdentifier } from '../storybook/storybook.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Fonts',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'centered',
- storyLayoutSize: 'large',
- storyLayoutCenteredHorizontally: true,
- storyLayoutClass: 'story-fonts-wrapper story-wrapper-size--large',
- },
-export const Fonts = () => {
- const fonts = Object.keys(merge(SCSS_VARIABLES['ct-fonts-default'], SCSS_VARIABLES['ct-fonts']));
- const weights = merge(SCSS_VARIABLES['ct-font-weights-default'], SCSS_VARIABLES['ct-font-weights']);
- let html = '';
- for (const i in Object.values(fonts)) {
- html += ``;
- html += `
- html += `
- for (const weightName in weights) {
- html += `
- html += `
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
- html += `
${capitalizeFirstLetter(weightName)} Italic
- html += `
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
- }
- html += `
- html += `
- }
- return html;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/fonts/fonts.stories.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/fonts/fonts.stories.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 6896037598..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/fonts/fonts.stories.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Font component stories.
-@use 'sass:string';
-.story-fonts-wrapper {
- $all-fonts: _ct-font-map-all();
- $all-weights: _ct-font-weights-all();
- $font-size: ct-particle(6);
- @each $weightName, $weight in $all-weights {
- $weightName: string.to-lower-case($weightName);
- @include ct-generate-class-variations-from-map($all-fonts, 'story-font--#{$weightName}') using($key, $value, $index) {
- font-family: ct-font($key);
- font-weight: $weight;
- font-size: $font-size;
- }
- @include ct-generate-class-variations-from-map($all-fonts, 'story-font--italic--#{$weightName}') using($key, $value, $index) {
- font-family: ct-font($key);
- font-weight: $weight;
- font-style: italic;
- font-size: $font-size;
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ab8251acd..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// Grid component.
-@use 'sass:map';
-// Container class should wrap every row.
-.container {
- @include ct-container();
-.container-fluid {
- @include ct-container(false);
-.row {
- $root: &;
- @include ct-row($ct-grid-gutters);
- {$root}--no-gutters {
- margin-right: 0;
- margin-left: 0;
- > .col,
- > [class*='col-'] {
- padding-right: 0;
- padding-left: 0;
- }
- }
- {$root}--reverse {
- flex-direction: row-reverse;
- }
- {$root}--no-grow {
- > .col,
- > [class*='col-'] {
- flex-grow: initial;
- flex-basis: auto;
- }
- }
- {$root}--fill-width {
- > .col,
- > [class*='col-'] {
- max-width: 100%;
- flex-grow: 1;
- }
- }
- {$root}--equal-heights-content {
- > .col,
- > [class*='col-'] {
- > * {
- height: 100%;
- }
- }
- }
- {$root}--unequal-heights {
- > .col,
- > [class*='col-'] {
- margin-bottom: auto;
- }
- }
- {$root}--vertically-spaced {
- @each $bp, $gutter in $ct-grid-vertical-gutters {
- @if $bp == $ct-grid-lowest-breakpoint {
- row-gap: $gutter;
- margin-bottom: $gutter;
- }
- @else {
- @include ct-breakpoint($bp) {
- row-gap: $gutter;
- margin-bottom: $gutter;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-ul.row {
- margin-top: 0;
- margin-bottom: 0;
-.col {
- $root: &;
- // Make columns at the lowest breakpoint to act as a single column per row.
- @include _ct-grid-col($ct-grid-lowest-breakpoint, $ct-grid-columns);
- $next-bp: ct-map-get-next($ct-breakpoints, $ct-grid-lowest-breakpoint, map.get($ct-breakpoints, 'xxs'), key);
- // Spawn columns to fit into as single row for larger breakpoints.
- @include ct-breakpoint($next-bp) {
- @include _ct-grid-col();
- }
-// Generate column classes.
-@each $breakpoint, $value in $ct-breakpoints {
- @if $breakpoint == $ct-grid-lowest-breakpoint {
- @include _ct-col-factory($breakpoint);
- }
- @else {
- @include ct-breakpoint($breakpoint) {
- @include _ct-col-factory($breakpoint);
- }
- }
-// Utilities for fixed and auto columns.
-[class*='col-'] {
- box-sizing: border-box;
- &.col--reverse {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column-reverse;
- }
- &.col--no-grow {
- flex-grow: initial;
- flex-basis: auto;
- }
- &.col--no-gap {
- // Remove the offsets starting from the next breakpoint from the lowest one.
- @include ct-breakpoint($ct-grid-responsive-breakpoint) {
- &:not(:first-child) {
- padding-left: 0;
- }
- &:not(:last-child) {
- padding-right: 0;
- }
- }
- }
-@each $breakpoint, $value in $ct-breakpoints {
- @if $breakpoint == $ct-grid-lowest-breakpoint {
- .first {
- order: -1;
- }
- .last {
- order: 1;
- }
- }
- @else {
- @include ct-breakpoint($breakpoint) {
- .first-#{$breakpoint} {
- order: -1;
- }
- .last-#{$breakpoint} {
- order: 1;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d6499a1f..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import CivicThemeGrid from './grid.twig';
-import { code, generateItems, knobBoolean, knobNumber, knobRadios, knobText, placeholder, randomSentence, shouldRender } from '../storybook/storybook.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Grid',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'fullscreen',
- docs: 'Outline colors: Contained container Fluid container Row Template column Auto column Placeholder
- docsClass: 'story-docs--conditional',
- },
-export const Grid = () => {
- const showOutline = knobBoolean('Show outlines', false);
- let cols = [];
- let html = ``;
- html += `
- html += `
Contained container ${code('.container')}
- cols = [12];
- for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols[j], placeholder(code(Math.floor(12 / cols[j])))),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols[j]}"`,
- template_column_count: cols[j],
- });
- }
- html += `
Fluid container ${code('.container-fluid')}
- cols = [12];
- for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols[j], placeholder(code(Math.floor(12 / cols[j])))),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols[j]}"`,
- template_column_count: cols[j],
- is_fluid: true,
- });
- }
- html += `
- html += `
Template column in container ${code('.container > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12];
- for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols[j], placeholder(code(Math.floor(12 / cols[j])))),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols[j]}"`,
- template_column_count: cols[j],
- });
- }
- html += `
Template column in fluid container ${code('.container-fluid > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = [1];
- for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols[j], placeholder(code(Math.floor(12 / cols[j])))),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols[j]}"`,
- template_column_count: cols[j],
- is_fluid: true,
- });
- }
- html += `
Auto column in container ${code('.container .row > .col')}
- cols = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12];
- for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols[j], placeholder(code('auto'))),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols[j]}"`,
- });
- }
- html += `
Offsets and order
- html += `
Template column in container ${code('.container > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-offset-[column]')}
- cols = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12];
- let offsets = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8];
- for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(1, placeholder(`width ${code(Math.floor(12 / cols[j]))}, offset ${code(offsets[j])}`)),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="1"`,
- column_class: `col-m-offset-${offsets[j]}`,
- template_column_count: cols[j],
- });
- }
- html += `
Auto column in container ${code('.container > .row > .col.col-[breakpoint]-offset-[column]')}
- cols = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12];
- offsets = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8];
- for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(1, placeholder(`width ${code('auto')}, offset ${code(offsets[j])}`)),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="1"`,
- column_class: `col-m-offset-${offsets[j]}`,
- });
- }
- html += `
Content width
- html += `
Filled ${code('width: 100%')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- column_class: 'col',
- });
- html += `
Hugged ${code('width: auto')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1], 0, 'story-placeholder--hugged')),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- column_class: 'col',
- });
- html += `
Fixed ${code('width: 184px')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(`${cols[i - 1]} fixed width`, 0, 'story-placeholder--fixed')),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- column_class: 'col',
- });
- html += `
Nested Rows (container-less)
- html += `
Template column wraps template column ${code('.row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column] > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- ],
- use_container: false,
- template_column_count: 3,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="3"',
- }),
- placeholder('Parent'),
- ],
- use_container: false,
- template_column_count: 2,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="2"',
- modifier_class: 'row--no-gutters',
- });
- html += `
Template column wraps auto column ${code('.row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column] > .row > .col')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- ],
- use_container: false,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="3"',
- }),
- placeholder('Parent'),
- ],
- use_container: false,
- template_column_count: 2,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="2"',
- modifier_class: 'row--no-gutters',
- });
- html += `
Auto column wraps auto-column ${code('.row > .col > .row > .col')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- ],
- use_container: false,
- }),
- placeholder('Parent'),
- ],
- use_container: false,
- modifier_class: 'row--no-gutters',
- });
- html += `
Auto column wraps template column ${code('.row > .col > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- ],
- use_container: false,
- template_column_count: 3,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="3"',
- }),
- placeholder('Parent'),
- ],
- use_container: false,
- modifier_class: 'row--no-gutters',
- });
- html += `
Nested Containers
- html += `
Container with template columns wraps container with template columns ${code('.container .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column] .container > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: false,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="3"',
- }),
- placeholder('Parent'),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: false,
- template_column_count: 2,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="2"',
- });
- html += `
Fluid container with template columns wraps container with template columns ${code('.container-fluid .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column] .container > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: false,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="3"',
- }),
- placeholder('Parent'),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: true,
- template_column_count: 2,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="2"',
- });
- html += `
Fluid container with template columns wraps container with template columns (single column) ${code('.container-fluid .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column] .container > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: false,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="3"',
- }),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: true,
- template_column_count: 1,
- });
- html += `
Container with template columns wraps fluid container with template columns ${code('.container .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column] .container-fluid > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: true,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="3"',
- }),
- placeholder('Parent'),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: false,
- template_column_count: 2,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="2"',
- });
- html += `
Fluid container with template columns wraps fluid container with template columns ${code('.container-fluid .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column] .container-fluid > .row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- CivicThemeGrid({
- items: [
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- placeholder('Nested'),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: true,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="3"',
- }),
- placeholder('Parent'),
- ],
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: true,
- template_column_count: 2,
- column_attributes: 'data-story-total-columns="2"',
- });
- html += `
Row utilities
- html += `
No gutters ${code('.row.row--no-gutters')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- use_container: false,
- row_class: 'row row--no-gutters',
- });
- html += `
No gutters within container ${code('.container > .row.row--no-gutters')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: false,
- row_class: 'row row--no-gutters',
- });
- html += `
No gutters within fluid container ${code('.container-fluid > .row.row--no-gutters')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- use_container: true,
- is_fluid: true,
- row_class: 'row row--no-gutters',
- });
- html += `
Reversed columns ${code('.row.row--reverse')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- template_column_count: cols.length,
- row_class: 'row row--reverse',
- });
- html += `
Equal column heights by default
- cols = [`
Content should not fill - height is not 100%. ${randomSentence(5, 'A')}`, randomSentence(30, 'B'), randomSentence(5, 'C'), randomSentence(5, 'D')];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- template_column_count: cols.length,
- });
- html += `
Equal column heights propagated to content ${code('.row.row--equal-heights-content > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = [`
Content should fill - height is propagated to be 100%. ${randomSentence(5, 'A')}`, randomSentence(30, 'B'), randomSentence(5, 'C'), randomSentence(5, 'D')];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- template_column_count: cols.length,
- row_class: 'row row--equal-heights-content',
- });
- html += `
Equal column heights propagated to content ${code('.row.row--equal-heights-content > .col')} - Auto column
- cols = [`
Content should fill - height is propagated to be 100%. ${randomSentence(5, 'A')}`, randomSentence(30, 'B'), randomSentence(5, 'C'), randomSentence(5, 'D')];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- row_class: 'row row--equal-heights-content',
- });
- html += `
Unequal column heights ${code('.row.row--unequal-heights > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = [randomSentence(5, 'A'), randomSentence(20, 'B'), randomSentence(5, 'C'), randomSentence(5, 'D')];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- template_column_count: cols.length,
- row_class: 'row row--unequal-heights',
- });
- html += `
Unequal column heights ${code('.row.row--unequal-heights > .col')} - Auto column
- cols = [randomSentence(5, 'A'), randomSentence(20, 'B'), randomSentence(5, 'C'), randomSentence(5, 'D')];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- row_class: 'row row--unequal-heights',
- });
- html += `
Vertical spacing ${code('.row.row--vertically-spaced > .col-[breakpoint]-[column]')}
- cols = [4, 3, 4];
- for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols[j] + (j % 2), placeholder(code(Math.floor(12 / cols[j])))),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols[j]}"`,
- template_column_count: cols[j],
- row_class: 'row row--vertically-spaced',
- });
- }
- html += `
Vertical spacing ${code('.row.row--vertically-spaced > .col')} - Autocolumn
- cols = [4, 3, 4];
- for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols[j] + (j % 2), placeholder(code(Math.floor(12 / cols[j])), 0, 'story-placeholder--fixed')),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols[j]}"`,
- row_class: 'row row--vertically-spaced',
- });
- }
- html += `
Column utilities
- html += `
Reversed items ${code('.row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column].col--reverse')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => `${placeholder(`${cols[i - 1]}-1`)} ${placeholder(`${cols[i - 1]}-2`)}`),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- template_column_count: cols.length,
- column_class: 'col--reverse',
- });
- html += `
Reversed items ${code('.row > .col.col--reverse')} - Auto column
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => `${placeholder(`${cols[i - 1]}-1`)} ${placeholder(`${cols[i - 1]}-2`)}`),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- column_class: 'col col--reverse',
- });
- html += `
No grow ${code('.row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column].col--no-grow')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- template_column_count: cols.length,
- column_class: 'col--no-grow',
- });
- html += `
No grow ${code('.row > .col.col--no-grow')} - Auto column
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- column_class: 'col col--no-grow',
- });
- html += `
No gap ${code('.row > .col-[breakpoint]-[column].col--no-gap')}
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- template_column_count: cols.length,
- column_class: 'col--no-gap',
- });
- html += `
No gap ${code('.row > .col.col--no-gap')} - Auto column
- cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
- html += CivicThemeGrid({
- items: generateItems(cols.length, (i) => placeholder(cols[i - 1])),
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${cols.length}"`,
- column_class: 'col col--no-gap',
- });
- html += '
- return html;
-export const GridGenerator = (parentKnobs = {}) => {
- const knobs = {
- number_of_items: knobNumber(
- 'Number of items',
- 4,
- {
- range: true,
- min: 0,
- max: 15,
- step: 1,
- },
- parentKnobs.number_of_items,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ),
- template_column_count: parseInt(knobRadios(
- 'Template column count',
- {
- 'Not set (use auto columns)': '0',
- 1: '1',
- 2: '2',
- 3: '3',
- 4: '4',
- 6: '6',
- 12: '12',
- },
- '12',
- parentKnobs.template_column_count,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ), 10),
- render_as: knobRadios(
- 'Render as',
- {
- 'div > div': 'divdiv',
- 'ul > li': 'ulli',
- },
- 'divdiv',
- parentKnobs.render_as,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ),
- container_type: knobRadios(
- 'Container type',
- {
- None: '',
- Contained: 'contained',
- Fluid: 'fluid',
- },
- 'contained',
- parentKnobs.container_type,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ),
- fill_width: knobBoolean('Fill width', false, parentKnobs.fill_width, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- row_class: knobText('Additional row class', '', parentKnobs.row_class, 'Attributes'),
- row_attributes: knobText('Additional row attributes', '', parentKnobs.row_attributes, 'Attributes'),
- column_class: knobText('Additional column class', '', parentKnobs.column_class, 'Attributes'),
- column_attributes: knobText('Additional column attributes', '', parentKnobs.column_attributes, 'Attributes'),
- modifier_class: knobText('Additional class', '', parentKnobs.modifier_class, 'Attributes'),
- attributes: knobText('Additional attributes', '', parentKnobs.attributes, 'Attributes'),
- };
- const showOutlines = knobBoolean('Show outlines', false, parentKnobs.show_outlines, parentKnobs.knobTab);
- const props = {
- items: generateItems(knobs.number_of_items, () => placeholder(Math.floor(12 / (knobs.template_column_count > 0 ? knobs.template_column_count : 12)))),
- row_element: knobs.render_as === 'ulli' ? 'ul' : 'div',
- row_class: knobs.row_class,
- row_attributes: knobs.row_attributes,
- column_element: knobs.render_as === 'ulli' ? 'li' : 'div',
- column_class: knobs.column_class,
- column_attributes: `data-story-total-columns="${knobs.number_of_items}"`,
- use_container: knobs.container_type !== 'none',
- is_fluid: knobs.container_type === 'fluid',
- template_column_count: knobs.template_column_count,
- fill_width: knobs.fill_width,
- attributes: knobs.attributes,
- modifier_class: knobs.modifier_class,
- };
- return shouldRender(parentKnobs) ? `${CivicThemeGrid(props)}
` : knobs;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.stories.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.stories.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 3437e8b1fa..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.stories.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// Grid component stories.
-@use 'sass:math';
-.story-grid-outlines {
- $_container-color: red;
- $_fluid-container-color: purple;
- $_row-color: orange;
- $_template-column-color: green;
- $_auto-column-color: blue;
- $_placeholder-text-color: grey;
- $_story-container-color: #25324d;
- .container,
- .container-fluid {
- background-color: rgba($_container-color, 0.025);
- box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px $_container-color inset;
- .row,
- ul {
- counter-reset: story-coloumn-counter;
- background-color: rgba($_row-color, 0.2);
- outline: 1px solid rgba($_row-color, 0.2);
- // Column.
- > .col,
- > [class*='col-'],
- > li {
- counter-increment: story-coloumn-counter;
- position: relative;
- &::after {
- content: counter(story-coloumn-counter) ' of ' attr(data-story-total-columns);
- position: absolute;
- bottom: 2px;
- right: 0;
- left: 0;
- text-align: center;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- }
- .row,
- ul {
- counter-reset: story-column-nested-counter;
- > .col,
- > [class*='col-'],
- > li {
- counter-increment: story-column-nested-counter;
- &::after {
- content: 'Nested ' counter(story-column-nested-counter) ' of ' attr(data-story-total-columns);
- left: auto;
- font-size: 0.4em;
- }
- }
- }
- @mixin _ct-story-placeholder-meta($width) {
- position: relative;
- &::before {
- content: ct-string($width);
- color: $_placeholder-text-color;
- position: absolute;
- top: 2px;
- left: 0;
- right: 0;
- text-align: center;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- font-family: Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Menlo, Courier, monospace;
- white-space: nowrap;
- }
- }
- // Column content.
- .story-placeholder {
- @include _ct-story-placeholder-meta('100%');
- }
- .story-placeholder--hugged {
- @include _ct-story-placeholder-meta('auto');
- }
- .story-placeholder--fixed {
- $_width: math.div(ct-breakpoint-next($ct-grid-lowest-breakpoint), 2);
- @include _ct-story-placeholder-meta($_width);
- }
- }
- // Column colors.
- > [class*='col-'] {
- background-color: rgba($_template-column-color, 0.1);
- outline: 1px solid rgba($_template-column-color, 0.5);
- &::after {
- color: $_template-column-color;
- }
- }
- > .col,
- > li {
- background-color: rgba($_auto-column-color, 0.1);
- outline: 1px solid rgba($_auto-column-color, 0.5);
- &::after {
- color: $_auto-column-color;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- .container-fluid {
- background-color: rgba($_fluid-container-color, 0.025);
- box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px $_fluid-container-color inset;
- }
- &.grid-story-docs {
- row-gap: 1em;
- > * {
- margin-right: 1em;
- white-space: nowrap;
- }
- @mixin _ct-story-docs-color-square($color) {
- &::before {
- content: '';
- display: inline-block;
- height: 1em;
- width: 1em;
- background-color: $color;
- margin-right: 0.5em;
- vertical-align: top;
- }
- }
- .grid-story-docs-color-container-contained {
- @include _ct-story-docs-color-square($_container-color);
- }
- .grid-story-docs-color-container-fluid {
- @include _ct-story-docs-color-square($_fluid-container-color);
- }
- .grid-story-docs-color-row {
- @include _ct-story-docs-color-square($_row-color);
- }
- .grid-story-docs-color-template-column {
- @include _ct-story-docs-color-square($_template-column-color);
- }
- .grid-story-docs-color-auto-column {
- @include _ct-story-docs-color-square($_auto-column-color);
- }
- .grid-story-docs-color-placeholder {
- @include _ct-story-docs-color-square($_placeholder-text-color);
- }
- }
- .story-container__title,
- .story-container__subtitle {
- margin-top: 0;
- margin-bottom: 0;
- box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px $_story-container-color inset;
- }
- .story-container__title {
- padding-bottom: ct-spacing(2);
- padding-top: ct-spacing(4);
- }
- .story-container__subtitle {
- padding-top: ct-spacing(3);
- padding-bottom: ct-spacing(2);
- }
-@include ct-story-docs-conditional('.story-grid-outlines');
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e0cb68a15..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/grid/grid.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Grid component.
- *
- * Variables:
- * - items: [array] Array of column items.
- * - row_element: [string] Row element.
- * - row_class: [string] Optional row class override. Deffaults to 'row'.
- * - row_attributes: [string] Additional row attributes.
- * - column_element: [string] Column element.
- * - column_class: [string] Optional column class override. Defaults to 'col' if
- * column auto-generation is not required (template_column_count is 0),
- * otherwise it is appended to the auto-generated column class list.
- * - column_attributes: [string] Additional column attributes.
- * - use_container: [boolean] Whether to use container or not.
- * - is_fluid: [boolean] Whether the grid is fluid or not. Defaults to false.
- * Applies only if `use_container` is true.
- * - template_column_count: [number] Number of columns in the row. If 0 - the
- * auto columns will be used where column width will be calculated
- * automatically. Defaults to 0.
- * - fill_width: [boolean] Stretch "hanging" items to the full width of the row.
- * - attributes: [string] Additional attributes.
- * - modifier_class: [string] Additional classes.
- */
-{% set use_container = use_container|default(true) %}
-{% set is_fluid = is_fluid|default(false) %}
-{% set fill_width = fill_width|default(false) %}
-{% set row_element = row_element|default('div') %}
-{% set column_element = column_element|default('div') %}
-{% set template_column_count = template_column_count|default(0) %}
-{% set row_class = row_class|default('') %}
-{% set modifier_class = modifier_class|default('') %}
-{% if template_column_count > 0 %}
- {% set column_class = column_class|default('') %}
- {% set template_column_count = template_column_count in [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12] ? template_column_count : 12 %}
- {% set column_class = 'col-xxs-12 col-m-%s %s'|format(12 // template_column_count, column_class)|trim %}
-{% else %}
- {% set column_class = ('col ' ~ column_class|default(''))|trim %}
-{% endif %}
-{% set row_classes = ['row'] %}
-{% if fill_width %}
- {% set row_classes = row_classes|merge(['row--fill-width']) %}
-{% endif %}
-{% set row_classes = row_classes|merge([row_class]) %}
-{% set container_class = '' %}
-{% if use_container %}
- {% set container_class = ((is_fluid ? 'container-fluid' : 'container') ~ ' ' ~ modifier_class)|trim %}
-{% else %}
- {# Propagade modifier class to row class if container is not used. #}
- {% if modifier_class is not empty %}
- {% set row_classes = row_classes|merge([modifier_class]) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% set row_attributes = (row_attributes ~ ' ' ~ attributes)|trim %}
-{% endif %}
-{% set row_class_string = row_classes|join(' ')|trim %}
-{% if items is not empty %}
- {% if use_container %}
- {% endif %}
- <{{ row_element }} class="{{ row_class_string }}" {% if row_attributes is not empty %}{{ row_attributes|raw }}{% endif %}>
- {% for item in items %}
- {% if item is not empty %}
- <{{ column_element }} class="{{ column_class }}" {% if column_attributes is not empty %}{{ column_attributes|raw }}{% endif %}>
- {{ item|raw }}
- {{ column_element }}>
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- {{ row_element }}>
- {% if use_container %}
- {% endif %}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/icon/icon.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/icon/icon.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b34b26a7c..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/icon/icon.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Icon component.
-@use 'sass:map';
-.ct-icon {
- fill: currentcolor;
- // Size-less icons inherit dimensions from container's font-size.
- width: 1em;
- height: 1em;
- vertical-align: middle;
- // Generate size classes for all pre-set sizes.
- @each $size, $values in _ct-icon-sizes-all() {
- &--size-#{$size} {
- @include ct-icon-size($size);
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/icon/icon.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/icon/icon.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2166a937d..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/icon/icon.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import merge from 'deepmerge';
-import CivicThemeIcon from './icon.twig';
-import { arrayCombine, knobRadios, knobSelect, knobText, shouldRender, toLabels } from '../storybook/storybook.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Icon',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'centered',
- },
-export const Icon = (parentKnobs = {}) => {
- const defaultSizes = SCSS_VARIABLES['ct-icon-sizes-default'];
- const customSizes = SCSS_VARIABLES['ct-icon-sizes'];
- let sizes = Object.keys(merge(defaultSizes, customSizes));
- sizes = arrayCombine(toLabels(sizes), sizes);
- sizes = merge({ Auto: 'auto' }, sizes);
- const knobs = {
- symbol: knobSelect('Symbol', ICONS, ICONS[0], parentKnobs.symbol, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- alt: knobText('Alt', 'Icon alt text', parentKnobs.alt, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- size: knobRadios('Size', sizes, 'auto', parentKnobs.size, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- modifier_class: knobText('Additional classes', '', parentKnobs.modifier_class, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- attributes: knobText('Additional attributes', '', parentKnobs.attributes, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- };
- return shouldRender(parentKnobs) ? CivicThemeIcon(knobs) : knobs;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/icon/icon.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/icon/icon.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af84d0ff7..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/icon/icon.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Icon component.
- *
- * Variables:
- * - symbol: [string] Required icon name.
- * - size: [string] Optional icon size.
- * - alt: [string] Optional alternate text of the image.
- * - attributes: [string] Optional additional attributes.
- * - modifier_class: [string] Optional additional classes.
- * - assets_dir: [string] Optional assets directory to get icons from.
- */
-{% set assets_dir = assets_dir|default('@civictheme/../assets') %}
-{% if symbol is not empty %}
- {% set source = source(assets_dir ~ '/icons/' ~ symbol ~ '.svg', true) %}
- {% if source is not empty %}
- {% set size_class = size ? 'ct-icon--size-' ~ size : '' %}
- {% set base_class = 'ct-icon ' ~ size_class %}
- {% set modifier = modifier_class|default('') %}
- {% set aria_attributes = 'aria-hidden="true" role="img"' %}
- {% set alt_attribute = alt is defined ? 'alt="' ~ alt ~ '"' : '' %}
- {% set additional_attributes = attributes|default('') %}
- {% set attributes = 'class="' ~ base_class ~ ' ' ~ modifier ~ '" ' ~ aria_attributes ~ ' ' ~ alt_attribute ~ ' ' ~ additional_attributes %}
- {{ source|replace({' {
- if (pathUtil.extname(file).toLowerCase() === EXTENSION) {
- iconPaths.push(`${basePath}/${file}`);
- }
- });
- return iconPaths;
-function getIconNameFromPath(path) {
- return path.replace(basePath, '').substring(1).replace('.svg', '');
-function getIcons() {
- return getIconPaths().map((path) => getIconNameFromPath(path));
-module.exports = {
- getIcons,
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/item-list/item-list.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/item-list/item-list.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 72a6ac2dac..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/item-list/item-list.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// Item List component.
-@use 'sass:math';
-@import '../mixins/reset';
-.ct-item-list {
- $root: &;
- @include ct-reset-box-model();
- list-style: none;
- {$root}--horizontal {
- display: flex;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- column-gap: $ct-item-list-horizontal-regular-column-gap;
- row-gap: $ct-item-list-horizontal-regular-row-gap;
- {$root}--small {
- column-gap: $ct-item-list-horizontal-small-column-gap;
- row-gap: $ct-item-list-horizontal-small-row-gap;
- }
- {$root}--large {
- column-gap: math.div($ct-item-list-horizontal-large-column-gap, 2);
- row-gap: math.div($ct-item-list-horizontal-large-row-gap, 2);
- @include ct-breakpoint($ct-grid-responsive-breakpoint) {
- column-gap: $ct-item-list-horizontal-large-column-gap;
- row-gap: $ct-item-list-horizontal-large-row-gap;
- }
- }
- {$root}--no-gap {
- gap: unset;
- }
- }
- {$root}--vertical {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- column-gap: $ct-item-list-vertical-regular-column-gap;
- row-gap: $ct-item-list-vertical-regular-row-gap;
- {$root}--small {
- column-gap: $ct-item-list-vertical-small-column-gap;
- row-gap: $ct-item-list-vertical-small-row-gap;
- }
- {$root}--large {
- column-gap: math.div($ct-item-list-vertical-large-column-gap, 2);
- row-gap: math.div($ct-item-list-vertical-large-row-gap, 2);
- @include ct-breakpoint($ct-grid-responsive-breakpoint) {
- column-gap: $ct-item-list-vertical-large-column-gap;
- row-gap: $ct-item-list-vertical-large-row-gap;
- }
- }
- {$root}--no-gap {
- gap: unset;
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/item-list/item-list.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/item-list/item-list.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 25bb3eb77b..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/item-list/item-list.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import CivicThemeItemList from './item-list.twig';
-import { generateItems, knobBoolean, knobNumber, knobRadios, knobText, placeholder, randomSentence, shouldRender } from '../storybook/storybook.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Item List',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'centered',
- storyLayoutSize: 'large',
- },
-export const ItemList = (parentKnobs = {}) => {
- const knobs = {
- direction: knobRadios(
- 'Direction',
- {
- Horizontal: 'horizontal',
- Vertical: 'vertical',
- },
- 'horizontal',
- parentKnobs.direction,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ),
- size: knobRadios(
- 'Size',
- {
- Large: 'large',
- Regular: 'regular',
- Small: 'small',
- },
- 'regular',
- parentKnobs.size,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ),
- no_gap: knobBoolean('No gap', false, parentKnobs.no_gap, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- items_count: knobNumber(
- 'Items count',
- 5,
- {
- range: true,
- min: 0,
- max: 10,
- step: 1,
- },
- parentKnobs.items_count,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ),
- long_placeholder_text: knobBoolean('Long placeholder text', false, parentKnobs.long_placeholder_text, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- attributes: knobText('Additional attributes', '', parentKnobs.attributes, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- modifier_class: knobText('Additional class', '', parentKnobs.modifier_class, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- };
- knobs.items = generateItems(
- knobs.items_count,
- placeholder(knobs.long_placeholder_text ? randomSentence(30) : 'Content placeholder'),
- );
- return shouldRender(parentKnobs) ? CivicThemeItemList(knobs) : knobs;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/item-list/item-list.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/item-list/item-list.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index 0183cc0e8b..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/item-list/item-list.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Link List component.
- *
- * Variables:
- * - direction: [string] Direction: horizontal, vertical. Defaults to horizontal.
- * - size: [string] Size: large, regular, small. Defaults to regular.
- * - no_gap: [boolean] Render without gaps.
- * - items: [array] Items array
- * - attributes: [string] Additional attributes.
- * - modifier_class: [string] Additional classes.
- */
-{% set direction = direction in ['horizontal', 'vertical'] ? direction : 'horizontal' %}
-{% set size = size in ['small', 'regular', 'large'] ? size : 'regular' %}
-{% set direction_class = 'ct-item-list--%s'|format(direction) %}
-{% set size_class = 'ct-item-list--%s'|format(size) %}
-{% set no_gap_class = no_gap ? 'ct-item-list--no-gap' : '' %}
-{% set modifier_class = '%s %s %s %s'|format(direction_class, size_class, no_gap_class, modifier_class|default('')) %}
-{% if items %}
- {% for item in items %}
- {% if item is not empty %}
- {{- item|raw -}}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a905c8e0b..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
- * @file
- * Layout component.
- */
-function CivicThemeLayout(el) {
- this.el = el;
- this.grid = el.querySelector(':scope > .ct-layout__inner');
- const gridStyle = getComputedStyle(this.grid);
- if (gridStyle.gridTemplateRows === 'masonry' || this.grid.hasAttribute('data-masonry')) {
- return;
- }
- this.grid.setAttribute('data-masonry', true);
- this.stl = this.grid.querySelector(':scope > .ct-layout__sidebar_top_left');
- this.str = this.grid.querySelector(':scope > .ct-layout__sidebar_top_right');
- this.sbl = this.grid.querySelector(':scope > .ct-layout__sidebar_bottom_left');
- this.sbr = this.grid.querySelector(':scope > .ct-layout__sidebar_bottom_right');
- // Only enable masonry if all 4 elements are present.
- if (this.stl && this.str && this.sbl && this.sbr) {
- // Prepare redraw variables.
- this.gap = parseFloat(gridStyle.gridRowGap);
- // Items include all children of the grid, not just the 4 sidebar regions.
- this.items = Array.from(this.grid.children);
- this.height = 0;
- // Listen for redraw events.
- this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => {
- requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- this.masonryRedraw();
- });
- });
- // Observe all children of the grid items rather than the items themselves:
- // this allows us to detect changes in the height of the children rather
- // tnan of the grid items as their height will not change when children
- // combined heights is less than a single grid row height.
- this.items.forEach((item) => {
- Array.from(item.children).forEach((child) => {
- this.resizeObserver.observe(child);
- });
- });
- this.masonryRedraw();
- }
- * Position element in relation to it's above element.
- */
-CivicThemeLayout.prototype.masonryPositionElement = function (el, aboveEl, gap) {
- const aboveChildIdx = aboveEl.children.length - 1;
- const aboveChild = (aboveChildIdx >= 0) ? aboveEl.children[aboveChildIdx] : null;
- const aboveBottom = aboveChild ? aboveChild.getBoundingClientRect().bottom : aboveEl.getBoundingClientRect().top;
- const currentTop = el.getBoundingClientRect().top;
- el.style.marginTop = `${aboveBottom + gap - currentTop}px`;
- * Reposition grid elements.
- */
-CivicThemeLayout.prototype.masonryRedraw = function () {
- // Calculate the new height of all children.
- //
- // Although masonry layout is applied only if the element has the
- // CSS variable --js-masonry-enabled set and we could have check for this
- // variable to preserve height reclaulation, this variable can be assigned
- // within a specific media query. Therefore, we need to calculate the height
- // in case --js-masonry-enabled is assigned to the element after the viewport
- // has been resized.
- const newHeight = this.items.reduce((totalHeight, item) => {
- const childrenHeight = Array.from(item.children).reduce((childTotal, child) => childTotal + child.getBoundingClientRect().height, 0);
- return totalHeight + childrenHeight;
- }, 0);
- // Proceed only if the height has changed.
- if (newHeight !== this.height) {
- this.height = newHeight;
- // Clear existing positioning.
- this.sbl.style.removeProperty('margin-top');
- this.sbr.style.removeProperty('margin-top');
- // Set new position (if masonry css has been applied).
- if (getComputedStyle(this.grid).getPropertyValue('--js-masonry-enabled')) {
- this.masonryPositionElement(this.sbl, this.stl, this.gap);
- this.masonryPositionElement(this.sbr, this.str, this.gap);
- }
- }
-document.querySelectorAll('.ct-layout').forEach((layout) => {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
- new CivicThemeLayout(layout);
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 6112d43d2a..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-// Layout component.
-.ct-layout {
- $root: &;
- &__sidebar_top_left,
- &__sidebar_top_right,
- &__sidebar_bottom_left,
- &__sidebar_bottom_right {
- @include ct-print-hide();
- }
- &.ct-vertical-spacing--top {
- #{$root}.ct-vertical-spacing--top,
- #{$root}.ct-vertical-spacing--both {
- margin-top: 0;
- }
- #{$root}.ct-vertical-spacing--bottom,
- #{$root}.ct-vertical-spacing--both {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- }
- &__inner {
- $inner: &;
- display: grid;
- grid-template-columns: repeat($ct-layout-columns, 1fr);
- row-gap: $ct-layout-row-gap;
- grid-template-rows: auto 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: masonry;
- @include ct-breakpoint($ct-layout-breakpoint) {
- // Activate masonry layout.
- --js-masonry-enabled: 1;
- // See the responsive layout rules at the bottom of this file.
- column-gap: $ct-layout-column-gap;
- }
- & {
- --stl: 1;
- --str: 2;
- --m: 3;
- --sbl: 4;
- --sbr: 5;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-left > & {
- --stl: 0;
- --str: 1;
- --m: 2;
- --sbl: 3;
- --sbr: 4;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-right > & {
- --stl: 1;
- --str: 0;
- --m: 2;
- --sbl: 3;
- --sbr: 4;
- }
- #{$root}--no-bottom-left > & {
- --stl: 1;
- --str: 2;
- --m: 3;
- --sbl: 0;
- --sbr: 4;
- }
- #{$root}--no-bottom-right > & {
- --stl: 1;
- --str: 2;
- --m: 3;
- --sbl: 4;
- --sbr: 0;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-top-right > & {
- --stl: 0;
- --str: 0;
- --m: 1;
- --sbl: 2;
- --sbr: 3;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left > & {
- --stl: 0;
- --str: 1;
- --m: 2;
- --sbl: 0;
- --sbr: 3;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-right > & {
- --stl: 0;
- --str: 1;
- --m: 2;
- --sbl: 3;
- --sbr: 0;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-left > & {
- --stl: 1;
- --str: 0;
- --m: 2;
- --sbl: 0;
- --sbr: 3;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right > & {
- --stl: 1;
- --str: 0;
- --m: 2;
- --sbl: 3;
- --sbr: 0;
- }
- #{$root}--no-bottom-left#{$root}--no-bottom-right > & {
- --stl: 1;
- --str: 2;
- --m: 3;
- --sbl: 0;
- --sbr: 0;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-left > & {
- --stl: 0;
- --str: 0;
- --m: 1;
- --sbl: 0;
- --sbr: 2;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right > & {
- --stl: 0;
- --str: 0;
- --m: 1;
- --sbl: 2;
- --sbr: 0;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left#{$root}--no-bottom-right > & {
- --stl: 0;
- --str: 1;
- --m: 2;
- --sbl: 0;
- --sbr: 0;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-left#{$root}--no-bottom-right > & {
- --stl: 1;
- --str: 0;
- --m: 2;
- --sbl: 0;
- --sbr: 0;
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-left#{$root}--no-bottom-right > & {
- --stl: 0;
- --str: 0;
- --m: 1;
- --sbl: 0;
- --sbr: 0;
- }
- }
- &__sidebar_top_left {
- grid-column: 1 / span $ct-layout-columns;
- grid-row-start: var(--stl, 1);
- @include ct-breakpoint($ct-layout-breakpoint) {
- grid-column: 1 / span $ct-layout-sidebar-left-columns;
- grid-row: 1 / span 1;
- height: auto;
- #{$root}--no-bottom-left > #{$root}__inner > & {
- grid-row: 1 / span 2;
- }
- }
- }
- &__sidebar_top_right {
- grid-column: 1 / span $ct-layout-columns;
- grid-row-start: var(--str, 2);
- @include ct-breakpoint($ct-layout-breakpoint) {
- grid-column: ($ct-layout-columns - $ct-layout-sidebar-right-columns + 1) / span $ct-layout-sidebar-right-columns;
- grid-row: 1 / span 1;
- height: auto;
- #{$root}--no-bottom-right > #{$root}__inner > & {
- grid-row: 1 / span 2;
- }
- }
- }
- &__main {
- grid-column: 1 / span $ct-layout-columns;
- grid-row-start: var(--m, 3);
- @include ct-breakpoint($ct-layout-breakpoint) {
- grid-column: ($ct-layout-sidebar-left-columns + 1) / span ($ct-layout-columns - $ct-layout-sidebar-left-columns - $ct-layout-sidebar-right-columns);
- grid-row: 1 / span 2;
- #{$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left > #{$root}__inner > & {
- grid-column: 1 / span ($ct-layout-columns - $ct-layout-sidebar-right-columns);
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right > #{$root}__inner > & {
- grid-column: ($ct-layout-sidebar-left-columns + 1) / span ($ct-layout-columns - $ct-layout-sidebar-left-columns);
- }
- #{$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left#{$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right > #{$root}__inner > & {
- grid-column: 1 / span $ct-layout-columns;
- }
- }
- }
- &__sidebar_bottom_left {
- grid-column: 1 / span $ct-layout-columns;
- grid-row-start: var(--sbl, 4);
- @include ct-breakpoint($ct-layout-breakpoint) {
- grid-column: 1 / span $ct-layout-sidebar-left-columns;
- grid-row: 2 / span 1;
- height: 100%;
- #{$root}--no-top-left > #{$root}__inner > & {
- grid-row: 1 / span 2;
- }
- }
- }
- &__sidebar_bottom_right {
- grid-column: 1 / span $ct-layout-columns;
- grid-row-start: var(--sbr, 5);
- @include ct-breakpoint($ct-layout-breakpoint) {
- grid-column: ($ct-layout-columns - $ct-layout-sidebar-right-columns + 1) / span $ct-layout-sidebar-right-columns;
- grid-row: 2 / span 1;
- height: 100%;
- #{$root}--no-top-right > #{$root}__inner > & {
- grid-row: 1 / span 2;
- }
- }
- }
-// Layout has larger gaps when only one sidebar is present.
-// Nested layouts should have the smae larger gaps when only one sidebar is
-// present, but only when the parent layout has no sidebars.
-@include ct-breakpoint($ct-layout-breakpoint) {
- .ct-layout {
- $root: &;
- // stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
- {$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left > #{$root}__inner {
- column-gap: $ct-layout-column-gap-right-only;
- }
- // stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
- {$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right > #{$root}__inner {
- column-gap: $ct-layout-column-gap-left-only;
- }
- & > #{$root}__inner {
- #{$root} {
- > #{$root}__inner {
- column-gap: $ct-layout-column-gap;
- }
- }
- }
- // stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
- {$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left > #{$root}__inner {
- #{$root} {
- {$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left,
- {$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right {
- > #{$root}__inner {
- column-gap: $ct-layout-column-gap;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
- {$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right > #{$root}__inner {
- #{$root} {
- {$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left,
- {$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right {
- > #{$root}__inner {
- column-gap: $ct-layout-column-gap;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left#{$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right > #{$root}__inner {
- #{$root} {
- {$root}--no-top-left#{$root}--no-bottom-left {
- > #{$root}__inner {
- column-gap: $ct-layout-column-gap-right-only;
- }
- }
- {$root}--no-top-right#{$root}--no-bottom-right {
- > #{$root}__inner {
- column-gap: $ct-layout-column-gap-right-only;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 882575643b..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import './layout';
-import CivicThemeLayout from './layout.twig';
-import { knobBoolean, knobRadios, knobText, placeholder, randomInt, shouldRender, slotKnobs } from '../storybook/storybook.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Layout',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'fullscreen',
- },
-export const Layout = (parentKnobs = {}) => {
- const useLargePlaceholders = knobBoolean('Use large placeholders', false, parentKnobs.use_large_placeholders, parentKnobs.knobTab);
- const knobs = {
- sidebar_top_left: knobBoolean('Show top left sidebar', true, parentKnobs.sidebar_top_left, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Top left sidebar', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(30, 100) : 0) : '',
- sidebar_bottom_left: knobBoolean('Show bottom left sidebar', true, parentKnobs.sidebar_bottom_left, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Bottom left sidebar', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(30, 100) : 0) : '',
- hide_sidebar_left: knobBoolean('Hide left sidebar', false, parentKnobs.hide_sidebar_left, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- content: knobBoolean('Show content', true, parentKnobs.content, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Content', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(500, 1000) : 0) : '',
- sidebar_top_right: knobBoolean('Show top right sidebar', true, parentKnobs.sidebar_top_right, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Top right sidebar', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(30, 100) : 0) : '',
- sidebar_bottom_right: knobBoolean('Show bottom right sidebar', true, parentKnobs.sidebar_bottom_right, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Bottom right sidebar', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(30, 100) : 0) : '',
- hide_sidebar_right: knobBoolean('Hide right sidebar', false, parentKnobs.hide_sidebar_right, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- is_contained: knobBoolean('Is contained', false, parentKnobs.is_contained, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- };
- const showNested = knobBoolean('Show nested layout', false, parentKnobs.show_nested_layout, parentKnobs.knobTab);
- // Show nested only if parent content is shown.
- knobs.content = knobs.content && showNested ? CivicThemeLayout({
- ...{
- sidebar_top_left: knobBoolean('Show nested top left sidebar', true, parentKnobs.nested_sidebar_top_left, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Nested top left sidebar', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(30, 100) : 0) : '',
- sidebar_top_left_attributes: 'data-story-nested-layout',
- sidebar_bottom_left: knobBoolean('Show nested bottom left sidebar', true, parentKnobs.nested_sidebar_bottom_left, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Nested bottom left sidebar', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(30, 100) : 0) : '',
- sidebar_bottom_left_attributes: 'data-story-nested-layout',
- content: knobBoolean('Show nested content', true, parentKnobs.nested_content, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Nested content', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(500, 1000) : 0) : '',
- content_attributes: 'data-story-nested-layout',
- sidebar_top_right: knobBoolean('Show nested top right sidebar', true, parentKnobs.nested_sidebar_top_right, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Nested top right sidebar', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(30, 100) : 0) : '',
- sidebar_top_right_attributes: 'data-story-nested-layout',
- sidebar_bottom_right: knobBoolean('Show nested bottom right sidebar', true, parentKnobs.nested_sidebar_bottom_right, parentKnobs.knobTab) ? placeholder('Nested bottom right sidebar', useLargePlaceholders ? randomInt(30, 100) : 0) : '',
- sidebar_bottom_right_attributes: 'data-story-nested-layout',
- attributes: 'data-story-nested-layout',
- },
- ...slotKnobs([
- 'content_top',
- 'content_bottom',
- ]),
- }) : knobs.content;
- const showOutlines = knobBoolean('Show outlines', false, parentKnobs.show_outlines, parentKnobs.knobTab);
- knobs.vertical_spacing = knobRadios(
- 'Vertical spacing',
- {
- None: 'none',
- Top: 'top',
- Bottom: 'bottom',
- Both: 'both',
- },
- 'none',
- parentKnobs.vertical_spacing,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- );
- const attributesTab = 'Attributes';
- knobs.sidebar_top_left_attributes = knobs.sidebar_top_left ? knobText('Top left sidebar attributes', '', parentKnobs.sidebar_top_left_attributes, attributesTab) : '';
- knobs.sidebar_bottom_left_attributes = knobs.sidebar_bottom_left ? knobText('Bottom left sidebar attributes', '', parentKnobs.sidebar_bottom_left_attributes, attributesTab) : '';
- knobs.content_attributes = knobs.content ? knobText('Content attributes', '', parentKnobs.content_attributes, attributesTab) : '';
- knobs.sidebar_top_right_attributes = knobs.sidebar_top_right ? knobText('Top right sidebar attributes', '', parentKnobs.sidebar_top_right_attributes, attributesTab) : '';
- knobs.sidebar_bottom_right_attributes = knobs.sidebar_bottom_right ? knobText('Bottom right sidebar attributes', '', parentKnobs.sidebar_bottom_right_attributes, attributesTab) : '';
- knobs.modifier_class = knobText('Additional class', '', parentKnobs.modifier_class, parentKnobs.knobTab);
- return shouldRender(parentKnobs)
- ? `${CivicThemeLayout({
- ...knobs,
- ...slotKnobs([
- 'content_top',
- 'content_bottom',
- ]),
- })}
- : knobs;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.stories.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.stories.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 4de51f0965..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.stories.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// Layout component stories.
-@use 'sass:color';
-// Nested layout.
-.ct-layout {
- .ct-layout {
- .story-placeholder {
- $_color: #6b5394;
- background-color: color.adjust($_color, $alpha: -0.7);
- border: dashed 1px color.adjust($_color, $alpha: -0.3);
- color: color.adjust($_color, $lightness: -30%);
- }
- }
-.story-layout-outlines {
- $_viewport-color: blue;
- $_layout-color: green;
- $_container-color: red;
- $_fluid-container-color: purple;
- $_grid-color: orange;
- overflow: auto;
- background-color: rgba($_viewport-color, 0.025);
- box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px $_viewport-color inset;
- .ct-layout {
- background-color: rgba($_layout-color, 0.025);
- box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px $_layout-color inset;
- }
- .ct-layout__main,
- .ct-layout__sidebar_top_left,
- .ct-layout__sidebar_top_right,
- .ct-layout__sidebar_bottom_left,
- .ct-layout__sidebar_bottom_right {
- background-color: rgba($_grid-color, 0.025);
- box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px $_grid-color inset;
- }
- .container,
- .container-fluid {
- background-color: rgba($_container-color, 0.025);
- box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px $_container-color inset;
- }
- .container-fluid {
- background-color: rgba($_fluid-container-color, 0.025);
- box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px $_fluid-container-color inset;
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d228bcb03..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/layout/layout.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Layout component.
- *
- * Variables:
- * - content_top: Content top slot.
- * - sidebar_top_left: Top left sidebar slot.
- * - sidebar_top_left_attributes: Top left sidebar attributes.
- * - sidebar_top_right: Top right sidebar slot.
- * - sidebar_top_right_attributes: Top right sidebar attributes.
- * - content: Content slot.
- * - content_attributes: Content attributes.
- * - sidebar_bottom_left: Bottom left sidebar slot.
- * - sidebar_bottom_left_attributes: Bottom left sidebar attributes.
- * - sidebar_bottom_right: Bottom right sidebar slot.
- * - sidebar_bottom_right_attributes: Bottom right sidebar attributes.
- * - content_bottom: Content bottom slot.
- * - hide_sidebar_left: Whether to force hide the left sidebar.
- * - hide_sidebar_right: Whether to force hide the right sidebar.
- * - is_contained: Whether the page is to be contained.
- * - vertical_spacing: [string] With top, bottom or both vertical spaces.
- * - attributes: [string] Additional attributes.
- * - modifier_class: [string] Additional classes.
- */
-{% set has_sidebar_left = (sidebar_top_left is not empty or sidebar_bottom_left is not empty) and not hide_sidebar_left|default(false) %}
-{% set has_sidebar_right = (sidebar_top_right is not empty or sidebar_bottom_right is not empty) and not hide_sidebar_right|default(false) %}
-{% set is_contained = is_contained|default(false) %}
-{% set is_contained = is_contained or has_sidebar_left or has_sidebar_right %}
-{% set vertical_spacing = has_sidebar_left or has_sidebar_right ? 'top' : vertical_spacing %}
-{% set no_sidebar_left_class = hide_sidebar_left ? 'ct-layout--no-sidebar-left' : '' %}
-{% set no_sidebar_right_class = hide_sidebar_right ? 'ct-layout--no-sidebar-right' : '' %}
-{% set no_tl_class = sidebar_top_left is empty or hide_sidebar_left ? 'ct-layout--no-top-left' : '' %}
-{% set no_tr_class = sidebar_top_right is empty or hide_sidebar_right ? 'ct-layout--no-top-right' : '' %}
-{% set no_bl_class = sidebar_bottom_left is empty or hide_sidebar_left ? 'ct-layout--no-bottom-left' : '' %}
-{% set no_br_class = sidebar_bottom_right is empty or hide_sidebar_right ? 'ct-layout--no-bottom-right' : '' %}
-{% set is_contained_class = is_contained ? 'container' : 'container-fluid' %}
-{% set vertical_spacing_class = vertical_spacing in ['top', 'bottom', 'both'] ? 'ct-vertical-spacing--%s'|format(vertical_spacing) : '' %}
-{% set modifier_class = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s'|format(no_sidebar_left_class, no_sidebar_right_class, no_tl_class, no_tr_class, no_bl_class, no_br_class, vertical_spacing_class, modifier_class|default('')) %}
-{% set modifier_class = modifier_class|trim %}
-{% if content %}
- {% block content_top %}
- {% if content_top is not empty %}
- {{- content_top|raw -}}
- {% endif %}
- {% endblock %}
- {% if content is not empty %}
- {% block content %}
- {% endblock %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if sidebar_top_left is not empty and has_sidebar_left %}
- {% block sidebar_top_left %}
- {% endblock %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if sidebar_top_right is not empty and has_sidebar_right %}
- {% block sidebar_top_right %}
- {% endblock %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if sidebar_bottom_left is not empty and has_sidebar_left %}
- {% block sidebar_bottom_left %}
- {% endblock %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if sidebar_bottom_right is not empty and has_sidebar_right %}
- {% block sidebar_bottom_right %}
- {% endblock %}
- {% endif %}
- {% block content_bottom %}
- {% if content_bottom is not empty %}
- {{- content_bottom|raw -}}
- {% endif %}
- {% endblock %}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/menu/menu.stories.js b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/menu/menu.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a97d33753..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/menu/menu.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// phpcs:ignoreFile
-import CivicThemeMenu from './menu.twig';
-import getMenuLinks from './menu.utils';
-import { knobRadios, knobText, shouldRender } from '../storybook/storybook.utils';
-export default {
- title: 'Base/Utilities/Menu Generator',
- parameters: {
- layout: 'centered',
- },
-export const MenuGenerator = (parentKnobs = {}) => {
- const knobs = {
- theme: knobRadios(
- 'Theme',
- {
- Light: 'light',
- Dark: 'dark',
- },
- 'light',
- parentKnobs.theme,
- parentKnobs.knobTab,
- ),
- items: getMenuLinks({ knobTab: parentKnobs.knobTab }, null),
- modifier_class: knobText('Additional class', '', parentKnobs.modifier_class, parentKnobs.knobTab),
- };
- return shouldRender(parentKnobs) ? CivicThemeMenu(knobs) : knobs;
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/menu/menu.stories.scss b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/menu/menu.stories.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index ebf856b3be..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/menu/menu.stories.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Menu component stories.
-.ct-menu__item--active-trail {
- > .ct-menu__item__link {
- &::after {
- content: ' (A)';
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/menu/menu.twig b/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/menu/menu.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index d55b897f4c..0000000000
--- a/web/themes/contrib/civictheme/.components-civictheme/00-base/menu/menu.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Menu component.
- *
- * Used to output hierarchical menu structure.
- *
- * Variables:
- * - theme: [string] Theme: light, dark.
- * - items: [array] Menu links array. Each item contains:
- * - title: [string] The title of the link.
- * - url: [string] The link url.
- * - below: [array] Array of submenu items.
- * - is_expanded: [boolean] Flag if the current item has visible child.
- * - in_active_trail: [boolean] Flag if the current item is in the active trail.
- * - is_collapsible: [boolean] Flag whether to collapse the menu.
- * - modifier_class: [string] Additional classes.
- */
-{% set theme_class = 'ct-theme-%s'|format(theme|default('light')) %}
-{% set modifier_class = '%s %s'|format(theme_class, modifier_class|default('')) %}
-{% import _self as menus %}
-{% macro menu_links(items, menu_level, modifier_class, theme, is_collapsible, parent_key) %}
- {% if items %}
- {% if menu_level == 0 %}