Name | Type | Description | Notes |
consistency | \Alfresco\Model\ResponseConsistency | [optional] | |
request | \Alfresco\Model\SearchRequest | [optional] | |
facet_queries | \Alfresco\Model\ResultSetContextFacetQueries[] | The counts from facet queries | [optional] |
facets_fields | \Alfresco\Model\ResultBuckets[] | The counts from field facets | [optional] |
facets | \Alfresco\Model\GenericFacetResponse[] | The faceted response | [optional] |
spellcheck | \Alfresco\Model\ResultSetContextSpellcheck[] | Suggested corrections If zero results were found for the original query then a single entry of type "searchInsteadFor" will be returned. If alternatives were found that return more results than the original query they are returned as "didYouMean" options. The highest quality suggestion is first. | [optional] |