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executable file
446 lines (314 loc) · 26.2 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
446 lines (314 loc) · 26.2 KB


All URIs are relative to https://localhost/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1

Method HTTP request Description
createFavorite POST /people/{personId}/favorites Create a favorite
createSiteFavorite POST /people/{personId}/favorite-sites Create a site favorite
deleteFavorite DELETE /people/{personId}/favorites/{favoriteId} Delete a favorite
deleteSiteFavorite DELETE /people/{personId}/favorite-sites/{siteId} Delete a site favorite
getFavorite GET /people/{personId}/favorites/{favoriteId} Get a favorite
getFavoriteSite GET /people/{personId}/favorite-sites/{siteId} Get a favorite site
listFavoriteSitesForPerson GET /people/{personId}/favorite-sites List favorite sites
listFavorites GET /people/{personId}/favorites List favorites


\Alfresco\Model\FavoriteEntry createFavorite($person_id, $favorite_body_create, $include, $fields)

Create a favorite

Favorite a site, file, or folder in the repository. You can use the -me- string in place of <personId> to specify the currently authenticated user. Note: You can favorite more than one entity by specifying a list of objects in the JSON body like this: JSON [ { \"target\": { \"file\": { \"guid\": \"abcde-01234-....\" } } }, { \"target\": { \"file\": { \"guid\": \"abcde-09863-....\" } } }, ] If you specify a list as input, then a paginated list rather than an entry is returned in the response body. For example: JSON { \"list\": { \"pagination\": { \"count\": 2, \"hasMoreItems\": false, \"totalItems\": 2, \"skipCount\": 0, \"maxItems\": 100 }, \"entries\": [ { \"entry\": { ... } }, { \"entry\": { ... } } ] } }


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth

$api_instance = new Alfresco\Api\FavoritesApi();
$person_id = "person_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a person.
$favorite_body_create = new \Alfresco\Model\FavoriteBodyCreate(); // \Alfresco\Model\FavoriteBodyCreate | An object identifying the entity to be favorited.   The object consists of a single property which is an object with the name `site`, `file`, or `folder`.  The content of that object is the `guid` of the target entity.  For example, to favorite a file the following body would be used:  ```JSON {    \"target\": {       \"file\": {          \"guid\": \"abcde-01234-....\"       }    } } ```
$include = array("include_example"); // string[] | Returns additional information about favorites, the following optional fields can be requested: * path (note, this only applies to files and folders)
$fields = array("fields_example"); // string[] | A list of field names.  You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth.  The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection.  If the API method also supports the **include** parameter, then the fields specified in the **include** parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the **fields** parameter.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->createFavorite($person_id, $favorite_body_create, $include, $fields);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling FavoritesApi->createFavorite: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
person_id string The identifier of a person.
favorite_body_create \Alfresco\Model\FavoriteBodyCreate An object identifying the entity to be favorited. The object consists of a single property which is an object with the name `site`, `file`, or `folder`. The content of that object is the `guid` of the target entity. For example, to favorite a file the following body would be used: ```JSON { &quot;target&quot;: { &quot;file&quot;: { &quot;guid&quot;: &quot;abcde-01234-....&quot; } } } ```
include string[] Returns additional information about favorites, the following optional fields can be requested: * path (note, this only applies to files and folders) [optional]
fields string[] A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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\Alfresco\Model\FavoriteSiteEntry createSiteFavorite($person_id, $favorite_site_body_create, $fields)

Create a site favorite

Note: this endpoint is deprecated as of Alfresco 4.2, and will be removed in the future. Use /people/{personId}/favorites instead. Create a site favorite for person personId. You can use the -me- string in place of <personId> to specify the currently authenticated user. Note: You can favorite more than one site by specifying a list of sites in the JSON body like this: JSON [ { \"id\": \"test-site-1\" }, { \"id\": \"test-site-2\" } ] If you specify a list as input, then a paginated list rather than an entry is returned in the response body. For example: JSON { \"list\": { \"pagination\": { \"count\": 2, \"hasMoreItems\": false, \"totalItems\": 2, \"skipCount\": 0, \"maxItems\": 100 }, \"entries\": [ { \"entry\": { ... } }, { \"entry\": { ... } } ] } }


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth

$api_instance = new Alfresco\Api\FavoritesApi();
$person_id = "person_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a person.
$favorite_site_body_create = new \Alfresco\Model\FavoriteSiteBodyCreate(); // \Alfresco\Model\FavoriteSiteBodyCreate | The id of the site to favorite.
$fields = array("fields_example"); // string[] | A list of field names.  You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth.  The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection.  If the API method also supports the **include** parameter, then the fields specified in the **include** parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the **fields** parameter.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->createSiteFavorite($person_id, $favorite_site_body_create, $fields);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling FavoritesApi->createSiteFavorite: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
person_id string The identifier of a person.
favorite_site_body_create \Alfresco\Model\FavoriteSiteBodyCreate The id of the site to favorite.
fields string[] A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


deleteFavorite($person_id, $favorite_id)

Delete a favorite

Deletes favoriteId as a favorite of person personId. You can use the -me- string in place of <personId> to specify the currently authenticated user.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth

$api_instance = new Alfresco\Api\FavoritesApi();
$person_id = "person_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a person.
$favorite_id = "favorite_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a favorite.

try {
    $api_instance->deleteFavorite($person_id, $favorite_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling FavoritesApi->deleteFavorite: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
person_id string The identifier of a person.
favorite_id string The identifier of a favorite.

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


deleteSiteFavorite($person_id, $site_id)

Delete a site favorite

Note: this endpoint is deprecated as of Alfresco 4.2, and will be removed in the future. Use /people/{personId}/favorites/{favoriteId} instead. Deletes site siteId from the favorite site list of person personId. You can use the -me- string in place of <personId> to specify the currently authenticated user.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth

$api_instance = new Alfresco\Api\FavoritesApi();
$person_id = "person_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a person.
$site_id = "site_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a site.

try {
    $api_instance->deleteSiteFavorite($person_id, $site_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling FavoritesApi->deleteSiteFavorite: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
person_id string The identifier of a person.
site_id string The identifier of a site.

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\Alfresco\Model\FavoriteEntry getFavorite($person_id, $favorite_id, $include, $fields)

Get a favorite

Gets favorite favoriteId for person personId. You can use the -me- string in place of <personId> to specify the currently authenticated user.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth

$api_instance = new Alfresco\Api\FavoritesApi();
$person_id = "person_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a person.
$favorite_id = "favorite_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a favorite.
$include = array("include_example"); // string[] | Returns additional information about favorites, the following optional fields can be requested: * path (note, this only applies to files and folders)
$fields = array("fields_example"); // string[] | A list of field names.  You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth.  The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection.  If the API method also supports the **include** parameter, then the fields specified in the **include** parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the **fields** parameter.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getFavorite($person_id, $favorite_id, $include, $fields);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling FavoritesApi->getFavorite: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
person_id string The identifier of a person.
favorite_id string The identifier of a favorite.
include string[] Returns additional information about favorites, the following optional fields can be requested: * path (note, this only applies to files and folders) [optional]
fields string[] A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\Alfresco\Model\SiteEntry getFavoriteSite($person_id, $site_id, $fields)

Get a favorite site

Note: this endpoint is deprecated as of Alfresco 4.2, and will be removed in the future. Use /people/{personId}/favorites/{favoriteId} instead. Gets information on favorite site siteId of person personId. You can use the -me- string in place of <personId> to specify the currently authenticated user.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth

$api_instance = new Alfresco\Api\FavoritesApi();
$person_id = "person_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a person.
$site_id = "site_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a site.
$fields = array("fields_example"); // string[] | A list of field names.  You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth.  The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection.  If the API method also supports the **include** parameter, then the fields specified in the **include** parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the **fields** parameter.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getFavoriteSite($person_id, $site_id, $fields);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling FavoritesApi->getFavoriteSite: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
person_id string The identifier of a person.
site_id string The identifier of a site.
fields string[] A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\Alfresco\Model\SitePaging listFavoriteSitesForPerson($person_id, $skip_count, $max_items, $fields)

List favorite sites

Note: this endpoint is deprecated as of Alfresco 4.2, and will be removed in the future. Use /people/{personId}/favorites instead. Gets a list of a person's favorite sites. You can use the -me- string in place of <personId> to specify the currently authenticated user.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth

$api_instance = new Alfresco\Api\FavoritesApi();
$person_id = "person_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a person.
$skip_count = 0; // int | The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list.  If not supplied then the default value is 0.
$max_items = 100; // int | The maximum number of items to return in the list.  If not supplied then the default value is 100.
$fields = array("fields_example"); // string[] | A list of field names.  You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth.  The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection.  If the API method also supports the **include** parameter, then the fields specified in the **include** parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the **fields** parameter.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listFavoriteSitesForPerson($person_id, $skip_count, $max_items, $fields);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling FavoritesApi->listFavoriteSitesForPerson: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
person_id string The identifier of a person.
skip_count int The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0. [optional] [default to 0]
max_items int The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100. [optional] [default to 100]
fields string[] A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\Alfresco\Model\FavoritePaging listFavorites($person_id, $skip_count, $max_items, $where, $include, $fields)

List favorites

Gets a list of favorites for person personId. You can use the -me- string in place of <personId> to specify the currently authenticated user. You can use the where parameter to restrict the list in the response to entries of a specific kind. The where parameter takes a value. The value is a single predicate that can include one or more EXISTS conditions. The EXISTS condition uses a single operand to limit the list to include entries that include that one property. The property values are: * target/file * target/folder * target/site For example, the following where parameter restricts the returned list to the file favorites for a person: SQL (EXISTS(target/file)) You can specify more than one condition using OR. The predicate must be enclosed in parentheses. For example, the following where parameter restricts the returned list to the file and folder favorites for a person: SQL (EXISTS(target/file) OR EXISTS(target/folder))


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth

$api_instance = new Alfresco\Api\FavoritesApi();
$person_id = "person_id_example"; // string | The identifier of a person.
$skip_count = 0; // int | The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list.  If not supplied then the default value is 0.
$max_items = 100; // int | The maximum number of items to return in the list.  If not supplied then the default value is 100.
$where = "where_example"; // string | A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
$include = array("include_example"); // string[] | Returns additional information about favorites, the following optional fields can be requested: * path (note, this only applies to files and folders)
$fields = array("fields_example"); // string[] | A list of field names.  You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth.  The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection.  If the API method also supports the **include** parameter, then the fields specified in the **include** parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the **fields** parameter.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listFavorites($person_id, $skip_count, $max_items, $where, $include, $fields);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling FavoritesApi->listFavorites: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
person_id string The identifier of a person.
skip_count int The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0. [optional] [default to 0]
max_items int The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100. [optional] [default to 100]
where string A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate. [optional]
include string[] Returns additional information about favorites, the following optional fields can be requested: * path (note, this only applies to files and folders) [optional]
fields string[] A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]