- Release v0.3.3.2
- apb: Use env variables to compoes the image name
- Include full link to the github issue in commits
- Add missing permissions to ovirt's user
- Update Creating-an-oVirt-user-how-to.md
- Update Creating-an-oVirt-user-how-to.md
- Update vars.yaml
- Update README.md (#111)
- Creating kubernetes deployment instruction
- Update bug_report.md
- docs: Fix links
- Query the api server to extract node info
- Delete a mistakenly added Dockerfile
- Generate code coverage report
- Release tech preview
- WIP to fix the installation using a containerZ
- Moving docs from wiki to repo
- Create README.md
- flex: Make sure the entrypoint.sh removes the old directory
- make: run tests prior to binary creation
- flex: identify the vm by the system uuid
- ansible: simplify playbooks
- ansible: setup_dns uses the inventory host's domain name
- ansible: Move more examples into vars.yaml
- ansible: Remove redundant playbook step done by openshift_role already
- ansible: Cleanup redundant ansible vars
- Update customization.yaml
- Update customization.yaml
- ci: Remove wrong lables of the router and registry selector
- ci: fix usage of ansible inventory hostanem
- ci: fix setup_dns
- Update test-flex-pod-all-in-one.yaml
- Update install.sh
- Add version release info for ovirt-flexvolume-driver-apb
- Introduce the ovirt-openshift-installer
- Use openshift/origin-ansible with openshift_ovirt role
- ovirt-api: omit empty values for the create disk call
- Proper thin/thick provisioing behaviour
- automation: disable again the service catalog installation
- vendor folder cleanup and updates after ginkgo addtion
- Use go vet, failed the build in case of errors
- volume-provisioner: use "ovirt-volume-provisioner" in the metadata
- code format and import fixes
- code format and import fixes
- Upgrade containers to centso 7.6 golang 1.11
- Complete the romoval of Attach method
- ci: Prepare for openshift_ovirt role
- ovirt-api: Remove unused Attach method
- ovirt-api: Properly handle various return with no body
- ovirt-mini-api: Handle 302 error properly
- cloud-provider: entrypoint invokes the cloud controller command first
- cloud-provider: Set the name to ovirt-cloud-provider
- cloud-provider: return InstanceNotFound for InstanceID when VM is down
- cloud-provier: move private methods to the eof
- cloud-provider: Implement ExternalID
- cloud-provider: Implement NodeAddressesByProviderID
- Fix type in README.md
- cloud-provider: implement few Instances method
- cloud-provider: Api structure changes plus tests
- cloud-provider: Use the client reference instead of value
- cloud provider fixes WIP
- dep: Remove undeeded loging dependency
- flex: Excplicitly specify the destination of the conf file
- ci: adjust to okd 3.11
- Update integ.ini
- Best container practices
- ci: Prepare for 3.11, by default install 3.11
- make: generify targets and cleanups
- Produce a container list after pushing them
- Revert "ci: Install okd 3.11"
- ci: Install okd 3.11
- ci: refresh the container with ovirt-ansible-vm-inrfa 1.1.11
- Update issue templates
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- flex: Fix entrypoint
- Build containers only, no RPMs
- Fix the broken apb invocation
- Publish continaers to quay.io (dump dockerhub)
- cloud-provider: Move from rgolangh/ovirt-k8-cloud-provider
- Describe the whole project in the README