title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
Windows |
Getting started with a Wiki.js installation on Windows |
true |
2022-04-04 19:36:52 UTC |
setup |
markdown |
2019-05-04 04:36:05 UTC |
Before going any further, make sure your system meets all the requirements.
- Open a Powershell prompt in administrator mode.
- If you are using Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 or older, you must run the following command. (otherwise skip this step)
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
- Download the latest version of Wiki.js:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/Requarks/wiki/releases/latest/download/wiki-js-windows.tar.gz" -OutFile "wiki-js.tar.gz"
- Extract the package to the final destination of your choice:
New-Item -Path "C:\" -Name "wiki" -ItemType "directory"
tar xzf wiki-js.tar.gz -C "C:\wiki"
cd C:\wiki
The tar utility is only available on Windows 10 and later. On earlier versions, you'll need a 3rd-party utility like 7-zip to extract the file. {.is-warning}
- Rename the sample config file to
Rename-Item -Path config.sample.yml -NewName config.yml
- Edit the config file using your favorite text editor (e.g. Notepad) and fill in your database and port settings (Configuration Reference):
notepad .\config.yml
- For SQLite installations only: (skip this step otherwise) Fetch native bindings for SQLite3:
npm rebuild sqlite3
- Run Wiki.js
node server
- Wait until you are invited to open to the setup page in your browser.
- Complete the setup wizard to finish the installation.
There are several solutions to run Wiki.js as a background service, e.g.: