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2020-* Topics Responsible Materials
09-22 Introduction and basic Scala Syntax (types, functions, parametric polymorphism) @jurisk Basics (t)
09-24 Classes & Traits and some Control Structures: if-else, pattern matching @jurisk Classes & Traits (t)
09-29 Control Structures: recursion, map, flatMap, filter, for-comprehensions @jurisk Control Structures (t)
10-01 Data Structures ([im]mutable, Array, List, Map, tuples) @jurisk Data Structures (t)
10-06 Functions ([im]pure, total/partial) & Algebraic Data Types - role in functional design, using them @apavlovics Functions (t) , ADTs (t)
10-08 Implicits & Type Classes - defining them in Scala, Higher Kinded Types @migesok Implicits (t)
10-13 Error Handling - Option, Either, Try, Validated, encoding errors as ADTs @apavlovics Error Handling (t)
10-15 Processing JSON using Circe, writing custom coders and decoders @arixmkii JSON (t, hw)
10-20 Unit Testing - Benefits, testing pyramid, ScalaTest, structuring code to be testable @rtar Testing
10-23 Cats - cats-core introduction, Monad Transformers @Nbooo Cats (t)
10-27 Questions & Answers - covering gaps, design & coding practice @jurisk
10-29 Asynchronous Programming - JVM threads, perils of critical sections using synchronized, Atomic* @migesok Presentation (examples) (hw)
11-03 Effects - Cats Effect IO @jurisk & @fr3akX Effects (t)
11-05 Effects - continued, Shared State in FP @fr3akX & @Kvitral
11-10 Shared State in FP - continued @Kvitral
11-12 HTTP REST with http4s @apavlovics HTTP (t)
11-17 WebSocket with http4s @apavlovics WebSocket
11-19 Containers - Docker and Kubernetes @arixmkii
11-24 Akka - Actors and other Akka features @migesok Lecture (examples) (hw)
11-26 Structure of Scala Applications - SBT, single- vs multi-module projects, "package-by-feature" @rtar
12-01 Working with Databases from Scala: JDBC, Slick, Doobie @mr-git Databases
12-03 Event Sourcing using Akka Persistence and CQRS @mikla
12-08 Development Practices & Processes - Agile, Code Reviews, Testing, CI/CD @jurisk
12-10 Work on Course Projects and Q&A sessions - joint or with mentors N/A
12-15 Work on Course Projects and Q&A sessions - joint or with mentors N/A
12-21 Presentation of Course Projects to mentors & each other @jurisk
12-22 Presentation of Course Projects to mentors & each other - continued @jurisk
12-29 Graduation - Discussion of course results, free form Q&A session @jurisk