Releases: reflex-dev/reflex
Releases Β· reflex-dev/reflex
What's Changed
- Implement raw HTML elements by @kbrgl in #627
- Fix pyright issues by @picklelo in #766
- Added check for invalid bun versions. by @Alek99 in #768
- Added option to disable bun and use npm (Not recommended). by @Alek99 in #769
- Add component memoization by @picklelo in #770
- Improve memoized args by @picklelo in #771
- Add Database configuration object by @kasun in #763
- Fixed pc.html to accept state var. by @Alek99 in #775
- Fix Event chaining in the on_load event handler return not working by @ElijahAhianyo in #773
- Fix event handler returns by @picklelo in #788
- Handle non-async middleware by @picklelo in #790
Full Changelog: v0.1.21...v0.1.22
What's Changed
- Fix link in readme by @picklelo in #670
- Fix Docker Example by @nicornk in #677
- Replace utils module by @iron3oxide in #666
- Bugfix: Call event handlers from other event handlers by @ElijahAhianyo in #691
- Use system pynecone for integration tests by @picklelo in #702
- fixed issue with js error when substate is used by @ElijahAhianyo in #703
- Added KeyboardKey, AspectRatio Components by @HellAmbro in #685
- Feature/Multi File upload by @ElijahAhianyo in #712
- Fix crash when NaN, Inf or -Inf in frontend state. by @jonaengs in #744
- Add poetry version in contributing docs by @kasun in #732
- Integrate pre-commit by @kasun in #742
- Bugfix: 719-File-upload-props-not-working by @ElijahAhianyo in #738
- [Feature: #734] Add custom init name by @HarishChandran3304 in #735
- Added list to color_scale prop by @Alek99 in #761
- Fix empty db_url error message by @kasun in #758
- 740: Allow upload event handler to have arbitrary arg name by @ElijahAhianyo in #755
- Use strict equality in generated JS by @jonaengs in #750
- bugfix/723: pc.data_table not working well with pandas as computed vars by @ElijahAhianyo in #745
- Update to v0.1.21 by @picklelo in #762
New Contributors
- @nicornk made their first contribution in #677
- @iron3oxide made their first contribution in #666
- @jonaengs made their first contribution in #744
- @kasun made their first contribution in #732
- @HarishChandran3304 made their first contribution in #735
Full Changelog: v0.1.20...v0.1.22
What's Changed
- [Fix: issue 542] changes to str when column data is a list or tuple in pc.data_table by @d29107d in #576
- Fix cond component render by @picklelo in #639
- Fix format dict props by @picklelo in #641
- bugfix for properly rendering datatables. by @ElijahAhianyo in #638
- [Fix: issue 640] Clean up json dumps by @d29107d in #642
- Hot loading asset folder on development by @PeterYusuke in #643
- 635-integration tests by @ElijahAhianyo in #650
- Fix to make event chains synchronous by @picklelo in #654
- Added parameters to Socket.IO web server by @LouisFaure in #659
- [Enhancement issue 575] Throw better error for invalid child component by @d29107d in #655
- [Fix: issue 633] Component List don't support Var(list). by @d29107d in #636
- [Fix: issue 266] Added script Component by @wassafshahzad in #653
- Integration tests follow up by @ElijahAhianyo in #657
- Add error message for invalid var ops by @picklelo in #664
- Added windows warning by @Alek99 in #668
New Contributors
- @LouisFaure made their first contribution in #659
- @wassafshahzad made their first contribution in #653
Full Changelog: v0.1.19...v0.1.20
v0.1.19 Upload π + Bug Fixes
What's Changed
- Windows production mode command by @PeterYusuke in #570
- [Fix: issue 522] solve restart server error on windows by @PeterYusuke in #583
- [Fix: issue 582] Icon tag should work despite case sensitivity. by @d29107d in #588
- fix needed following the PR that changed Icon usage by @Lendemor in #591
- [Fix issue 563] Add meta arg to page_add method by @PeterYusuke in #589
- Call special events from event triggers by @picklelo in #601
- Fix issue 257. loglevel setting on prod command by @PeterYusuke in #594
- Multiple Page Load Events Added by @lucashofer in #596
- [Improvement] supports a separate backend_port from api_url by @d29107d in #593
- [Tests] add unit test for event by @d29107d in #614
- [Tests] add unit test for style by @d29107d in #615
- added inherited backend vars by @lucashofer in #616
- Fixed Pycharm highlighting issue. by @Alek99 in #617
- Fix issubclass check by @picklelo in #618
- High Level API for list, accordion, tabs, table etc supports State Vars by @d29107d in #571
- Update poetry version by @picklelo in #625
- Factor out responsive helpers by @picklelo in #624
- Add upload component by @picklelo in #622
- Fix conpoment props`s value show not correct in pages when the value is not in English by @DeathShort in #626
- Update README by @picklelo in #630
- Add props for upload component by @picklelo in #629
New Contributors
- @d29107d made their first contribution in #588
- @lucashofer made their first contribution in #596
- @DeathShort made their first contribution in #626
Full Changelog: v0.1.18...v0.1.19
This is a release to address a quick fix relating to pc export
and pc run --env prod
the sitemap was being buggy in some use cases so we have taken it out until we can write more tests and stabilize it.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.1.17...v0.1.18
What's Changed
- solved export error on windows by @ronronks in #538
- Fix a small error in the highlevel API of by @Lendemor in #543
- fix raw list not working in foreach by @Lendemor in #547
- Anonymous Telemetry by @Alek99 in #550
- Add class name propety to component by @PeterYusuke in #545
- Generate app sitemap by @picklelo in #552
- Change tag kwarg case using utils by @elyanah-aco in #553
- Add tests for pc.icon by @picklelo in #562
- Add py.typed by @Lunarmagpie in #565
- Add windows darglint test batch file by @PeterYusuke in #544
- Added Re-Init by @Alek99 in #577
- Fix version check by @picklelo in #580
New Contributors
- @ronronks made their first contribution in #538
- @elyanah-aco made their first contribution in #553
- @Lunarmagpie made their first contribution in #565
Full Changelog: v0.1.16...v0.1.17
v0.1.16 π₯
What's Changed
- Make db_url optional by @Wazarr94 in #402
- Allow the user to change ports by @HellAmbro in #417
- Feature/255 allow conditional props by @ElijahAhianyo in #359
- fixed Bugs related to how event chains works by @LumiaGG in #413
- Optimize Frontend and Backend only Execution Parameters by @r0b2g1t in #434
- Fix bug on setting plotly figure as State.vars by @lawrence-axb in #440
- Add import aliases by @picklelo in #452
- Provide Highlevel API for most components by @Lendemor in #451
- Allow pc.cond without else case by @picklelo in #453
- Use Socket.IO for message transport by @advo-kat in #449
- Added Discord Badge by @Alek99 in #455
- Fix test fails in windows PC by @PeterYusuke in #437
- Fix server side events by @picklelo in #465
- fix router_data not being accessible in substates by @Lendemor in #474
- fix onload events for substates by @Lendemor in #473
- Add anchor tag for hash link by @PeterYusuke in #469
- Add --no-zip pc CLI Parameter by @r0b2g1t in #479
- Add compile error for invalid event handlers by @picklelo in #482
- Fix powershell command by @Cheesy-Brik in #484
- use ruff as linter and fix lots of problems by @FHU-yezi in #450
- Hardcode bun version by @picklelo in #494
- Socket fixes and improvements by @advo-kat in #485
- make PCList pickleable by @ElijahAhianyo in #500
- Remove unused Objects and fixed Variable Name by @r0b2g1t in #498
- Small fixes following the PR about highlevel API by @Lendemor in #501
- Add export only parameters for Backend and Frontend by @r0b2g1t in #499
- Fix custom component render by @picklelo in #517
- Fix pc export use the wrong backend url by @FHU-yezi in #504
- Fix args format in dynamic route by @Lendemor in #502
- Patch for #512 --no-frontend now updates database appropriately by @jqwez in #516
- fix interactions between foreach and cond by @Lendemor in #521
- Add color prop to CircularProgress by @Cheesy-Brik in #520
- Better start, literally. by @FHU-yezi in #493
- add pc.route decorator by @Lendemor in #513
- Add password component by @picklelo in #519
- 334: create PCDict by @ElijahAhianyo in #503
- Add keypress event handlers by @picklelo in #523
- Add cors to backend server by @picklelo in #524
- Fix cors origin by @picklelo in #525
- Fix websockets transport by @picklelo in #527
- Alek/typewarning by @Alek99 in #530
- Clean up cond vars by @picklelo in #536
New Contributors
- @Wazarr94 made their first contribution in #402
- @lawrence-axb made their first contribution in #440
- @PeterYusuke made their first contribution in #437
- @Cheesy-Brik made their first contribution in #484
- @jqwez made their first contribution in #516
Full Changelog: v0.1.14...v0.1.16
π Bun Error Fix v0.1.15 π¨
This is an emergency release because of an error on the latest bun. The only difference in this release vs v0.1.14 is that we don't use the latest version of bun which is buggy.
v0.1.16 Will be out in the next couple days and will include all the changes since v0.1.14.