The Fixed container allows widgets to be placed at specified co-ordinates, with given sizes. No automatic layout management is performed on widgets that are added.
An alternative to the Fixed container is the :doc:`layout` which allows a size to be specified for the available area.
The constructor for the Fixed container is:
GtkWidget *fixed = gtk_fixed_new();
A widget is added to the Fixed container via:
gtk_fixed_put(GTK_FIXED(fixed), widget, x, y);
The widget parameter is the name of the child to be added. The x and y co-ordinates specify where on the container the widget will be shown.
Widgets can also be moved if required using:
gtk_fixed_move(GTK_FIXED(fixed), widget, x, y);
Below is an example of an Fixed:
.. literalinclude:: _examples/fixed.c
Download: :download:`Fixed <_examples/fixed.c>`