Detailed Guide:
Typescript/ES7 Decorators to make Vuex modules a breeze
While I have a day job and I really maintain open source libraries for fun, any sponsors are extremely graciously thanked for their contributions, and goes a long way 😇 ❤️
There are major type-checking changes (could be breaking) in v0.9.7
There are major usage improvements (non backwards compatible) in 0.8.0
Please check CHANGELOG
Read the rest of the README to figure out how to use, or if you readily want to jump into a production codebase and see how this is used, you can check out -
npm install -D vuex-module-decorators
NOTE This is not necessary for
projects, since@vue/babel-preset-app
already includes this plugin
- You need to install
- set
to true - For reduced code with decorators, set
importHelpers: true
- (only for TypeScript 2) set
emitHelpers: true
NOTE Since version
we distribute as ES5, so this section is applicable only to v0.9.2 and below
This package generates code in es2015
format. If your Vue project targets ES6 or ES2015 then
you need not do anything. But in case your project uses es5
target (to support old browsers), then
you need to tell Vue CLI / Babel to transpile this package.
// in your vue.config.js
module.exports = {
/* ... other settings */
transpileDependencies: ['vuex-module-decorators']
Remember how vuex modules used to be made ?
const moduleA = {
state: { ... },
mutations: { ... },
actions: { ... },
getters: { ... }
const moduleB = {
state: { ... },
mutations: { ... },
actions: { ... }
const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
a: moduleA,
b: moduleB
Well not anymore. Now you get better syntax. Inspired by vue-class-component
import { Module, VuexModule, Mutation, Action } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
export default class Counter2 extends VuexModule {
count = 0
increment(delta: number) {
this.count += delta
decrement(delta: number) {
this.count -= delta
// action 'incr' commits mutation 'increment' when done with return value as payload
@Action({ commit: 'increment' })
incr() {
return 5
// action 'decr' commits mutation 'decrement' when done with return value as payload
@Action({ commit: 'decrement' })
decr() {
return 5
Want to see something even better ?
import { Module, VuexModule, MutationAction } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
import { ConferencesEntity, EventsEntity } from '@/models/definitions'
export default class HGAPIModule extends VuexModule {
conferences: Array<ConferencesEntity> = []
events: Array<EventsEntity> = []
// 'events' and 'conferences' are replaced by returned object
// whose shape must be `{events: [...], conferences: [...] }`
@MutationAction({ mutate: ['events', 'conferences'] })
async fetchAll() {
const response: Response = await getJSON('')
return response
class MyModule extends VuexModule {
wheels = 2
incrWheels(extra) {
this.wheels += extra
get axles() {
return this.wheels / 2
this is turned into the equivalent
const module = {
state: { wheels: 2 },
mutations: {
incrWheels(state, extra) {
state.wheels += extra
getters: {
axles: (state) => state.wheels / 2
Use the modules just like you would earlier
import Vue from 'nativescript-vue'
import Vuex, { Module } from 'vuex'
import counter from './modules/Counter2'
import hgapi from './modules/HGAPIModule'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {},
modules: {
If you need to support module reuse
or to use modules with NuxtJS, you can have a state factory function generated instead
of a static state object instance by using stateFactory
option to @Module
, like so:
@Module({ stateFactory: true })
class MyModule extends VuexModule {
wheels = 2
incrWheels(extra) {
this.wheels += extra
get axles() {
return this.wheels / 2
this is turned into the equivalent
const module = {
state() {
return { wheels: 2 }
mutations: {
incrWheels(state, extra) {
state.wheels += extra
getters: {
axles: (state) => state.wheels / 2
Vuex allows us to register modules into store at runtime after store is constructed. We can do the following to create dynamic modules
interface StoreType {
mm: MyModule
// Declare empty store first
const store = new Vuex.Store<StoreType>({})
// Create module later in your code (it will register itself automatically)
// In the decorator we pass the store object into which module is injected
// NOTE: When you set dynamic true, make sure you give module a name
@Module({ dynamic: true, store: store, name: 'mm' })
class MyModule extends VuexModule {
count = 0
incrCount(delta) {
this.count += delta
If you would like to preserve the state e.g when loading in the state from vuex-persist
-- @Module({ dynamic: true, store: store, name: 'mm' })
++ @Module({ dynamic: true, store: store, name: 'mm', preserveState: true })
class MyModule extends VuexModule {
Or when it doesn't have a initial state and you load the state from the localStorage
-- @Module({ dynamic: true, store: store, name: 'mm' })
++ @Module({ dynamic: true, store: store, name: 'mm', preserveState: localStorage.getItem('vuex') !== null })
class MyModule extends VuexModule {
There are many possible ways to construct your modules. Here is one way for drop-in use with NuxtJS (you simply need to add your modules to ~/utils/store-accessor.ts
and then just import the modules from ~/store
import { Store } from 'vuex'
import { initialiseStores } from '~/utils/store-accessor'
const initializer = (store: Store<any>) => initialiseStores(store)
export const plugins = [initializer]
export * from '~/utils/store-accessor'
import { Store } from 'vuex'
import { getModule } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
import example from '~/store/example'
let exampleStore: example
function initialiseStores(store: Store<any>): void {
exampleStore = getModule(example, store)
export { initialiseStores, exampleStore }
Now you can access stores in a type-safe way by doing the following from a component or page - no extra initialization required.
import { exampleStore } from '~/store'
someMethod() {
return exampleStore.exampleGetter
When SSR is involved the store is recreated on each request. Every time the module is accessed
using getModule
function the current store instance must be provided and the module must
be manually registered to the root store modules
// store/modules/MyStoreModule.ts
import { Module, VuexModule, Mutation } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
name: 'modules/MyStoreModule',
namespaced: true,
stateFactory: true,
export default class MyStoreModule extends VuexModule {
public test: string = 'initial'
public setTest(val: string) {
this.test = val
// store/index.ts
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import MyStoreModule from '~/store/modules/MyStoreModule'
export function createStore() {
return new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
// components/Random.tsx
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { getModule } from 'vuex-module-decorators';
import MyStoreModule from '~/store/modules/MyStoreModule'
export default class extends Vue {
public created() {
const MyModuleInstance = getModule(MyStoreModule, this.$store);
// Do stuff with module
There is a global configuration object that can be used to set options across the whole module:
import { config } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
// Set rawError to true by default on all @Action decorators
config.rawError = true
Actions and mutations can be stubbed like any other function using - for example - sinon
By default, getters are readonly, and cannot be reconfigured, which prevents stubbing.
To override this behaviour in a test environment, set the configurableGetters
import { Module, VuexModule, Mutation } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
name: 'MyModule',
configurableGetters: true,
export default class MyStoreModule extends VuexModule {
public test: string = 'initial'
public setTest(val: string) {
this.test = val