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Releases: react-navigation/navigation-ex
Releases · react-navigation/navigation-ex
@react-navigation/[email protected]
@react-navigation/[email protected]
5.0.0-alpha.2 (2019-08-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @react-navigation/drawer
@react-navigation/[email protected]
@react-navigation/[email protected]
@react-navigation/[email protected]
5.0.0-alpha.2 (2019-08-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @react-navigation/bottom-tabs
@react-navigation/[email protected]
@react-navigation/[email protected]
5.0.0-alpha.1 (2019-08-21)
Bug Fixes
- bunch of fixes regarding reliability of callbacks (4878d18)
- change single param to props object in onTransition callba… (#171) (53f8ba9)
- disable react-native-screens on iOS (fb9dbf9)
- don't enable overlay on iOS by default (27f0ec4)
- don't enable screens for modal stacks (fdf8b1a)
- don't ignore headerLeft if specified. fixes #164 (c9b2c4d)
- don't set a header height when a custom header is specified (1b82e25)
- fix back button not working in header (73424b8)
- fix border radius of modal presentation (1cf7dc5)
- fix broken shadows on card (da8da3d)
- fix header tint color not applied (879b0ea)
- fix peer deps and add git urls (6b4fc74)
- fix types for stack config (bba0feb)
- fix typo preventing the screen from being cleaned up (354da7d)
- handle RTL properly (29de72a)
- hide background for unfocused header in fade (3164527)
- hide overflow in wipe preset (3f7a54d)
- make sure components update when descriptor changes (6792be3)
- make sure left button isn't bigger than screen width / 2 (ebc4865)
- make the header appear static when sibling of headerless screen (55c3085)
- mark descriptors as optional properties (006a4ea)
- properly handle floating header height (06f628b)
- properly normalize velocity (f2e3c2b)
- properly set pointerEvents on the views (0589275)
- reduce card gesture velocity impact (#161) (81b1bdf)
- support specifying header background color in headerStyle (98d29da)
- tweak the easing for android (78c4f25)
- tweak transition spec to prevent jumping effect (9f3b70f)
- use a separate shadow view for the cards (d2397d5)
- use a shadow instead of a border for header on iOS (6e9d05b), closes #97
- use MaskedView from @react-native-community/masked-view (7772ac5)
- use opacity in headerStyle (9dce71c)
- use pure component for stack items (aeec520)
- when header mode is screen, disable animations by default (4e2afa0)
- whitelist supported styles instead of blacklist (1fb33c8)
- add a canGoBack prop to header back button (7c86cfa)
- add cardX options in navigationOptions (30002a1)
- add comments (c2eb482)
- add headerBackgroundStyle option (2ea0912)
- add headerBackTitleVisible option to navigation options (27c4861)
- add headerTransparent option (d973817)
- add iOS modal presentation style (838732d)
- add on transition end callback (#153) (51b1069)
- allow specifying style interpolators in navigationOptions (#155) (282cfe5)
- consider both velocity and position while calculating the next position (#146) (b8237de)
- implement various navigators (f0b80ce)
- inform whether screen is opening/closing in onTransition callbacks (#169) (c0c17e9)
- integrate react-native-screens (#145) (a8460e5)
- make listeners reliable (73b8d22)
- new implementation with reanimated (9b176e9)
- support a function for headerTitle (95055c1)
@react-navigation/[email protected]
5.0.0-alpha.1 (2019-08-21)
Bug Fixes
- don't lose child state when rehydrating in tab router (5676dea)
- don't use action.source for stack router (afa24c1)
- fix peer deps and add git urls (6b4fc74)
- handle partial initial state better when rehydrating (8ed54da)
- implement canGoBack for tab router (#51) (2b8f2ed)