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lokanadam edited this page Jan 1, 2013 · 20 revisions

Getting Started

SIREn Build Instructions

Basic steps:

  • Install JDK 1.6 (or greater), Maven 2.0.9 (or greater)
  • Download SIREn and unpack it
  • Connect to the top-level of your SIREn installation
  • Run maven

Step 1: Environment setup

Set up your development environment (JDK 1.6 or greater, Maven 2.0.9 or greater)

We will assume that you know how to get and set up the JDK - if you do not, then we suggest starting at and learning more about Java, before returning to this README. SIREn runs with JDK 1.6 and later.

Like many Open Source java projects, SIREn uses Apache Maven for build control. Specifically, you MUST use Maven version 2.0.9 or greater.

Step 2: Download SIREn

We will assume you already did this, or you would not be reading this file. However, you might have received this file by some alternate route, or you might have an incomplete copy of SIREn. SIREn releases are available for download from h and snapshots from

Download the tarred/gzipped version of the archive, and uncompress it into a directory of your choice.

Step 3: SIREn installation

From the command line, change (cd) into the top-level directory of your SIREn installation.

SIREn's top-level directory contains the pom.xml file. By default, you do not need to change any of the settings in this file, but you do need to run maven from this location so it knows where to find pom.xml.

Step 4: Run maven

Assuming you have maven in your PATH, typing "mvn package" at the shell prompt and command prompt should run maven. Maven will by default look for the "pom.xml" file in your current directory, compile SIREn and run the tests.

[note: There's a problem with installing siren-core; issue is with caliper dependency settings; ensure the siren-core/pom.xml has caliper 0.5-rc1 ]

The SIREn jar file will be located at "./target/siren-#{version}.jar".

To generate the javadoc, you should type "mvn javadoc:javadoc" at the shell prompt. Maven will generate the javadoc API in the directory "./target/site/apidocs/".