RD-Swicthboard Graph Widget require D3 Java Scripr Library (3.5.5 or better). jQuery Library can also be used to initalize a widget.
Program has been tested on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 and should work on any other linux as well.
RD-Swicthboard Graph Widget consists from a several files:
- graph_widget/bower.json : Bower file, enabling automatic download of D3 and jQuery libraries
- graph_widget/demo.html : Demo web page
- graph_widget/assets/js/graph_widget.js : main Java Script file
- graph_widget/assets/css/graph_widget.css : widget CSS file
- graph_widget/assets/images/ : images, used by widget.
The current widget installiation will require Node.Js NPM (2.13.2 or better) and Bower (1.4.1 or better) to be installed locally. The Bower will be only used to install D3 and jQuery libraries, so you are free to use any other installiation method, you would preffer.
To install widget on any Ubutu-like Linux via bower, copy the widget assests
folder and bower.json
file into location where you wish it to use, then execute from that location:
# Install Node.js and npm:
sudo apt-get install npm
# Make sure you have got the latest npm version:
sudo npm install -g npm
# Install Bower globally:
sudo npm install -g bower
# Install depending packages (D3 and jQuery)
bower install
After that, Bower will create new folder bower_components
where D3 and jQuery library will be located.
To use the widget, you must first load D3 library, Widget CSS and JS files into browser. The D3 library must be loaded first. The graph will never use jQuery library, but you can load it as well to have access for jQuery $
functions. You will also need to create special div
element with graph
class. This div will be used to display the graph. Last, you will need to make a call to the graph_init function providing request and access keys. A demo.html file has been provided to illustrate how to do that:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/graph_widget.css">
<script src="bower_components/d3/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="assets/js/graph_widget.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
var reqkey = "2007-08-voyage-mineralogy-biota-433724"
var accesskey = "demo"
graph_init(reqkey, accesskey);
<div class="graph" style="visibility: visible;"/>
The request key is an actual record key and the access key is a RD-Swicthboard API key assingned to you. You can apply for this key via reqistration page.
For a demonstration and a testing purposes, a special demo
key has been created. This key will let you to browser only one graph, accesible via 2007-08-voyage-mineralogy-biota-433724
request key.
The Graph class will be part of D3 object and can be used directly. graph_init
function will setup and enable Graph object. To get access to a Graph JSON object you will need to construct a request for RD-Swicthboard Graph API and pass reqkey and accesskey as a parameters. You can use d3.json() function to load the graph JSON. The graph class can be accessed via d3.graph() function.
// construct the request for RD-Swicthboard Graph API
var jsonName = "http://rd-switchboard.net/api/graph/?reqkey=" + reqkey + "&accesskey=" + accesskey;
// load the JSON
d3.json(jsonName, function(error, json) {
// check for possible errors
if (null == error) {
// The graph can be displayed
// Create graph object
var graph = d3.graph()
// configure graph object if needed
// display the graph in the div with 'graph' class
.style("visibility", "visible")
} else {
// The graph can not be displayed
// display error message in the div with 'graph' class
.attr("class", "graph-void")
.style("visibility", "visible")
.text("Switchboard Widget: This collection has no related party record, grant or connected dataset.");
Gets or sets the width of the Graph. The default width will be equals to the width of the provided div.
var w = graph.width() // to get the graph width
graph.width(w * 2) // to set the graph width
Gets or sets the height of the Graph. The default height will be equals to the width of the provided div.
var h = graph.height() // to get the graph height
graph.height(h * 2) // to set the graph height
Gets or sets the path to the folder with ghraph images. The default path is assets/images/
var p = graph.imagePath() // to get the graph image path
graph.imagePath(myPath) // to set the graph image path
Load the graph data from a provided JSON file
Start graph upadte process. This function will need to call only once. If any node will be moved by user, the process will be resumed automatically.
The JSON object must have specific format. It should have two arrays of objects, one for nodes and one for relationships:
"nodes": [
// Nodes array
"relationships": [
// Relationships array
The Node object must have integer node id, node type, map object, containing node properties and optional array with extra node information:
"id": 1 , // Node ID
"type": "dataset", // Node type. The possible options are: "institution", "researcher", "grant", "dataset" or "publication
"extras": [ "incomplete" ], // Optional array with extra information. The "root" will indicate root node and "incomplete" will indicate a node with incomplete information
"properties": { // Object with node properties. The required properties are:
"key": // Node resource URL
"node_source": // Source of the node
"node_type": // Type of the node, at this moment it will match actual type of the node
"title": // The title of the node
The Relationship object must have integer relationsip id, relationship type, and id of start and end nodes:
"id": 1, // Relationship ID
"type": "relatedTo", // Relationship type
"from": 1, // Start node id
"to": 2, // End node id