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dgough edited this page Dec 22, 2012 · 10 revisions

By creating your game and extending gameplay::Game, you'll be able to add all the required handlers of input events. Additionally, there are methods on gameplay::Game to poll for the current sensor data. This architecture insulates you, as a developer, from the platform-specific details on handling keyboard, touch and mouse events, and from polling the accelerometer state. The following illustrates overridden methods to handle input events:

#include "gameplay.h"
using namespace gameplay;
class MyGame : public Game
    // ...
    void keyEvent(Keyboard::KeyEvent evt, int key);
    void touchEvent(Touch::TouchEvent evt, int x, int y, unsigned int contactIndex);
    bool mouseEvent(Mouse::MouseEvent evt, int x, int y);
    void getAccelerometerValues(float* pitch, float* roll);


Game::mouseEvent() is called when a mouse event occurs.

Mouse events that are not consumed will be interpreted as a touch event. You can consume a mouse event by overridding Game::mouseEvent() and returning true. This gives you the option to uniquely handle mouse events from touch events. Game::mouseEvent() returns false by default.

Note that some mobile devices can use a Bluetooth mouse.

Mouse Capture

Game::setMouseCaptured() can be used to enable mouse capture. While mouse capture is enabled, all mouse move events will then be delivered as deltas instead of absolute positions.

Game::setCursorVisible() can be used to hide the mouse cursor.


Game::touchEvent() is called when a touch event occurs. x and y are screen coordinates where the top left is 0,0. Some platforms may allow you to touch outside the bounds of the screen so negative x and y values are possible.


You can enable multi-touch using Game::setMultiTouch(). The Game::touchEvent() parameter contactIndex is used to differentiate the touch contacts. Do not assume that the contactIndex values are sequential.


Game::keyEvent() is called when a keyboard event occurs.

Showing the virtual keyboard

You can call Game::displayKeyboard() to show or hide a virtual keyboard for platforms that support it.


Some platforms support gestures. Game::isGestureSupported() can be used to determine which gestures are supported.

Game::registerGesture() is used to register for a type of gesture. Once a gesture is registered, you will receive callbacks via Game::gestureSwipeEvent(), Game::gesturePinchEvent() or Game::gestureTapEvent().


You can call Game::getAccelerometerValues() and pass in pointers to parameters that will be populated with the current sensor values for the accelerometer.

Menu Event

Game::menuEvent is called when a menu event occurs. Some platforms have a special menu event, such as swiping down from the top bevel on PlayBook.



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