A plugin to allow editing of your Event Store (https://geteventstore.com) projections in Sublime Text 2
No more copying and pasting!
Available in Sublime Package Control as "Event Store Projection Editor" (reccomended, you will receive automatic updates)
Alternatively, you can clone this repo into your Sublime Text 2/Packages
cd c:/Users/john.smith/AppData/Roaming/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/
git clone [email protected]:rcknight/SublimeEventStore.git
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/
git clone [email protected]:rcknight/SublimeEventStore.git
cd ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages
git clone [email protected]:rcknight/SublimeEventStore.git
The plugin can be accessed via the Tools menu, or the Command Palette
The default keybindings are:
ctrl+e, ctrl+o
to open a projection from the Event Store
ctrl+e, ctrl+s
to save a projection to the Event Store
When a new projection is saved, it is given the same name as the file it came from.
By default the event store URL used is You can change this by edditing the file EventStore.sublime-settings in the package directory