Requirements • Install • Usage • HTTP File Spec
A minimal REST-Client Interface for Neovim.
Kulala is swahili for "rest" or "relax".
It allows you to make HTTP requests from within Neovim.
Via lazy.nvim:
{ 'mistweaverco/kulala.nvim', opts = {} },
needs to be at least an empty table {}
and can't be completely omitted.
See configuration options for more information.
For getting this project started.
This project was heaviliy inspired by the idea of having a REST client in Neovim.
The actual state of rest.nvim as archived kicked off the development of kulala.nvim.
The project has been un-archived again, so check it out if you're looking for an alternative.
If you want a simple scratchpad for making HTTP requests, check out curl.nvim
It's very different to this project, but it's a great tool for making HTTP requests from within Neovim and maybe just your cup of tea.
For providing a great service for testing HTTP requests and making it in all the kulala examples.
Thanks for making it easy to test and develop this plugin.