- Updated estimate_mdiff_2x2_mixed to return smds and medians (if raw data passed)
- Updated jamovi 2x2 mixed for smds and medians
- Tests updated to use expect_snapshot (why did no one tell me?)
- Updates to deal with statpsych 1.7
- Changed dependency on ggh4x to replacement packaged legendry, thanks to Teun
- data_effronraj_badnews updated to v1.1, fixed invalid negative value in in synthetic data for participant 46.
- Fixed bug in estimate_mdiff_paired where negative values where causing an error due to changes in statpsych
- Fixed bug in estimate_mdiff_two and estimate_mdiff_ind_contrast where negative values where causing an error due to changes in statpsych ci.ratio.median2
- Fixed bug in chi square table for jamovi due to changes in R format function and also with setting of table note in jamovi
- Removed vestigial marker_size control from describe feature in jamovi
- Fixed issue with difference axis symbols not rendering properly under newer versions of ggplot
- Fixed issue with negative values flag in estimate_mdiff_two in jamovi
- Tweaks to deal with changes in statpsych 1.6. No substantive updates.
- First release to CRAN. Module is now complete, documented, and has relatively complete test coverage. This is still a pretty rough attempt, though. Expect breaking changes still to come, especially with graphing functions.