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Merge pod template's volumeMount.
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The helper Pod template's `data` volumeMount is merged with the defaults in order to allow users to specify the `mountPropagation` within the template.

Closes #165

Signed-off-by: Max Goltzsche <[email protected]>
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mgoltzsche committed Mar 7, 2021
1 parent 01eaa8c commit 6a36c3b
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Showing 2 changed files with 70 additions and 45 deletions.
112 changes: 67 additions & 45 deletions provisioner.go
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Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ const (
KeyNode = ""


helperScriptDir = "/script"
helperDataVolName = "data"
helperScriptVolName = "script"

var (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,13 +208,14 @@ func (p *LocalPathProvisioner) Provision(opts pvController.ProvisionOptions) (*v
logrus.Infof("Creating volume %v at %v:%v", name, node.Name, path)

storage := pvc.Spec.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceName(v1.ResourceStorage)]
volMode := string(*pvc.Spec.VolumeMode)

createCmdsForPath := []string{
if err := p.createHelperPod(ActionTypeCreate, createCmdsForPath, name, path, node.Name, volMode, storage.Value()); err != nil {
provisionCmd := []string{"/bin/sh", "/script/setup"}
if err := p.createHelperPod(ActionTypeCreate, provisionCmd, volumeOptions{
Name: name,
Path: path,
Mode: *pvc.Spec.VolumeMode,
SizeInBytes: storage.Value(),
Node: node.Name,
}); err != nil {
return nil, err

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,9 +270,14 @@ func (p *LocalPathProvisioner) Delete(pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (err error) {
if pv.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy != v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain {
logrus.Infof("Deleting volume %v at %v:%v", pv.Name, node, path)
storage := pv.Spec.Capacity[v1.ResourceName(v1.ResourceStorage)]
volMode := string(*pv.Spec.VolumeMode)
cleanupCmdsForPath := []string{"/bin/sh", "/script/teardown"}
if err := p.createHelperPod(ActionTypeDelete, cleanupCmdsForPath, pv.Name, path, node, volMode, storage.Value()); err != nil {
cleanupCmd := []string{"/bin/sh", "/script/teardown"}
if err := p.createHelperPod(ActionTypeDelete, cleanupCmd, volumeOptions{
Name: pv.Name,
Path: path,
Mode: *pv.Spec.VolumeMode,
SizeInBytes: storage.Value(),
Node: node,
}); err != nil {
logrus.Infof("clean up volume %v failed: %v", pv.Name, err)
return err
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,29 +328,30 @@ func (p *LocalPathProvisioner) getPathAndNodeForPV(pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (pat
return path, node, nil

func (p *LocalPathProvisioner) createHelperPod(action ActionType, cmdsForPath []string, name, path, node, volumeMode string, sizeInBytes int64) (err error) {
type volumeOptions struct {
Name string
Path string
Mode v1.PersistentVolumeMode
SizeInBytes int64
Node string

func (p *LocalPathProvisioner) createHelperPod(action ActionType, cmd []string, o volumeOptions) (err error) {
defer func() {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to %v volume %v", action, name)
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to %v volume %v", action, o.Name)
if name == "" || path == "" || node == "" {
if o.Name == "" || o.Path == "" || o.Node == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid empty name or path or node")
path, err = filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return err
path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, "/")
parentDir, volumeDir := filepath.Split(path)
parentDir = strings.TrimSuffix(parentDir, "/")
volumeDir = strings.TrimSuffix(volumeDir, "/")
if parentDir == "" || volumeDir == "" {
// it covers the `/` case
return fmt.Errorf("invalid path %v for %v: cannot find parent dir or volume dir", action, path)
if !filepath.IsAbs(o.Path) {
return fmt.Errorf("volume path %s is not absolute", o.Path)
o.Path = filepath.Clean(o.Path)
parentDir, volumeDir := filepath.Split(o.Path)
hostPathType := v1.HostPathDirectoryOrCreate
lpvVolumes := []v1.Volume{
Name: "data",
Name: helperDataVolName,
VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{
HostPath: &v1.HostPathVolumeSource{
Path: parentDir,
Expand All @@ -349,7 +360,7 @@ func (p *LocalPathProvisioner) createHelperPod(action ActionType, cmdsForPath []
Name: "script",
Name: helperScriptVolName,
VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{
ConfigMap: &v1.ConfigMapVolumeSource{
LocalObjectReference: v1.LocalObjectReference{
Expand All @@ -369,42 +380,40 @@ func (p *LocalPathProvisioner) createHelperPod(action ActionType, cmdsForPath []
lpvVolumeMounts := []v1.VolumeMount{
Name: "data",
ReadOnly: false,
MountPath: parentDir,
Name: "script",
ReadOnly: false,
MountPath: "/script",
lpvTolerations := []v1.Toleration{
Operator: v1.TolerationOpExists,
helperPod := p.helperPod.DeepCopy()

scriptMount := addVolumeMount(&helperPod.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts, helperScriptVolName, helperScriptDir)
scriptMount.MountPath = helperScriptDir
dataMount := addVolumeMount(&helperPod.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts, helperDataVolName, parentDir)
parentDir = dataMount.MountPath
parentDir = strings.TrimSuffix(parentDir, string(filepath.Separator))
volumeDir = strings.TrimSuffix(volumeDir, string(filepath.Separator))
if parentDir == "" || volumeDir == "" {
// it covers the `/` case
return fmt.Errorf("invalid path %v for %v: cannot find parent dir or volume dir", action, o.Path)

// use different name for helper pods
helperPod.Name = (helperPod.Name + "-" + string(action) + "-" + name)
helperPod.Name = (helperPod.Name + "-" + string(action) + "-" + o.Name)
if len(helperPod.Name) > HelperPodNameMaxLength {
helperPod.Name = helperPod.Name[:HelperPodNameMaxLength]
helperPod.Namespace = p.namespace
helperPod.Spec.NodeName = node
helperPod.Spec.NodeName = o.Node
helperPod.Spec.ServiceAccountName = p.serviceAccountName
helperPod.Spec.RestartPolicy = v1.RestartPolicyNever
helperPod.Spec.Tolerations = append(helperPod.Spec.Tolerations, lpvTolerations...)
helperPod.Spec.Volumes = append(helperPod.Spec.Volumes, lpvVolumes...)
helperPod.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts = append(helperPod.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts, lpvVolumeMounts...)
helperPod.Spec.Containers[0].Command = cmdsForPath
helperPod.Spec.Containers[0].Command = cmd
helperPod.Spec.Containers[0].Args = []string{"-p", filepath.Join(parentDir, volumeDir),
"-s", strconv.FormatInt(sizeInBytes, 10),
"-m", volumeMode}
"-s", strconv.FormatInt(o.SizeInBytes, 10),
"-m", string(o.Mode)}

// If it already exists due to some previous errors, the pod will be cleaned up later automatically
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,10 +444,23 @@ func (p *LocalPathProvisioner) createHelperPod(action ActionType, cmdsForPath []
return fmt.Errorf("create process timeout after %v seconds", CmdTimeoutCounts)

logrus.Infof("Volume %v has been %vd on %v:%v", name, action, node, path)
logrus.Infof("Volume %v has been %vd on %v:%v", o.Name, action, o.Node, o.Path)
return nil

func addVolumeMount(mounts *[]v1.VolumeMount, name, mountPath string) *v1.VolumeMount {
for i, m := range *mounts {
if m.Name == name {
if m.MountPath == "" {
(*mounts)[i].MountPath = mountPath
return &(*mounts)[i]
*mounts = append(*mounts, v1.VolumeMount{Name: name, MountPath: mountPath})
return &(*mounts)[len(*mounts)-1]

func isJSONFile(configFile string) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(configFile, ".json")
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions util.go
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Expand Up @@ -33,5 +33,8 @@ func loadHelperPodFile(helperPodYaml string) (*v1.Pod, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid unmarshal the helper pod with helperPodJson: %v", string(helperPodJSON))
if len(p.Spec.Containers) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("helper pod template does not specify any container")
return &p, nil

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