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Refresh this page. \n\n(Still not working? Try:\nCloseing other AmorLamps tabs if open.\nRestarting your Lamp.)');}} function ws_method_builder(method, a1 = null, a2 = null, b1 = null, b2 = null) { var myObj = '{"method":"' + method + '","' + a1 + '":"' + a2 + '","' + b1 + '":"' + b2 + '"}'; send_ws_msg(myObj); } function ws_method_builder_plus_w(method, a1 = null, a2 = null, b1 = null, b2 = null) { var myObj = 'w{"method":"' + method + '","' + a1 + '":"' + a2 + '","' + b1 + '":"' + b2 + '"}'; send_ws_msg(myObj); } function todmfxm() { ws_method_builder('turn_on_disco_mode_for_x_mins', 'x', '20'); } function srtA() { ws_method_builder('send_responseToAWS', 'responseMsg', document.getElementById('srtA_i').value); } function uxmov() { var xm = document.getElementById('uxmov_i').value; if (!(xm > 0 && xm < 61)) { xm = 5; } ws_method_builder_plus_w('update_x_min_on_value', 'x', xm);alert('Your lamp is restarting with new settings,Please wait 2-3 mins, then realod this page.');} function uxmov_i_r() { document.getElementById('uxmov_i').value = document.getElementById('uxmov_i_range').value; } function ugid() { let pw = prompt('Do not update group Id if not asked by customer support.\nWARNING:Lamps will stop working(And will Void Warranty).\n\nEnter password', 'Read above message , Password'); if (pw == 'amor123') { console.log('ok ' + pw); ws_method_builder_plus_w('update_groupId', 'gID', document.getElementById('ugid_i').value); } else { console.log('not ok ' + pw); alert('Wrong Password !'); } } function rfcj() { ws_method_builder('readFromConfigJSON', 'key', document.getElementById('rfcj_i').value); } function ufcj() { ws_method_builder('updatetoConfigJSON', 'key', document.getElementById('ufcj_ki').value, 'value', document.getElementById('ufcj_vi').value); } function refcj() { ws_method_builder('removeFromConfigJSON', 'key', document.getElementById('refcj_i').value); } function gespc() { ws_method_builder('get_ESP_core', 'key', document.getElementById('gespc_i').value); } function fuffs() { ws_method_builder('firmware_update_from_fs', 'ota_filename', document.getElementById('fuffs_i').value); } function sgmtgt() { ws_method_builder('send_given_msg_to_given_topic', 'topic', document.getElementById('sgmtgt_ti').value, 'msg', document.getElementById('sgmtgt_mi').value); } function lfsfsws() { console.log('wait'); } function mthd_call(mc, args, plus1arg, s, v) { var myObj = '{"method":"method_handler","mc":"' + mc + '", "args":"' + args + '", "plus1arg":"' + plus1arg + '", "s":"' + s + '", "v":"' + v + '"}'; send_ws_msg(myObj); } function mthd() { mthd_call( document.getElementById('mthd_mi').value, document.getElementById('mthd_ai').value, document.getElementById('mthd_pi').value, document.getElementById('mthd_si').value, document.getElementById('mthd_vi').value ); } function fswc() { let ok = confirm("Confirm Reset Wifi Credentials?"); if (ok) { ws_method_builder('forget_saved_wifi_creds'); alert("Wait for 2 mins then ,setup your device again"); } else { alert("ok! Not reset wifi."); } } function wsutsc(h, s, v) { var myObj = '{"method":"ws_update_tosend_color","h":"' + h + '", "s":"' + s + '", "v":"' + v + '"}'; console.log(myObj); send_ws_msg('w' + myObj); } function updateColor() { var h = document.getElementById("myColorRange").value;var s = document.getElementById("myColorRange2").value;var v = document.getElementById("myColorRange3").value;console.log("" + h + s + v); wsutsc(h, s, v); h = ~~((h / 255) * 360); s = ~~((s / 255) * 100); v = ~~((v / 255) * 100); console.log(">" + h + s + v); document.getElementById("myColorRange2").style.background = "linear-gradient(90deg,hsl(" + h + "deg,0%,100%),hsl(" + h + "deg,100%,50%))"; document.getElementById("myColorRange3").style.background = "linear-gradient(90deg,hsl(" + h + "deg," + s + "%,40%),hsl(" + h + "deg," + s + "%,70%),hsl(" + h + "deg," + s + "%,100%))"; document.getElementById("colorcode").style.background = "hsl(" + h + "deg," + (s) + "%," + (100 - (s / 2)) + "%)"; } </script>
</head><body onload="javascript:init()"><div><br><h1><a href="https://www.amorlamps.com/" target="_blank">Amor Lamps</a></h1></div><div><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="139" height="139" xmlns:v="https://vecta.io/nano"><path fill="#fff" d="M-1-1h141v141H-1z" /><g stroke="null"><g transform="matrix(0 .4 -.4 0 139.9 -.016035)"><g stroke="none" fill="#0"><path d="M225 75h50v50h-50zM75 75h125v50H75z" /><path d="M75 75h50v125H75z" /></g><g transform="rotate(180 175.08 212.5)" stroke="none" fill="#0"><path d="M225.08 150h50v50h-50zm-150 0h125v50h-125z" /><path d="M75.08 150h50v125h-50z" /></g></g><g stroke="none" fill="#0"><path d="M0 0h110v20H0z" /><path d="M0 0h20v110H0z" /></g><g transform="matrix(-.4 0 0 -.4 169.877 169.877)" stroke="none" fill="#0"><path d="M75 75h275v50H75z" /><path d="M75 75h50v275H75z" /></g><path d="M119.914 0h20v20h-20zM0 119.914h20v20H0z" stroke="none" fill="#0" /></g></svg></div><br/><div><div><!-- <p>Color Mixer</p> --><input type="range" min="0" max="255" class="slider" id="myColorRange" onchange="updateColor()"></div><div><input type="range" min="0" max="255" value="255" class="slider" id="myColorRange2" onchange="updateColor()"></div><div><input type="range" min="103" max="255" value="76" class="slider" id="myColorRange3" onchange="updateColor()" style="display: none;"></div><br><div style="height:70px;"><i id="colorcode" class="material-icons">online_prediction</i></div><br><div><hr class="hrC"><br/><input id="ugid_i" name="ugid_i" type="text" placeholder="gID"><br><br/><button id="ugid_b" onclick="ugid()"><i class="material-icons" style="font-size:auto;color:white;">groups</i>Update Group Id</button><br><hr class="hrC"><br/><input type="range" min="1" max="60" class="slider" id="uxmov_i_range" onchange="uxmov_i_r()"><br><br/><input id="uxmov_i" name="uxmov_i" type="number" placeholder="x" value="20" min="1" max="60"><br><br/><button id="uxmov_b" onclick="uxmov()"><i class="material-icons" style="font-size:auto;color:white;">hourglass_bottom</i>Update ON Duration</button><br><hr class="hrC"><br/><button id="fswc_b" onclick="fswc()"><i class="material-icons" style="font-size:auto;color:white;">wifi_off</i>Reset Wifi Credentials</button><hr class="hrC"><br/><button id="todmfxm_b" onclick="todmfxm()">.<i class="material-icons" style="font-size:auto;color:white;">palette</i>.</button><hr class="hrC"><br/><button id="todm_b" onclick="ws_method_builder('turn_off_rgb')" style="background-color: #d82c2c;"><span><i class="material-icons" style="font-size:auto;color:white;">power_settings_new</i>TURN OFF LAMP</span></button><hr class="hrC"><br/><hr class="hrC"><br/></div></div><div><br><h5><a href="https://www.amorlamps.com/help" target="_blank">Help</a></h5></body></html>