This example demostrates how to connect to multiple datasources in same spring boot project
- Postgresql
- Liquibase - DataBase Migration Tool for Postgres Database
- Flyway - DataBase Migration Tool for MySQL Database
- Swagger - http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
Postgres Database supports Sequences where as MySQL doesn't supports it hence we need to use Identity Generation value Strategy
- Flow as soon as application is started first liquibase and flyway database migrations are executed
- As soon as application is ready bootstrapping of data is done using
- Data from both databases are retrieved in API and merged as response
- Json serialization and deSerialization is done using
- When we set HikariDataSource manually we need to set
- Hibernate 6 By default enables pool-lo sequencing strategy with
name instead of hibernate_seq with allocation size 50 - javax.persistance is moved to jakarta.persistance
- added validation starter