FAQ Debugging TripleO check introspection failure (timeout) sudo journalctl -u openstack-ironic-inspector check which resources failed to deploy the overcloud openstack stack resource list overcloud -n 5 --filter status=FAILED -c physical_resource_id -c resource_name -c resource_type -c stack_name show the reason of a failed resource openstack stack resource show overcloud-Compute-mtgxddccdppm-0-ls3jxjtmk5je-NovaCompute-555ow6o7upus HostsEntryDeployment |grep resource_status_reason check pre-introspection failures for i in $(mistral execution-list | grep tripleo.validations.*ERROR | awk '{print $2}'); do mistral execution-get-output $i; done delete introspection workflow for i in $(mistral execution-list | grep tripleo.validations.* | awk '{print $2}'); do mistral execution-delete $i; done