NSDb runs on Linux and Mac OS X. To be able to run NSDb, the only requirements are:
- Java 8.x (or higher) installation.
- sbt 1.x.x (or higher).
It is possible to package the project using sbt with command dist
$ sbt dist
Once project packaging is completed, unzip archive created in path : package
$ cd package
$ unzip nsdb-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip
$ cd nsdb-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/bin
$ ./nsdb-cluster
In order to check if the application is up and running properly user can call health-check API:
$ curl -f "http://localhost:9000/status"
Command Line Interface(CLI) can be launched executing in the same path:
$ ./nsdb-cli --host --port 7817 --database database_name
For a comprehensive documentation regarding NSDb CLI refer to CLI doc.
Alternatively to sbt build, NSDb integrates Docker image publishing and container instantiation. To build docker image locally execute:
$ sbt 'project nsdb-cluster' clean docker:publishLocal
It's possible running a container overriding the env variable:
version: '3'
image: weareradicalbit/nsdb:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
AKKA_HOSTNAME: nsdb-node-1
- 9010:9000
- 9000:7817
It's also possible to run an NSDb container mounting the configuration, data, certificates and external library directories:
version: '3'
image: weareradicalbit/nsdb:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- .conf:/opt/nsdb-cluster/conf
- /host/data/path:/opt/nsdb-cluster/data
- /host/ext-lib/path:/opt/nsdb-cluster/ext-lib
- /host/certs/path:/opt/certs
- 9000:9000
- 7817:7817
- 9443:9443
To start NSDb container:
$ docker-compose up
Command Line Interface(CLI) can be launched executing:
$ docker run --rm -it tools.radicalbit.io/nsdb:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT bin/nsdb-cli --host %HOST_IP% --port 7817 --database database_name
where %HOST_IP%
is the IP where NSDb is running.
For a comprehensive documentation regarding NSDb CLI refer to CLI doc.
It is possible to create a native Debian package of the project using sbt with command deb
$ sbt deb
Once project packaging is completed, deb package could be found in path : package
$ cd package
$ dpkg --install nsdb_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT_all.deb
$ nsdb-cluster
Command Line Interface(CLI) can be launched executing in the same path:
$ nsdb-cli --host --port 7817 --database database_name
It is possible to create a native Centos/RHEL package of the project using sbt with command rpm
$ sbt rpm
Once project packaging is completed, rpm package could be found in path : package
$ cd package
$ yum install nsdb-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
$ nsdb-cluster
Command Line Interface(CLI) can be launched executing in the same path:
$ nsdb-cli --host --port 7817 --database database_name
NSDb exposes data retrieval and insertion using both:
Query subscription can be achieved making use of WebSocket APIs fully described in doc.