- [#165] Added support for PHP 7.4
- [#150] Fixed bug that prevented purchase of rate plan for PHP 7.3 ApigeeX org.
- [#153] Fix for failing user profile update for ApigeeX org.
- [#157] Fix phpdoc_tag_type and lambda_not_used_import error.
- [#112] Changed ClientInterface constant names and HybridOauth2 class to fit new Apigee naming.
- Fixed bug that was throwing error on returning string response (ApiResponseException)
- (Monetization) Added addition fields to Rateplan entity.
- (Monetization) Added runtimeType and monetizationConfig property to check monetization status for Apigee X org.
Added support for Apigee X connections (New Feature) API providers can now connect their Drupal 8/9 developer portals to Apigee X organizations. API providers using Apigee X with Monetization enabled can now leverage monetization features in their Drupal developer portals. For more information, see Overview of Apigee monetization and the Apigee Monetization Drupal module documentation.
#105 Unable to retrieve analytics data on developer app analytics page for hybrid orgs.
#108 Notice in recent message logs if description is empty after creating app in Apigee hybrid.
- Dropped support of HTTPlug 1.x libraries (HTTPlug, Client Common and Guzzle 6 adapter).
- Added support for GCE Service Account Authentication.
- Added support for
2.0.5 - May 26 2020
- GA support for Apigee hybrid Management API.
- Remove Alpha note about Monetization in README.
- #101 Use toDate instead of endDate for revenue report criteria.
2.0.4 - December 5 2019
- Updated php-cs-fixer version and code analysis tools rules/validations.
- Alpha support for Apigee hybrid API.
- Support for OAuth 2.0 for server to server applications using email and a private key.
- #65 Deprecated
properties in all entities. - #82,
#299-apigee-edge-drupal Introduced an organization features
utility class (
) with methodsisCpsEnabled()
, andisFeatureEnabled()
- #61 Fix PHP notices produced when the developer is not set.
2.0.3 - June 24 2019
- #54 Add forked AddPathPlugin and removed required patch
- #58 Added the end unit property to
- Added support for Reports API. #51
- Fixed: Keep original start date property can be null #49
- Fixed Edge for Private Cloud support. Core Persistent Services (CPS) is not available in Private Cloud installations and because of that earlier versions of this library threw a CpsNotEnabledException exception when someone tried to construct an API request by adding pagination. You can find more information about this in the related pull request and in the "Edge for Private Cloud" section of the README.md.
- #36: Send developer email address instead of developer UUID to the Accept rate plan endpoint.
- Updated minimum required version to php-http/client-common >= 1.9.
- First stable release! 🎉 🎉 🎉
- Added Monetization API support with alpha stability. (Management API support is stable.)
- Added missing organization controller parameter to the Company controller's constructor.
- Improved documentation of the CompanyMembersControllerInterface's
- idProperty() on entity objects is a static method from now.
- Setters on entities now accepts variable lengths arguments instead of an array. This way we can leverage PHP's built-in type check on these methods as well.
- Developer and company entities extends and implements one new parent class and interface: AppOwner and AppOwnerInterface.
- Refactored management API tests.
- New environment variable: APIGEE_EDGE_PHP_CLIENT_API_CLIENT
- Bumped minimum required versions from php-client/httplug and php-client/client-common packages.
- Travis CI: Removed PHP nightly builds from the test matrix, fixed failed tests caused by Composer process timeout.
- Added missing constructor to the Company entity.
- Added "JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION" to the serializer to ensure float values are always encoded as a float value.
- Simplified and improved serialization. The EntityNormalizer now called as ObjectNormalizer and the EntityDenormalizer called as ObjectDenormalizer.
- Blocked installation php-http/client-common>=1.8.0 until this issue does not get solved: php-http/client-common#109.
- Updated vimeo/psalm dev dependency to the latest 2.x version.
- Dropped paginated entity listing support from developer- and company apps controllers. Pagination only supported on developer- and company apps endpoints when entity ids listed. These endpoints only return maximum 100 entities (ids and objects), if a developer/company has more apps (it should not be) use the /apps endpoint to load all apps one by one in a loop.
- Decoupled entity serialization logic from controller classes.
- Introduced new traits that allows us to keep contract about methods use in traits and classes.
- Now EntityTransformer handles updating entity properties from API responses.
- Introducing a new BaseObject as a parent class for entities and (data) structures.
- As CPS pagination got supported in the Management API for listing API products and Companies we also added it to API client.
load all entities and entity ids from Apigee Edge by default, even if it requires multiple API calls because of CPS pagination.- Classes and interfaces related to CPS and non CPS entity listing got renamed:
- CpsLimitEntityController => PaginatedEntityController
- CpsLimitEntityControllerInterface => PaginatedEntityControllerInterface
- CpsLimitEntityController => PaginatedEntityController
- CpsListingEntityControllerInterface => PaginatedEntityListingControllerInterface
- CpsListingEntityControllerTrait => PaginatedEntityListingControllerTrait
- NonCpsListingEntityControllerTrait => NoPaginationEntityListingControllerTrait
- NonCpsListingEntityControllerInterface => NonPaginatedEntityListingControllerInterface
- CpsListLimitInterface => PagerInterface
- OAuth: Fixed re-authentication with client credentials if refresh token has expired.
- Changed return types in AppCredentialController as it does not inherit from EntityCrudOperationsControllerTrait anymore.
- Constants that represents constant state of the Management API now defined in interfaces instead of classes.
- Also the visibility of some constants changed to public from private or protected.
- Added support to add Retry plugin configuration to the client.
- Renamed environment variables used in tests for authentication from APIGEE_EDGE_PHP_SDK_* to APIGEE_EDGE_PHP_CLIENT_*.
- Improved test coverage.
- Better configuration in .gitattributes to exclude more unnecessary files from prefer-dist install.
- Added CHANGELOG.md.
- Fixed: Failed API calls caused issues if OAuth authentication were in use.
- Two new required parameters added to AppCredentialControllerInterface::generate(). (These required by the API.)
- AppCredentialControllerInterface::overrideAttributes() removed because interface now implements the AttributesAwareEntityControllerInterface interface. All previous usage of overrideAttributes() must be replaced with updateAttributes().
- Extended test coverage.
- First alpha release.