diff --git a/01-the-whole-game.Rmd b/01-the-whole-game.Rmd index 3472de9..8175f1e 100644 --- a/01-the-whole-game.Rmd +++ b/01-the-whole-game.Rmd @@ -2,195 +2,183 @@ **Learning objectives:** -1. Become acquainted with the **entire workflow** for **developing a package.** -2. Observe the use of **some common functions** used in the **package development workflow.** -3. **Understand the process** to develop, document, and test a function. -4. Describe the process to **install and experiment** with a package's functions. -5. Discuss the roles **git and GitHub** play in the development of a package. +- **Create** a **toy package.** +- Recognize the **entire workflow** for **developing a package.** +- **Understand the process** to develop, document, and test a function. +- Describe the process to **install and experiment** with a package's functions. +- Share our packages on **GitHub.** -## Warmup/Ice breaker +## Common features of packages {-} -- Do you say data ("day - ta"), data ("dah - ta"), or something else? +- Functions to address a specific need. +- Version control and an open development process maybe using **Git** and **Github**. +- Established workflows to: + - Document each function using tools like **roxygen2**. + - Document the package as a whole using vignettes, markdown files (like `README.md` and `NEWS.md`) and package websites. + - Test the code using tools like **testthat**. + +## Install/update devtools {-} -## A few reminders +1. Install and confirm your current version of **devtools**. -* If we need to slow down and discuss, let me know. - - If you have a question, most likely someone else will have the same question. - - We are all here to learn. -* Camera is optional, but encouraged. -* Sessions are recorded and uploaded YouTube. -* See the pins in the Slack channel for the schedule and sign-ups. +```r +if(!"devtools" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) install.packages("devtools") -## Load devtools and friends +packageVersion("devtools") +``` -```{r 02-load-devtools} -library(devtools) +* Latest version as of the writing of these notes is [2.4.5](https://github.com/r-lib/devtools/releases/tag/v2.4.5). -# Check package version -packageVersion("devtools") +## Create a folder for the package {-} + +2. **Create a new package folder** outside of any RStudio Project, R package, Git repo, or, OneDrive/GoogleDrive sync folder. + +```r +usethis::create_package("../regexcite") ``` -* Latest version as of the writing of these notes is [2.4.3](https://github.com/r-lib/devtools/releases/tag/v2.4.3). - -## What types of functions/tools are used during package development? - -* Functions fulfilling a specific need. -* Functions used to facilitate the use of version control (i.e., `git` and `GitHub`). -* Functions to assist in the package development workflow. - - Setting up the function file - - Developing documentation (e.g. `roxygen2`) - - Testing our code (e.g. `testthat`) - - Using a `README.Rmd` file for documentation. - -## Create the package - -* Use `usethis::create_package("~path/to/package)` -* **Before you run:** Consider where these files will be placed -* Files created (options to view 'dotfiles') - - `.Rbuildignore`: Files ignored when the package is built from source. - - `.Rproj.user`: A directory used by RStudio - - `.gitignore`: A file to ignore files for version control. - - `DESCRIPTION`: Provides metadata about your package. - - `NAMESPACE`: Declares functions to export and external functions to import from other packages. - - `R`: The business end of your package. Will hold all of the `.R` files. - - `projectName.Rproj`: File that makes this directory a project. - -## Example package - -* The example package being discussed can be found [here](https://github.com/jennybc/regexcite). - - The development can be viewed via the commit history. - -## `git` & GitHub, a brief, brief intro - -* Moving (mirroring) and tracking changes to files (track changes) - - Topic is certainly more complex -* Difference between `git` and GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab -* Set up authentication - - [Managing Git(Hub) credentials vignette](https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/git-credentials.html) - - [Happy Git and GitHub for the useR](https://happygitwithr.com/index.html) - - Once you're set up, you're good to go. -* Choose a `git` client - - Many, many options (just choose one) - - Built in `Git` tab in R Studio - - [GitHub Desktop app](https://desktop.github.com/) - - [`usethis helper functions`](https://usethis.r-lib.org/reference/index.html#git-and-github) - - [`gert`](https://docs.ropensci.org/gert/) package - -### Fork triangle - -* Diagram taken from Happy Git and GitHub for the useR - -![](images/02-the-whole-game/fork-triangle-happy.png) - -### Basic workflow - -![](images/02-the-whole-game/git-basic-workflow.png) - -### Simplify this workflow - -* Use `usethis::create_from_github("https://github.com/jennybc/regexcite.git", fork = TRUE, open = TRUE)` -* Explore the use of the [`gert`](https://docs.ropensci.org/gert/) package. - - A simple git client - - Uses simple R data types (e.g., tibbles) - -* `usethis` pull request helpers. - - I ran out of time to review and get comfortable using these functions. - - Read this vignette [here](https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/pr-functions.html). - -## Creating a function - -* `use_r()` creates a file below the `R/` subdirectory. -* Each new function--when starting out--should get its own file. -* More complex packages = more functions per file. -* No other top level code should be in the file. - - No `library()` in the function files. - - Different mechanisms are used to declare dependencies. -* Scripts >>> packages -* The book doesn't cover how to write functions: - - [Functions chapter R4DS](https://r4ds.had.co.nz/functions.html) - - [Functions chapter in Advanced R](https://adv-r.hadley.nz/functions.html) - - Any other resources? -* Not a novel function. Used for demonstration purposes. - -```{r 02-simple-function, eval = FALSE} -#' Create a file name with a date time prefix -#' -#' @param file_name string A string element representing a file name -#' -#' @return string value -#' -#' @export -#' -#' @examples -#' -#' create_date_file_name("data_file.csv") -#' -create_date_file_name <- function(file_name){ - paste0(gsub("[-: ]", "_", Sys.time()), "_", file_name) -} +![](images/02-the-whole-game/01-build-options.png) +![](images/02-the-whole-game/02-project-files.png) + +- Files created (options to view 'dotfiles') + - `.Rbuildignore`: Files ignored when the package is built from source. + - `.Rproj.user`: A directory used by RStudio + - `.gitignore`: A file to ignore files for version control. + - `DESCRIPTION`: Provides metadata about your package. + - `NAMESPACE`: Declares functions to export and external functions to import from other packages. + - `R`: Will hold all of the `.R` files with function definitions. + - `projectName.Rproj`: File that makes this directory a project with relative paths. + + +## Start git {-} + +3. Load **devtools** in the regexcite's project with `library(devtools)`. + +4. Create the directory `.git` and create your first commit by calling `use_git()`. + +![](images/02-the-whole-game/03-starting-git.png) + +## Check that it worked {-} + +5. Confirm your results. + +![](images/02-the-whole-game/04-confirming-git-creation.png) + +![](images/02-the-whole-game/05-confirm-commit.png) + +![](images/02-the-whole-game/06-confirm-commit.png) + +## Create the first R file {-} + +6. Call `use_r("function_name")` to create a script below the `R/` subdirectory. + +```r +use_r("strsplit1") +# ✔ Setting active project to 'C:/regexcite' +# • Modify 'R/strsplit1.R' +# • Call `use_test()` to create a matching test file ``` -## Taking functions for a test drive - -* `load_all()` - quickly makes functions available for experimentation. - - Simulates the process of building, installing, and attaching the package. - - Technically, function is not in the global environment. - - Test using `exists("function-name", where = globalenv(), inherits = FALSE)` - - This is a much, much faster workflow. - -* It's good practice to commit once you finish a function. - - Commits are cheap. - -## Checking package with `check()` - -* Runs the `R CMD check` - - This is the gold standard to get feedback regarding your code. - - To run this, we use the `check()` function. - - Read the output, it tells you what needs to be fixed. - -* Deal with problems early and often. - - Fix it now, not later. - - Don't let work pile up. - - Harder to fix when problems accumulate. - -## Store package metadata in the `DESCRIPTION` file +## Define the first function {-} +7. **Define the function** in the new file. + +```r +strsplit1 <- function(x, split) { + strsplit(x, split = split)[[1]] +} ``` -Package: regexcite -Title: Make Regular Expressions More Exciting -Version: -Authors@R: - person("Jane", "Doe", , "jane@example.com", role = c("aut", "cre")) -Description: Convenience functions to make some common tasks with string - manipulation and regular expressions a bit easier. -License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to pick a + +## Load all {-} + +8. Load all your functions by calling `load_all()` as it simulates the process of **building**, **installing**, and **attaching** the regexcite package. + +```r +> load_all() +ℹ Loading regexcite + +(x <- "alfa,bravo,charlie,delta") +#> [1] "alfa,bravo,charlie,delta" + +strsplit1(x, split = ",") +#> [1] "alfa" "bravo" "charlie" "delta" +``` + +## Commit the changes {-} + +9. **Commit the changes** using the terminal (alt + shift + m). (but be careful about adding all!) + +``` +# Select all changes +git add . + +# Commit the changes +git commit -m "Creating the strsplit1 function" + +# Show changes applied +git diff HEAD~1..HEAD +``` + +## R CMD check {-} + +10. *Make sure that your package can be installed* by running `R CMD check .` on your terminal, calling `check()` in your console or clicking over the `Check` button (Ctrl + Shift + E) of *Build* menu. + +```r +check() + +── R CMD check results ───────────────── regexcite ──── +Duration: 58.7s + +❯ checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... WARNING + Non-standard license specification: + `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to pick a license -Encoding: UTF-8 -Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE) -RoxygenNote: 7.1.2 + Standardizable: FALSE + +0 errors ✔ | 1 warning ✖ | 0 notes ✔ +``` + +## Update package metadata {-} + +11. Update the `DESCRIPTION` file. + +|**Section**|**From**|**To**| +|:----------|:-------|:-----| +|Title|What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)|Make Regular Expressions More Exciting| +|Authors@R|person("First", "Last", , "first.last@example.com", role = c("aut", "cre"),
comment = c(ORCID = "YOUR-ORCID-ID"))|person("Angel", "Feliz", , "angel@example.com", role = c("aut", "cre"))| +|Description|What the package does (one paragraph)|Convenience functions to make some common tasks with string manipulation and regular expressions a bit easier.| + +## Pick a license {-} + +12. **Pick any license** as experienced developers won't touch unlicensed code because *they have no legal right to use it*. + +```r +use_mit_license() +#> ✔ Adding 'MIT + file LICENSE' to License +#> ✔ Writing 'LICENSE' +#> ✔ Writing 'LICENSE.md' +#> ✔ Adding '^LICENSE\\.md$' to '.Rbuildignore' ``` -## Pick a license, any license +## Add document skeleton {-} + +13. If you use RStudio, select the function to document and click on `Insert Roxygen` (alt-ctrl-shift-R). + +![](images/02-the-whole-game/07-selecting-to-document.png) + +![](images/02-the-whole-game/08-insert-roxygen.png) + +![](images/02-the-whole-game/09-insert-roxygen-result.png) -* For personal packages, licensing is not too much of a concern (not a lawyer, though). -* If you develop a public facing package, then licensing becomes more important. -* Use a `usethis::use_*_license` to get up and running quickly with a license. - - This configures the `LISCENSE` field in `DESCRIPTION` +## Fill in documentation {-} -## Documenting functions +14. Update the documentation and add an example. -* Functions are documented using `LaTeX`. -* All documentation gets stored in the `man/` directory. -* We don't have to manually set up documentation. -* A package called `roxygen2` which manages the `man/` directory. -* A `roxygen2` skeleton always has `#'` at the start of each line. -* When done documenting, run `document()` to build the `man/` files. - - This is draft documentation. - - Links will not work. - ``` #' Split a string #' +#' Takes the first result of the base::strsplit function. +#' #' @param x A character vector with one element. #' @param split What to split on. #' @@ -199,77 +187,220 @@ RoxygenNote: 7.1.2 #' #' @examples #' x <- "alfa,bravo,charlie,delta" -#' strsplit(x, split = ",") +#' strsplit1(x, split = ",") +``` + +## Build documentation {-} + +15. Run `document()` or *Build > More > Document* (ctrl + shift + d) to: + - Build the `man/strsplit1.Rd` file. + - Update the ``NAMESPACE` file based on `@export` tags found in roxygen comments. + +```r +document() +# ℹ Updating regexcite documentation +# ℹ Loading regexcite +# Writing NAMESPACE +# Writing strsplit1.Rd +``` + +## View documentation {-} + +16. Run `?strsplit1` to see the result and `check()` to validate your package's status. + +![](images/02-the-whole-game/10-documentatio-created.png) + +## Set up test infrastructure {-} + +17. Call `use_testthat()` sets up the testing framework by: + - Adding Suggests: testthat to DESCRIPTION + - Creating the directory `tests/testthat/` + - Adding the script `tests/testthat.R`. + - Updating the `DESCRIPTION` + +18. Call `use_test("strsplit1")` to create the file `tests/testthat/test-strsplit1.R` where we are going to write our test. + +## Write a test {-} + +19. Change the test's description and update the test. + +```r +test_that("strsplit1() splits a string", { + expect_equal(strsplit1("a,b,c", split = ","), c("a", "b", "c")) +}) +``` + +20. Run the test by calling `test()` or `check`. + +```r +test() +# ℹ Testing regexcite +# ✔ | F W S OK | Context +# ✔ | 1 | strsplit1 [0.1s] +# +# ══ Results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════ +# Duration: 0.1 s +# +# [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 1 ] +# +# 🔥 Your tests are lit 🔥 +``` + +## Use functions from other packages {-} + +> To use functions from other packages you need to use the explicit syntax package_name::function() even for default packages like `stats` and `utils`. + +21. Call `use_package("stringr")` to update the `DESCRIPTION` file. + +## Rename files {-} + +22. Rename the function's source and test files by calling `rename_files("old_name", "new_name")` + +```r +rename_files("strsplit1", "str_split_one") +# ✔ Moving 'R/strsplit1.R' to 'R/str_split_one.R' +# ✔ Moving 'tests/testthat/test-strsplit1.R' to 'tests/testthat/test-str_split_one.R' +``` + +## Update function definition {-} + +23. Update the `R/str_split_one.R` file. + +```r +#' Split a string +#' +#' @param string A character vector with, at most, one element. +#' @inheritParams stringr::str_split +#' +#' @return A character vector. +#' @export +#' +#' @examples +#' x <- "alfa,bravo,charlie,delta" +#' str_split_one(x, pattern = ",") +#' str_split_one(x, pattern = ",", n = 2) +#' +#' y <- "" +#' str_split_one(y, pattern = stringr::fixed(".")) +str_split_one <- function(string, pattern, n = Inf) { + stopifnot(is.character(string), length(string) <= 1) + if (length(string) == 1) { + stringr::str_split(string = string, pattern = pattern, n = n)[[1]] + } else { + character() + } +} ``` -## The `NAMESPACE` file +## Update tests {-} + +24. Update the `tests/testthat/test-str_split_one.R'` file. -* `document()`: - 1. Converts `roxygen2` comments into proper R documentation. - 2. Updates the `NAMESPACE` file. -* Contains all the functions that will be made available to the users of our package. -* This is based on the `@export` directive in the `roxygen2` skeleton. -* Don't edit this by hand. +```r +test_that("str_split_one() splits a string", { + expect_equal(str_split_one("a,b,c", ","), c("a", "b", "c")) +}) -## Installing the package for the first time +test_that("str_split_one() errors if input length > 1", { + expect_error(str_split_one(c("a,b","c,d"), ",")) +}) -* Once we have a minimum viable product, `install()` can be run. -* Then attach it using `library()`. -* At this state, we can test our package as if it was installed. +test_that("str_split_one() exposes features of stringr::str_split()", { + expect_equal(str_split_one("a,b,c", ",", n = 2), c("a", "b,c")) + expect_equal(str_split_one("a.b", stringr::fixed(".")), c("a", "b")) +}) +``` + +## Re-check {-} + +25. Run `check()` to `document()`, `load_all()`, `test()` and validate all the changes applied. + +```r +check() + +str_split_one("a, b, c", pattern = ", ") +# [1] "a" "b" "c" +``` + +## Share the package on Github {-} + +26. Run `use_github()` to update the `DESCRIPTION` file and creating a new repo on `Github`. + +```r +use_github() + +# ℹ Defaulting to 'https' Git protocol +# There are uncommitted changes and we're about to create and push to a new GitHub repo +# Do you want to proceed anyway? +# +# 1: For sure +# 2: No way +# 3: Nope +# +Selection: 1 +# ✔ Creating GitHub repository 'AngelFelizR/regexcite' +# ✔ Setting remote 'origin' to 'https://github.com/AngelFelizR/regexcite.git' +# ✔ Setting URL field in DESCRIPTION to 'https://github.com/AngelFelizR/regexcite' +# ✔ Setting BugReports field in DESCRIPTION to 'https://github.com/AngelFelizR/regexcite/issues' +# There is 1 uncommitted file: +# * 'DESCRIPTION' +# Is it ok to commit it? +# +# 1: Absolutely +# 2: Absolutely not +# 3: No way +# +Selection: 1 +# ✔ Adding files +# ✔ Making a commit with message 'Add GitHub links to DESCRIPTION' +# ✔ Pushing 'master' branch to GitHub and setting 'origin/master' as upstream branch +# ✔ Opening URL 'https://github.com/AngelFelizR/regexcite' +``` + +## Add a README {-} + +27. Run `use_readme_rmd()` to: + - Create the source file for package home page on Github. + - Add some lines to .Rbuildignore + - Create a Git pre-commit hook to help you keep README.Rmd and README.md in sync. + +```r +use_readme_rmd() +# ✔ Writing 'README.Rmd' +# ✔ Adding '^README\\.Rmd$' to '.Rbuildignore' +# • Modify 'README.Rmd' +# ✔ Writing '.git/hooks/pre-commit' +``` -## Testing our package functions +## Update README {-} -* We can set up expectations for how our functions work using formalized tests. -* We'll discuss this more when we get to the testing chapter. -* `use_testthat()` sets up the testing framework. -* `use_test()` creates a file for your tests. -* `test()` runs all your tests. -* `check()` runs `R CMD check` and your tests +28. Update the `README.Rmd` with stuff from `DESCRIPTION` and any formal and informal tests or examples you have. -## Using functions from other packages +29. Render the `README.md` file by calling `build_readme()` or use GitHub Actions to re-render `README.Rmd` every time you push. -* We need to import these functions. -* Use `use_package()` to show your intent for wanting to use a set of functions within your package. -* This adds the package to the *Imports* section of `DESCRIPTION`. -* Many options on how to use the functions from imported packages. - - We will get to this discussion. - - One way is to be explicit `stringr::str_split()`. - - Other options via the use of `roxygen2` `@import` directives -* Review this example - - Introduces the `rename_files()` function - - Modifying tests - - Reviews the use of `document()` and `load_all()` - -## The `README` file +30. Call `check()` to validate the changes, and push the changes to Github. -* This is the homepage for the package. The welcome mat. -* Run `use_readme_rmd()` to set this up. -* The purpose of the `README.Rmd` file is to: - 1. Describe the purpose of the package. - 2. Provides installation instructions. - 3. Highlights a bit of usage. -* Don't forget to build the `README`, `build_readme()` -## Run `check()` and `install()`, commit and push +## Summary {-} -* For good measure, run `check()` and `install()` -* Fix any issues. -* Commit and push +|**Setup Package**|**Setup Functions**|**Validation**| +|:----------------|:------------------|:-------------| +|- `create_package()`
- `use_git()`
- `use_mit_license()`
- `use_testthat()`
- `use_github()`
- `use_readme_rmd()`|- `use_r()`
- `use_test()`
- `use_package()`|- `load_all()`
- `document()`
- `test()`
- `check()`| -## Meeting Videos +## Meeting Videos {-} -### Cohort 1 +### Cohort 1 {-} `r knitr::include_url("https://www.youtube.com/embed/FR6NsbkYhcw")` -### Cohort 2 +### Cohort 2 {-} `r knitr::include_url("https://www.youtube.com/embed/7YgH8qfyzFU")` -### Cohort 3 +### Cohort 3 {-} `r knitr::include_url("https://www.youtube.com/embed/3vdXk_tYG-g")` @@ -286,7 +417,7 @@ RoxygenNote: 7.1.2 -### Cohort 4 +### Cohort 4 {-} `r knitr::include_url("https://www.youtube.com/embed/UKASy8ynWvg")` @@ -334,7 +465,7 @@ RoxygenNote: 7.1.2 -### Cohort 5 +### Cohort 5 {-} `r knitr::include_url("https://www.youtube.com/embed/WNIUmfvc5ws")` diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/01-build-options.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/01-build-options.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..314a858 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/01-build-options.png differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/02-project-files.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/02-project-files.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8de6dbf Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/02-project-files.png differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/03-starting-git.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/03-starting-git.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e41757 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/03-starting-git.png differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/04-confirming-git-creation.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/04-confirming-git-creation.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3ff59e Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/04-confirming-git-creation.png differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/05-confirm-commit.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/05-confirm-commit.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b1ba7d Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/05-confirm-commit.png differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/06-confirm-commit.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/06-confirm-commit.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..924795e Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/06-confirm-commit.png differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/07-selecting-to-document.PNG b/images/02-the-whole-game/07-selecting-to-document.PNG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16b9b65 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/07-selecting-to-document.PNG differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/08-insert-roxygen.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/08-insert-roxygen.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82157b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/08-insert-roxygen.png differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/09-insert-roxygen-result.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/09-insert-roxygen-result.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15eb302 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/09-insert-roxygen-result.png differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/10-documentatio-created.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/10-documentatio-created.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd45d8b Binary files /dev/null and b/images/02-the-whole-game/10-documentatio-created.png differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/fork-triangle-happy.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/fork-triangle-happy.png deleted file mode 100644 index 9667bf9..0000000 Binary files a/images/02-the-whole-game/fork-triangle-happy.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/images/02-the-whole-game/git-basic-workflow.png b/images/02-the-whole-game/git-basic-workflow.png deleted file mode 100644 index 829f6a1..0000000 Binary files a/images/02-the-whole-game/git-basic-workflow.png and /dev/null differ