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Documentation - cceb

Bash wallet for Ethereum and RadixDLT

Table of contents

Whats new

Changes from 1.4.x to 1.5.x

It is possible to connect to web3 pages through Walletconnect.

  1. If you chose to use Walletconnect at a web3 site. It will provide a QR code.
  2. Copy the QR code clicking the Copy to clipboard button.
  3. Paste your code like this:
    • cceb eth walletconnect connect "<walletconnect qrcode content>"
  4. Done, you are connected. Use your Ledger, Private Key, or Airsign to sign transactions.

General usage

cceb has four main commands:

Number constants

Number constants can be used wherever numbers are entered. Number constants are case insensitive.

Constant Value Example
wei 1 10wei = 10
kwei 1,000 .23kwei = 230
babbage 1,000 1.1babbage = 1100
mwei 1,000,000 .001mwei = 1000
lovelace 1,000,000 1lovelace = 1000000
gwei 1,000,000,000 50gwei = 50,000,000,000
gw 1,000,000,000 50gw = 50,000,000,000
shannon 1,000,000,000 .25shannon = 250,000,000
terawei 1,000,000,000,000 5terawei = 5,000,000,000,000
tw 1,000,000,000,000 5tw = 5,000,000,000,000
szabo 1,000,000,000,000 23szabo = 23,000,000,000,000
microether 1,000,000,000,000 5microether = 5,000,000,000,000
petawei 10^15 .002petawei = 2,000,000,000,000
pw 10^15 .000001pw = 1,000,000,000
finney 10^15 100finney = 10^17
milliether 10^15 500milliether = 5*10^17
ether 10^18 1.12ether = 1.12*10^18
<number>E<exponent> number*10^exponent 1E18 = 1ether

TAB completion

When TAB is pressed twice at command line interface, possible alternatives show up using Bash completion.

cceb eth tx MKR <TAB><TAB> list abi functions of MKR contract.
cceb eth tx WETH balanceOf E<TAB><TAB> list ethereum addresses matching E*.
cceb eth <TAB><TAB> list possible eth commands. cceb radix <TAB><TAB> list possible radix commands.

Interact with exchanges

Using cceb all basic exchange functions can be executed. These are deposit, and withdraw funds, add, remove, list orders, get orderbook, show a price of a token, and show available token pairs(markets).

Deposit tokens

Get deposit address for tokens on an exchange.


Get deposit address for Ether on Binance:
$ cceb exchange deposit binance ETH

Details cceb exchange deposit
$ cceb exchange deposit --help
usage: cceb exchange deposit [-h] exchange token

Get deposit address of token for exchange.

Positional arguments:
  exchange    Name of exchange.
  token       Token to deposit.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.

Add order

Orders can be added on centralized exchanges like Binance, and on decentralized ones using the same syntax.

When stating amount, any javascript accepted mathematical expression can be used using the symbol of max, meaning 'maximum possible amount'.

Add order buying Ether for half of all the USDT we have, at a limit price of 1500:
$ cceb exchange add binance buy limit max/2 ETH/USDT 1500

To buy 1.2 Ether even on Uniswap: $ cceb exchange add uniswap buy market 1.2 ETH/USDT 0

Sell all the WBTC we have (note we just set a price of 0, as it is ignored anyway when adding market orders):
$ cceb exchange add uniswap sell market max WBTC/USDT 0


Add buy limit order of amount of 1 BTC at price 55000:
$ cceb exchange add coinbasepro buy limit 1 BTC/USDT 55000

Add buy market order of amount of 15 BTC at price 55000 (note price ignored adding market orders):
$ cceb exchange add binance buy market 15 BTC/USDT 0

Details 'cceb exchange add'
usage: cceb exchange add [-h] [--due-time DUETIME] [--min-percent MINPERCENT]
                        [--max-slippage MAXSLIPPAGE] [--path PATH]
                        [--from FROM] [--gaslimit GASLIMIT] [--to TO]
                        [--gasprice GASPRICE] [--params PARAMS]
                        exchange {buy,sell} {limit,market} amount pair price

Add new order to exchange.

Positional arguments:
  exchange              Name of exchange.
  {buy,sell}            The order side
  {limit,market}        The order side
  amount                The order amount to buy or sell. Should be a number
                        or an expression of "max" to do the max available.
  pair                  The standard names of token pair eg: "ETH/USD".
  price                 Price of the order. Ignored if market order.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --due-time DUETIME, -t DUETIME
                        Uniswap only. Minimum amount requeseted. Uses free
                        text to define end time using chrono lib.
  --min-percent MINPERCENT, -m MINPERCENT
                        Uniswap only. The minimum output amount can be this
                        percent less then calculated output amount.
  --max-slippage MAXSLIPPAGE, -s MAXSLIPPAGE
                        Uniswap only. Maximum allowed slippage.
  --path PATH, -x PATH  Uniswap only. Path to exchange sell- to buyToken.
  --from FROM, -f FROM  Decentralized swaps only. From Address defaults to
  --gaslimit GASLIMIT, -g GASLIMIT
                        Decentralized swaps only. Gaslimit of transaction
  --to TO, -o TO        Uniswap only. Recipient of output tokens
  --gasprice GASPRICE, -p GASPRICE
                        Decentralized swaps only. Gas price of transaction
  --params PARAMS       Extra parameters for exchange in json string format.

List orders

List all open orders on exchange. Centralized exchanges only.


List open orders:
$ cceb exchange listorders kraken

List closed orders:
$ cceb exchange listorders -- colosed kraken

Details cceb exchange listorders
ß cceb exchange listorders --help
usage: cceb exchange listorders [-h] [--token TOKEN] [--closed] [--pair PAIR]

List all open orders on exchange.

Positional arguments:
  exchange              Name of exchange.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --token TOKEN, -t TOKEN
                        Token to list
  --closed, -c          List closed offers.
  --pair PAIR, -p PAIR  The pair to look orders for.

List balances

List balances on exchange. Centralized exchanges only.


List balances higher than 1:
$ cceb exchange listbalances kraken --dust-limit 1

Details cceb exchange listbalances
$ cceb exchange listbalances --help
usage: cceb exchange listbalances [-h] [--token TOKEN] [--dust-limit DUST]

List all non-dust balances on exchange.

Positional arguments:
  exchange              Name of exchange.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --token TOKEN, -t TOKEN
                        Token to list
  --dust-limit DUST, -d DUST
                        Amounts less than dust-limit will not be listed

Remove orders

Remove orders from exchange. Centralized exchanges only.


Remove order id of GRHVAG-WL9WX-6HHULI on Kraken
$ cceb exchange rm kraken GRHVAG-WL9WX-6HHULI

Details cceb exchange rm
$ cceb exchange rm --help
usage: cceb exchange rm [-h] exchange order

Remove order from exchange.

Positional arguments:
  exchange    Name of exchange.
  order       The order id to cancel

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.

Remove all orders

Remove all orders on exchanges. (It does not work on some exchanges!!)


Remove all open orders from Bitfinex $ cceb exchange rmall bitfinex

Details cceb exchange rmall
$ cceb exchange rmall --help
usage: cceb exchange rmall [-h] exchange

Remove all open orders from exchange.

Positional arguments:
  exchange    Name of exchange.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.

Show orderbook

Show orderbook on exchange. Not applicable on decentralized exchanges.


Show orderbook on Binance for ETH/BTC but showing prices in USD instead of BTC and display only 50 entries:
$ cceb exchange orderbook binance ETH/BTC --currency USD --limit 50

Details cceb exhcnage orderbook
$cceb exchange orderbook --help
usage: cceb exchange orderbook [-h] [--currency CURRENCY]
                               [--other-exchange OTHEREXCHANGE]
                               [--limit LIMIT] [--price-precision PPRECISION]
                               [--amount-precision APRECISION]
                               exchange pair

Download orderbook from exchange.

Positional arguments:
  exchange              Name of exchange.
  pair                  Tokenpair to get price for.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --currency CURRENCY, -c CURRENCY
                        Show prices in currency instead of the quote currency.
                        The other exchange to get currency price from.
  --limit LIMIT, -l LIMIT
                        Limit of the number of items in orderbook.
  --price-precision PPRECISION, -p PPRECISION
                        Precision of prices.
  --amount-precision APRECISION, -a APRECISION
                        Precision of amounts.

Show price - not implemented

Displays price of a token pair. not implemented

Details cceb exchange price
$cceb exchange price --help
usage: cceb exchange price [-h] [--amount AMOUNT] [--sell] [--usd] [--eur]
                           exchange pair

Get price of token.

Positional arguments:
  exchange              Name of exchange.
  pair                  Tokenpair to get price for.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --amount AMOUNT, -a AMOUNT
                        Get average price for buying "amount" from token 
                        based on orderbook.
  --sell, -s            Get average price for selling amount from token.
  --usd, -u             Get price in USD from coinbasepro
  --eur, -e             Get price in EUR from coinbasepro


Using trickle cceb will create multiple orders or random sizes, random times apart when price reaches a threshold value.

Trickle feature can be used in two cases:

  • Buy/sell a large amount of tokens, in many small batches.
  • Emulate limit order on Uniswap (that does not support it). It works only with accounts with private key provided, where cceb can actually sign the transaction when necessary.

Sell a large stack of CRV token adding multiple orders automatically.
Sell on Binance 2090.46 CRV token in batches ranging from 0 to 1000 CRV, with random timeout between 120-240 seconds between successful orders, and put orders there only if price is greater or equal to 4:
$ cceb trickle binance sell market 2090.46936856 CRV/USDT 0 -s 0 -v 1000 -t 120 -r 120 -m 4

Emulate limit order on Uniswap:
Add limit order on Uniswap selling 11 MKR for 77000 DUCK tokens. Do this from ETH-MY account, with batch size of 11 MKR, price 1000, wait 300 seconds between retries if order does not succeed, and 10 seconds between successful orders (makes no sense here), batch time variance is 0, and send the resulting DUCK tokens to ETH-TO address:
$ cceb exchange trickle uniswap sell market 11 MKR/DUCK 0 --from ETH-MY -s 11 -m 7000 -y 300 -t 10 -r 0 -o ETH-TO

Details cceb exchange trickle
$cceb exchange trickle --help
usage: cceb exchange trickle [-h] [--batch-size BATCHSIZE]
                             [--batch-size-variance BATCHSIZEVARIANCE]
                             [--batch-min-rate BATCHMINRATE]
                             [--batch-retry-time BATCHRETRYSEC]
                             [--batch-time BATCHTIME]
                             [--batch-time-variance BATCHTIMEVARIANCE]
                             [--params PARAMS] [--due-time DUETIME]
                             [--min-percent MINPERCENT]
                             [--max-slippage MAXSLIPPAGE] [--path PATH]
                             [--from FROM] [--gaslimit GASLIMIT] [--to TO]
                             [--gasprice GASPRICE] [--nonce NONCE]
                             exchange {buy,sell} {limit,market} amount pair

Buy or sell in small batches not to ruin market price.

Positional arguments:
  exchange              Name of exchange.
  {buy,sell}            The order side
  {limit,market}        The order side
  amount                The order amount to buy or sell. Should be a number 
                        or an expression of "max" to do the max available.
  pair                  The standard names of token pair eg: "ETH/USD".
  price                 Price of the order. Ignored if market order.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --batch-size BATCHSIZE, -s BATCHSIZE
                        Buy/sell this much at one batch.
                        Maximum this much is added to batch size. Evenly 
                        distributed random number generated.
  --batch-min-rate BATCHMINRATE, -m BATCHMINRATE
                        Minimum/maximum rate at which the trade executes.
  --batch-retry-time BATCHRETRYSEC, -y BATCHRETRYSEC
                        Retry time after offer skipped because price was less 
                        than args.batchMinRate.
  --batch-time BATCHTIME, -t BATCHTIME
                        Sell a batch every batch-time seconds.
                        Maximum this much is added to batch time. Evenly 
                        distributed random number generated.
  --params PARAMS       Extra parameters for exchange in json string format.
  --due-time DUETIME, -u DUETIME
                        Uniswap only. Minimum amount requeseted. Uses free 
                        text to define end time using chrono lib.
  --min-percent MINPERCENT, -p MINPERCENT
                        Uniswap only. The minimum output amount can be this 
                        percent less then calculated output amount.
  --max-slippage MAXSLIPPAGE, -l MAXSLIPPAGE
                        Uniswap only. Maximum allowed slippage.
  --path PATH, -x PATH  Uniswap only. Path to exchange sell- to buyToken.
  --from FROM, -f FROM  Decentralized swaps only. From Address defaults to 
  --gaslimit GASLIMIT, -g GASLIMIT
                        Decentralized swaps only. Gaslimit of transaction
  --to TO, -o TO        Uniswap only. Recipient of output tokens
  --gasprice GASPRICE, -c GASPRICE
                        Decentralized swaps only. Gas price of transaction
	--nonce NONCE, -n NONCE
                        Nonce of transaction.

RadixDLT interactions

Preliminary RadixDLT interactions added to cceb. All the current RPC commands are supported. You can use Bash TAB autocompletion to get possible command alternatives.

Note: Names for addresses can not yet be used.

RadixDLT Commands

Please refer to RadixDLT API reference for detailed information on RadixDLT RPC commands.
You can also get help from cceb the following way:
cceb radix <radix_command> --help

RadixDLT ommands are available through:
cceb radix <radix_command> [radix_command_args...]

Full command list

The following is a complete list of supported commands.

cceb radix account.get_balances <address> - Get the token balances for an address.

cceb radix account.get_info - Your account's address and balances.

cceb radix account.get_stake_positions <address> - Get stakes that have not been requested to be unstaked.

cceb radix account.get_transaction_history <address> <size> [cursor] [verbose] - Get the paginated transaction history for an address.

cceb radix account.get_unstake_positions <address> - Get unstake history for an address.

cceb radix account.submit_transaction_single_step <actions> [message] [disableResourceAllocationAndDestroy] - One step transaction submission. Resulting transaction is signed with nodes' private key

cceb radix api.get_configuration - Get active configuration parameters for api

cceb radix api.get_data - Get data for api

cceb radix bft.get_configuration - Get active configuration parameters for consensus

cceb radix bft.get_data - Get data for consensus

cceb radix checkpoints.get_checkpoints - Get genesis txn and proof,

cceb radix construction.build_transaction <actions> <feePayer> [message] [disableResourceAllocationAndDestroy] - Get an unsigned transaction.

cceb radix construction.finalize_transaction <blob> <signatureDER> <publicKeyOfSigner> [immediateSubmit] - Finalizes a signed transaction before submitting it.

cceb radix construction.submit_transaction <blob> [txID] - Submits a transaction to be dispatched to Radix network.

cceb radix ledger.get_latest_epoch_proof - Get the latest known ledger epoch proof

cceb radix ledger.get_latest_proof - Get the latest known ledger proof

cceb radix mempool.get_configuration - Get active configuration parameters for mempool

cceb radix mempool.get_data - Get data for mempool

cceb radix network.get_demand - Average number of transactions submitted to the mempool per second.

cceb radix network.get_id - Get the network id, a number that uniquely identifies the network. This network id must match the one used to derive addresses.

cceb radix network.get_throughput - Returns the average number of transaction per second committed to the ledger.

cceb radix networking.get_address_book - Get information about known peer nodes

cceb radix networking.get_configuration - Get active configuration parameters for networking

cceb radix networking.get_data - Get data for networking

cceb radix networking.get_peers - Get information about connected peer nodes

cceb radix radix_engine.get_configuration - Get active configuration parameters for radix engine

cceb radix radix_engine.get_data - Get data for radix engine

cceb radix sync.get_configuration - Get active configuration parameters for sync

cceb radix sync.get_data - Get data for sync

cceb radix tokens.get_info <rri> - Return token information on the provided RRI.

cceb radix tokens.get_native_token - Returns information about the native token of the network.

cceb radix transactions.get_transaction_status <txID> - Returns the status of a transaction.

cceb radix transactions.lookup_transaction <txID> - Get a transaction from its txID.

cceb radix validation.get_current_epoch_data - Get information about the current epoch's validator set

cceb radix validation.get_node_info - Get information about node as a validator - stakes, registration status, etc.

cceb radix validators.get_next_epoch_set <size> [cursor] - Get a paginated validator list, ordered by XRD staked descending.

cceb radix validators.lookup_validator <validatorAddress> - Lookup a single validator by its validator address.


Get native token for RadixDLT:
cceb radix tokens.get_native_token

Get info on XRD token:
cceb radix tokens.get_info xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh

Get transaction history of an account:
cceb radix account.get_transaction_history rdx1qspu9v8xsfn30n8nsua7jf8rac0lr8yccdety8hpwmesaxqwc3fy95s267mqj 10

RadixDLT authentication

Whenever a command that requires authentication with node is executed, you can enter your credentials the following way:
cceb radix --username <username> --password <password> <radix_command> [radix_command_args...]

Note: -u and -p can be used for username and password respectively as a shortcut.

Ethereum blockchain interactions

Web3 provider

When cceb is called all the given web3 providers are queried, and the one that responds the fastest will be connected to. Those providers that are marked as preferred (see below) are queried first, if none of them replies, then the ones not marked as preferred are queried.

In the configuration file $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/default.yaml -> web3.mainnet.provider contains the list of your Ethereum providers.

There are the following providers supported:

  • infura - infura provider.
  • alchemy - alchemy provider.
  • http - http provider.
  • ws - websocket provider.

The providers above have the following attributes:

  • url: - mandatory The url of the provider.
  • type:- mandatory
    • HttpProvider - the type of provider is http. url should start with http
    • WebsocketProvider - the provider is a websocket provider. url should start with wss.
  • preferred - optional (default: preferred: false)
    • true - this provider is preferred over others. First the preferred providers are searched, and if none of them are availabla, then not preferred ones are queried.
    • false- this provider is not preferred. Any preferred provider gets precedence over this one.

The private data for providers should be stored in $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/secrets/default.yaml -> web3.mainnet.provider

  • <provider name> - the name of provider
    • api-key - the api key needed for provider.

Number format

When interacting with Ethereum contracts, cceb returns fixed digits (decimals fitted for each token) numbers when balanceOf, or totalSupply is requested. When numbers are entered to cceb eth tx then dot is disregarded, and number is taken as an integer. So make sure you DO NOT delete any digits from fractional numbers.

Default from address

From address is not needed, because if not provided cceb will use default address defined in $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/default.yaml -> web3.defaultFrom

Ethereum account types

There are three types of Ethereum accounts can be defined in $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/secrets/default.yaml -> web3.account:

  • privatekey - UNSAFE!!! the privatekey is stored in $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/secrets/default.yaml web3.account.<account_name>.privatekey. If the file gets compromised, attacker has total authority on account.
  • airsign - (SAFE) airsign accounts store the privatekeys on a mobile phone that communicates cceb using QR codes to sign transactions and signatures.
  • ledger - (SAFE) ledger accounts use Ledger cold wallets to sign transactions

Proxy support

cceb supports the following proxy designs:

This means that cceb eth tx <contract> , cceb eth abi <contract>, and cceb eth source <contract> commands can handle proxy <contract> of the above standards.

Call web3 query functions

Any web3 function that returns a single value or a set of values can be called. You can not call functions that return handles (you can not subscribe to events). You can substitute names for addresses and cceb will translate them to addresses.


Get block number:
$ cceb eth web3 web3.eth.getBlockNumber

Get gas price:
$ cceb eth web3 web3.eth.getGasPrice

Get Rari protocol fund manager smart contract's implementation address:
$ cceb eth web3 web3.eth.getStorageAt RARI_FUND_MANAGER 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc

Get timestamp of block number 13500000 (using jq bash json util):
$ cceb eth web3 web3.eth.getBlock 13500000|jq .timestamp

Encode function to signature:
$ cceb eth web3 web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature "enterMarkets(address[])"

Encode function parameter:
$ cceb eth web3 web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter "address[]" '["0xFd3300A9a74b3250F1b2AbC12B47611171910b07"]'

Encode function parameters:
cceb eth web3 web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters '[ "uint8[]", { "ParentStruct": { "propertyOne": "uint256", "propertyTwo": "uint256", "ChildStruct": { "propertyOne": "uint256", "propertyTwo": "uint256" } } } ]' '[ ["34","116"], { "propertyOne": "42", "propertyTwo": "56", "ChildStruct": { "propertyOne": "45", "propertyTwo": "78" } } ]'

Address substitutions do work. Get 0th storage from old MKR token:
cceb eth web3 web3.eth.getStorageAt MKR_OLD 0

Send or call ethereum contracts

All numbers entered are taken as integers. You can enter numbers with dot ("."), but that dot is disregarded. When numbers are returned, if the decimals can be determined from contract, then those decimals will be displayed, if not 18 decimals will be used as default. For example If ETH-5 address has 1 USDC balance, the following command: $ cceb eth tx USDC balanceOf ̇ETH-1 will return: 1.000000 if ETH-1 has 0 balance of USDT: $ cceb eth tx USDC balanceOf ETH-1 will return: .000000 The numbers can be copied and pasted as number arguments of successive cceb eth tx commands.


Check the balance of Compound account:
$ cceb eth tx DAI balanceOf 0x5d3a536e4d6dbd6114cc1ead35777bab948e3643

Check Ether balance of account (contract address is the WETH contract):
$ cceb eth tx ETH balanceOf 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
(Note that same syntax can be for Ether as for any ERC20 tokens. But of course the original functions can be used too.)

Check Ether balance of account:
$ cceb eth tx ETH balance 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
(Note this time we use the function defined for Ether.)

Get exchange address for pair on Uniswap:
$cceb eth tx UNISWAP_FACTORY getPair DAI WETH

Add liquidity to Curve

Let's assume 62000 USDT will be deposited to 3POOL on Curve.

First approve SWAP contract for token you want to deposit:
$ cceb eth tx USDT approve CRV_SWAP_3POOL

Then check which argument of the next function is USDT token:
$ cceb eth tx CRV_SWAP_3POOL coins 2

Then add liquidity to pool (as USDT is the third token, in the array the third value will represent it).
Add 62000 USDT to 3POOL requiring a minimum of 61000 LP tokens.
$ cceb eth tx CRV_SWAP_3POOL add_liquidity '["0","0","62000.000000"]' 61000.000000000000000000
(Note that the USDT has 6 decimal precision, but the minimum requied LP token is 18 digit precision.)

Lets check if we really got the LP tokens:
$ cceb eth tx CRV_LP_3POOL balanceOf ETH-MY-ACC
(Lets assume we got 61234.560000000000000000 LP tokens.)
(Note we assume that ETH-MY-ACC is listed in $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/secrets/default.yaml -> web3: -> account: and has a valid address.)

Let's put that LP token to the gauge to receive CRV payment:
$ cceb eth tx CRV_GAUGE_3POOL deposit 61234.560000000000000000

Let's check how much CRV can we claim on gauge:
$ cceb eth tx CRV_GAUGE_3POOL claimable_tokens ETH-MY-ACC

Once we have enough let's claim CRV:

If you want to know the callable functions(abi) of CRV_TOKEN_MINTER, you can just add --ls . to the end of any valid cceb eth tx command:
$ cceb eth tx CRV_TOKEN_MINTER mint CRV_GAUGE_3POOL --ls .
(Note if you use --ls then all the other function calls will be disregarded.)

Details cceb eth tx
$ cceb eth tx --help
usage: cceb eth tx [-h] [--abi ABI] [--from FROM] [--value VALUE]
                   [--gaslimit GASLIMIT] [--gasprice GASPRICE] [--ls LS]
                   contract func [args [args ...]]

Create an ethereum transaction. Send or call method is used automatically 
based on abi.

Positional arguments:
  contract              Contract address
  func                  Function name to call or send
  args                  Called function's arguments

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --abi ABI, -a ABI     Abi defaults to <contract>.abi
  --from FROM, -f FROM  From Address defaults to web3.defaultFrom
  --value VALUE, -v VALUE
                        Eth value to send
  --gaslimit GASLIMIT, -g GASLIMIT
                        Gaslimit of transaction
  --gasprice GASPRICE, -p GASPRICE
                        Gas price of transaction
  --ls LS, -l LS        List functions in abi matching pattern.
	--nonce NONCE, -n NONCE
                        Nonce of transaction.
  --block BLOCK, -b BLOCK
                        Block height of transaction. (Only used with call
                        transactions.) Use negative number to show block 
												backwards, relative to current highest blocknumber.

Display abi of smart contracts in a human readable way

Api-key for Etherscan is needed for this function to work. See for installation details.


Display abi of Uniswap router2 and sort the functions:
$ cceb eth abi UNISWAP_ROUTER2 |sort

Details cceb eth abi
$ cceb eth abi --help
usage: cceb eth abi [-h] contract

Displays abi of smart contract.

Positional arguments:
  contract        Contract address

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.

Get address of a contract name, or name of a contract address


Get address of DAI smartcontract:
$ cceb eth address DAI

Check if we have a short name for contract address:
$ cceb eth address 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2

Details cceb eth address
$ cceb eth address --help
usage: cceb eth address [-h] contr

Get contract address from contract name, or vica versa.

Positional arguments:
  contr       Contract address or contract name

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.

Display source code of smart contracts

Api-key for Etherscan is needed for this function to work. See for installation details.


Download source of a Snowswap contract and open it in vim:
$ cceb eth source SNOW_POOL_YCRVSNOW |vim -

Details cceb eth source
$ cceb eth source --help
usage: cceb eth source [-h] contractName

Download and display source code of contract.

Positional arguments:
  contractName  Contract name

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help    Show this help message and exit.

Import smart contract name and abi

Addresses are stored in two files:

  • $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/secret/default.yaml
    • account addresses are stored here at web3.account. Importing accounts is not implemented. You have to edit the config file to add new accounts.
  • $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/default.yaml
    • token addresses are stored in
      • web3.mainnet.token
      • web3.kovan.token
      • web3.ropsten.token
    • contract addressses are stored in:
      • web3.mainnet.<contract_group_name>
      • web3.kovan.<contract_group_name>
      • web3.ropsten.<contract_group_name>

Contracts are grouped in contract groups. Eg.: Makerdao contracts are grouped under web3.mainnet.maker contract group name.

During importing smart contracts, if a path is not specified (path tells cceb under which contract group a contract should be imported), then cceb will search for smart contract names that match until the first _. Eg: Curve smart contracts are stored under web3.mainnet.curve and all their names begin with CRV_, so if you import a smart contract with the name CRV_TEST, then it will automatically be appended to curve contracts as its CRV_ matches the curve contract group names.

If you want to import to a new path, you have to edit the config file manually to add new path, as adding path is not implemented yet.

To import a token, the path must be specified. In most cases it will be web3.mainnet.token.

cceb supports contracts defined in EIP-897 using implementation() method. It will alert if contract is used and implementation address changed meanwhile.


Import token (eg.: BZRX):
$ ./cceb eth import BZRX 0x56d811088235F11C8920698a204A5010a788f4b3 -l web3.mainnet.token

Import new Synthetics smart contract:

  1. Edit config file and add synthetics contract group name under web3.mainnet:
    vim $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/default.yaml
  2. Import Synthetics address resolver smart contract:
    $ cceb eth import SYNTHETICS_ADDRESS_RESOLVER 0x823bE81bbF96BEc0e25CA13170F5AaCb5B79ba83 -l web3.mainnet.synthetics
Details cceb eth import
$ cceb eth import --help
usage: cceb eth import [-h] [--location LOCATION] contractName contractAddress

Map contract address to a human readable name and download and store contract

Positional arguments:
  contractName          Human readable shorthand name for contract. When
                        contract name is used later on, it will be
                        substituted by contract address automatically.
  contractAddress       Contract address

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --location LOCATION, -l LOCATION
                        Insert contract into path in "$(npm root -g)/cceb/config/default.yaml".

Interact with Makerdao

Using cceb it is possible to manage Makerdao vaults. Vaults can be opened, can get info from, DAI be drawn, and debts can be paid back.

Amounts are expressed as 'normal' numbers. Eg.: if you type 1 for an Ether amount it does mean 1 Ether, and not 1e-18 Ether.


Open ETH-A vault for ETH-SECOND-ACC:
$ cceb eth maker open --from ETH-SECOND-ACC ETH-A

Deposit collateral of 10 Ether:
$ cceb eth maker deposit --from ETH-SECOND-ACC ETH-A 10
(Note we use normal number and not WEI for Ether amount)

Generate 100 DAI:
$ cceb eth maker ETH-A 100 --from ETH-SECOND-ACC

Check if 100 DAI was indeed generated:
$ cceb eth tx DAI balanceOf ETH-SECOND-ACC

Get vault info:
$ cceb eth maker info ETH-A --from ETH-SECOND-ACC

Payback debt of 100 DAI:
$ cceb eth maker payback ETH-A 100 --from ETH-SECOND-ACC

Withdraw collateral of 9 Ether:
$ cceb eth maker withdraw ETH-A 9 --from ETH-SECOND-ACC

Details cceb eth maker open

Open new vault.

--from address the address the tx originates from.

$ cceb eth maker open --help
usage: cceb eth maker open [-h] type

Open new MakerDao vault.

Positional arguments:
  type        Type of vault that will be created

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
Details cceb eth maker deposit

Deposit collateral to Makerdao vault.

--from address the address the tx originates from.

cceb eth maker deposit --help
usage: cceb eth maker deposit [-h] [--draw DRAW] type amount

Deposit collateral to vault.

Positional arguments:
  type                  Type of vault that will be deposited to. Eg.: ETH-A
  amount                Deposit amount of collateral.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --draw DRAW, -d DRAW  Draw create DAI to the urn in one step
Details cceb eth maker generate

Generate dai to default address or --from address.

--from address the address the tx originates from.

$ cceb eth maker generate --help
usage: cceb eth maker generate [-h] type amount

Generate DAI stablecoin.

Positional arguments:
  type        Type of vault that DAI will be generated from. Eg.: ETH-A
  amount      Amount of DAI to generate.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
Details cceb eth maker info

Get info on a vault.
--from address the address the tx originates from.

$ cceb eth maker info --help
usage: cceb eth maker info [-h] type

Get vault info.

Positional arguments:
  type        Type of vault to get info from. Eg.: USDC-A

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
Details cceb eth maker payback

Payback DAI to Makerdao.

--from address the address the tx originates from.

$ cceb eth maker payback --help
usage: cceb eth maker payback [-h] type amount

Payback an amount of DAI to vault type.

Positional arguments:
  type        Type of vault that DAI will be paid back to. Eg.: ETH-A
  amount      Amount of DAI paid back.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
Details cceb eth maker withdraw

Withdraw collateral from Makerdao.

--from address the address the tx originates from.

$ cceb eth maker withdraw --help
usage: cceb eth maker withdraw [-h] type amount

Withdraw collateral from vault.

Positional arguments:
  type        Type of vault that will be withdrawn from. Eg.: ETH-A
  amount      Withdraw amount of collateral.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
Makerdao auctions

If there is a lot of bad debt in Makerdao, an auction is created, where the bidders pay DAI, and receive MKR. Bad debt is put into 50,000 DAI sized packages, called lots. Bidders can bid on those lots with requireing less and less MKR for each lot. Once no one bids for a lot, then that bid is closed. If no one bids for a lot, then it is possible to offer to receive less MKR for the 50,000 DAI.

Details cceb eth maker flog

Release queued bad-debt for auction.

$ cceb eth maker flog --help
usage: cceb eth maker flog [-h] [--from-block FROM_BLOCK]
                           [--to-block TO_BLOCK] [--amount AMOUNT]

Get events of bad debt from contract from blocknumber to blocknumber.

Positional arguments:
  contract              Contract to get events from

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --from-block FROM_BLOCK, -f FROM_BLOCK
                        Startblock to get events from
  --to-block TO_BLOCK, -t TO_BLOCK
                        End block to get events from.
  --amount AMOUNT, -a AMOUNT
                        Amount of max. dai to allow auction for.
Details cceb eth maker flop
$ cceb eth maker flop --help
usage: cceb eth maker flop [-h] [--count COUNT]

Make a count of new bids.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --count COUNT, -c COUNT
                        Number of new bids to make
Details cceb eth maker dent
$ cceb eth maker dent --help
usage: cceb eth maker dent [-h] [--amount AMOUNT] id

Bid for an auction of id.

Positional arguments:
  id                    Identifier of auction to make bid for.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --amount AMOUNT, -a AMOUNT
                        Amount to bid. Default amount is the minimal 

Details cceb eth maker tick
cceb eth maker tick --help
usage: cceb eth maker tick [-h] id

Bid a better price for an expired auction.

Positional arguments:
  id          Make an expired auction have better price.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
Details cceb eth maker deal
$ cceb eth maker deal --help
usage: cceb eth maker deal [-h] id

Finish an auction and receive MKR

Positional arguments:
  id          Idealifier of auction to finish.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.

Interact with Aave

Aave enables to take collaterized loans in multiple tokens, and with multiple collaterals.


Deposit 10 Ether:
$ cceb eth aave deposit 10 ETH

Enable deposit as collateral:
$ cceb eth aave collateral ETH

Borrow 50 USDT:
$ cceb eth aave borrow 50 USDT

Change interest payment to current fixed rate:
$ cceb eth aave swaprate USDT

Change fixed rate to currently offered one:
$ cceb eth aave rebalance USDT

Get info on reserve:
$ cceb eth aave info reserve USDT

Get info on default account:
$ cceb eth aave info account

Liquidate position of ETH-BORROWER on Aave if it is undercollaterized:
$ cceb eth aave liquidate ETH USDT ETH-BORROWER

Payback loan:
$ cceb eth aave payback 50 USDT

Details cceb eth aave deposit
$ cceb eth aave deposit --help
usage: cceb eth aave deposit [-h] amount token

Deposit an amount of token to aave.

Positional arguments:
  amount      Amount you want to deposit
  token       Token you want to deposit

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
Details cceb eth aave collateral
$ cceb eth aave collateral --help
usage: cceb eth aave collateral [-h] [--disable] token

Enable(/disable) token as collateral in aave.

Positional arguments:
  token       Token you want to use as collateral

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
  --disable   Disable to use token as collateral
Details cceb eth aave borrow
$ cceb eth aave borrow --help
usage: cceb eth aave borrow [-h] [--fixed] amount token

Borrow an amount of token against a collateral in aave.

Positional arguments:
  amount       Deposit amount of collateral.
  token        Token that w

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help   Show this help message and exit.
  --fixed, -d  Use fixed interests. Default: variable interests.
Details cceb eth aave swaprate
$ cceb eth aave swaprate --help
usage: cceb eth aave swaprate [-h] token

Toggle between fixed and variable rate for token.

Positional arguments:
  token       Token to swap the rate between fixed and variable.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.

Details cceb eth aave rebalance
$ cceb eth aave rebalance --help
usage: cceb eth aave rebalance [-h] [--for FOR] token

Rebalancei (actualize) fixed interest rate for token for ourselves or others.

Positional arguments:
  token       Token to rebalance interest rate for.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
  --for FOR   Address to rebalance for. Default: ETH-1
Details cceb eth aave info reserve
$ cceb eth aave info reserve --help
usage: cceb eth aave info reserve [-h] token

Get info on token reserve.

Positional arguments:
  token       Get info for token reserve

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
Details cceb eth aave info account
$ cceb eth aave info account --help
usage: cceb eth aave info account [-h] [--from FROM]

Get account info for account address.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --from FROM, -f FROM  Account address. (Defaults to $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/default.yaml 
                        -> web3.defaultFrom)
Details cceb eth aave liquidate
$ cceb eth aave liquidate --help
usage: cceb eth aave liquidate [-h] collateraltoken loantoken user amount

Liquidate undercollaterized position for collateral token and loan token 
owned by address.

Positional arguments:
  collateraltoken  Token that is the collateral.
  loantoken        Token that is used for the loan
  user             Address of user who has the loan.
  amount           Amount of collateral to buy(???)

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help       Show this help message and exit.
Details cceb eth aave payback

Payback loan.

$ cceb eth aave payback --help
usage: cceb eth aave payback [-h] [--for FOR] amount token

Payback an amount of token for ourselfes or others.

Positional arguments:
  amount             Amount to payback
  token              Token to payback.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help         Show this help message and exit.
  --for FOR, -f FOR  Payback for someone else.

Interact with Curve


Get Curve info on our reserves and dailiy expected CRV income. $ cceb eth curve info

Details cceb eth curve info

Information about reserves of current account.
The current account is the default account (defined in $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/default.yaml -> web3.defaultFrom), or can be specified --from address.

When cceb eth curve info issued the following fields are displayed:

  • GAUGE - name of gauges, that are entities that can receive CRV
  • CRV - the claimable CRV for current account.
  • CRV_USD - USDT value of CRV token based on Uniswap exchange rates.
  • CRV_100K - CRV daily income of 100,000 LP tokens. The gauges are ordered on this value ascending.
  • CRV_100K_F - CRV daily income of 100,000 LP tokens next week based on ongoing vote.
  • CRV_DAY - CRV daily income of current account's reserves
  • LP - amount of LP tokens of current account in gauge
  • LP_USD - USD value of LP tokens of current account in gauge
  • BOOST - current boost of current account
  • BOOST_F - expected boost of current account if boost is updated. Claiming CRV does update boost.
  • D_LP_MAX_BOOST - amount of LP tokens that currently can be added to maintain max boost for gauge
  • GAUGE_PERCENT - gauge relative weight in percentage points compared to total weight of all gauges in receiving CRV income. Note if total value is less than 100, then there are unlisted gauges. Gauge addresses can be retrieved from CRV_GAUGE_CONTROLLER the following way: cceb eth tx CRV_GAUGE_CONTROLLER gauges 0 (returns the address of the first gauge)
  • DEPOSIT_USD - total deposits in gauge in USD

WalletConnect interactions

WalletConnect is a protocol that connects web3 sites with cceb over internet. The protocol does not require the browser to have ANY add-ons or extensions to be installed. It works out of the box by using a QR code that must be shown or given to the wallet to connect to the site.

To connect to a web3 pages through Walletconnect:

  1. If you chose to use Walletconnect at a web3 site. It will provide a QR code.
  2. Copy the QR code clicking the Copy to clipboard button.
  3. Paste your code like this:
    • cceb eth walletconnect connect "<walletconnect qrcode content>"
  4. Done, you are connected. Use your Ledger, Private Key, or Airsign to sign transactions.
cceb eth walletconnect connect <uri> [accounts..]

Connect to Walletconnect

  uri       Walletconnect uri from Qr code                   [string] [required]
  accounts  Accounts to connect to site             [array] [default: ["ETH-1"]]

      --version                       Show version number              [boolean]
      --help                          Show help                        [boolean]
  -b, --block                         Block height of transaction. (Only used
                                      with call transactions.)          [number]
  -c, --chainid                       Chain id of Ethereum network      [number]
  -t, --theirgas                      Use site's gas estimation if possible
  -g, --gasoverhead                   Gas that is added to estimated gaslimit
                                                           [number] [default: 0]
  -f, --overridefrom, --from          From address defaults to web3.defaultFrom
                                                     [string] [default: "ETH-1"]
  -g, --overridegaslimit, --gaslimit  Gas limit of transaction          [number]
  -p, --overridegasprice, --gasprice  Gas price of transaction          [string]
  -n, --overridenonce, --nonce        Nonce of transaction              [string]

Ledger wallet interactions

cceb supports ledger for transaction signing. Message signing is not supported yet.

Ledger accounts that will be used with cceb must be imported manually to $(npm root -g)/cceb/config/secrets/default.yaml -> web3.account. The example below shows a valid entry:

				address: '0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111'
				type: 'ledger'

Get legacy and live ledger addresses:
$ cceb eth ledger addresses

Details cceb ledger addresses

Ledger can control nearly unlimited addresses. Addresses are derived by a deterministic hash function. All addresses have a position. The first address has the position of 0. By default cceb will list the first ten 'legacy' and ten 'live' accounts each starting from start position of 0. You can set any start position and address count.

$ cceb ledger addresses --help
usage: cceb ledger addresses [-h] [--wallet {Ethereum}] [--live LIVE]
                             [--start-position STARTPOSITION] [--count COUNT]

List first ten addresses.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --wallet {Ethereum}, -w {Ethereum}
                        Wallet to connect to. Currently only Ethereum is 
  --live LIVE, -l LIVE  Connect to ledger live vallets only.
                        List accounts starting from this position. Starting 
                        at 0.
  --count COUNT, -c COUNT
                        List this many addresses each.

Telegram connect

cceb can be called from within Telegram.
To install see README.

To connect to Telegram from computer:
$ cceb-telegram

Within Telegram all bash commands and functions can be called:
/cceb --help
/ls -l

Warning: It is NOT SAFE to use Telegram for exchanging money!
Especially DO NOT use accounts with privatekeys along with Telegram!
See Ethereum blockchain interactions.