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使用Pandas, Docker和OS(R)M来猜测神秘的旅行地.md

File metadata and controls

519 lines (375 loc) · 14.7 KB

原文:Guessing mystery travel locations using Pandas, Docker and OS(R)M


  • 这个地点名字里有3个'd'和3个'e'。
  • 从一个给定的起始点(Heusden)向东旅行需要花2个小时的实际,这意味着它在德国境内。
  • 看看在Worms, Koblenz, Aarlen, 和Malmedy之间的路线。
  • 该地的纹章盾中的符号指向Saint JudeSaint Simon


  1. Open Street Map (OSM)中获得所有的德国地名及其坐标。
  2. 过滤掉名字不含3个d和3个e的。
  3. 使用开源路由机(Open Source Routing Machine) (OSRM)的web服务计算从起始点到每个匹配地点的有效驾驶时间。
  4. 选取那些低于3小时驾驶时间,以及在给定的四个城市的交界处附近的地点。
  5. 看看所得结果的纹章盾。

1. 从OSM获取所有的德国地名



    git clone
    cd OSMNames
    wget --directory-prefix=./data


    docker-compose up -d postgres      # launches Postgres-database
    docker-compose run import-osm      # import 2.8GB pbf-file into Postgres 
    docker-compose run schema          # 
    docker-compose run export-osmnames # export location names to 500MB plain-text file


    mkvirtualenv osmde
    pip install ipython pandas jupyter numpy requests numexpr

加载一个交互式IPython notebook,你可以下载并重新运行所读取的那个。

    ipython notebook

2. 过滤所有不带3个'd'和3个'e'的地名

In [1]:

    import pandas as pd  # for data loading and manipulation
    import requests      # for the request-function to OSRM
    import numpy as np   # some direct matrix manipulations
    #import numexpr

In [2]:

    de = pd.read_table('data/germany-latest.tsv', low_memory=False ) # read OSM datadump of DE places

In [3]:

    de.shape # 3million spatial entities 


    (2948639, 18)

In [4]:

    de.columns # OSM variables included


    Index([u'name', u'class', u'type', u'lon', u'lat', u'place_rank',
           u'importance', u'street', u'city', u'county', u'state', u'country_code',
           u'country', u'display_name', u'west', u'south', u'east', u'north'],

In [5]:

    de.type.value_counts() # counts by type of spatial feature


    residential       1511729
    secondary          229633
    tertiary           210144
    service            198968
    unclassified       179072
    track              141591
    living_street      103261
    primary             92683
    footway             67933
    path                50243
    hamlet              43889
    village             40548
    administrative      22066
    cycleway            12213
    suburb               9783
    steps                8371
    trunk                6025
    motorway             4052
    neighbourhood        2526
    construction         2525
    town                 2520
    primary_link         2405
    secondary_link       2209
    trunk_link           1218
    tertiary_link        1066
    motorway_link         619
    road                  565
    raceway               339
    bridleway             270
    city                   95
    quarter                38
    borough                27
    corridor               13
    dtype: int64

In [6]:

    # function to test of the place-name matches the triple e's and d's
    def match_hint(x):
            if x.lower().count('e') == x.lower().count('d') == 3:
                return True
                return False
        except AttributeError:
            return False

In [7]:

    # apply the criteria test-function to each name, and record matches
    de.ismatch =

In [8]:

    de.ismatch.value_counts() # we have 1483 matches across Germany


    False    2947156
    True        1483
    dtype: int64

In [9]:

    de_match = de[de.ismatch] # filter out the matched entities

In [10]:



    residential       568
    secondary         220
    unclassified      113
    path              106
    track             102
    tertiary           93
    service            84
    living_street      44
    administrative     32
    primary            28
    footway            23
    village            18
    hamlet             12
    neighbourhood      10
    suburb              7
    cycleway            6
    construction        4
    tertiary_link       4
    town                3
    steps               2
    bridleway           2
    primary_link        1
    secondary_link      1
    dtype: int64

In [11]:

    # it has to be a town of some sort, filter out the rest.
    de_towns = de_match[de_match.type.isin(['village', 'suburb', 'hamlet', 'suburb', 'town', 'neighbourhood', 'city'])]

In [12]:



    village          18
    hamlet           12
    neighbourhood    10
    suburb            7
    town              3
    dtype: int64

In [13]:

    de_towns.type.shape # we have 50 places left



In [14]: # possible locations with the right name


    11679                   Adelheidsgroden
    362646                   Baddeckenstedt
    364889        Bad Neustadt an der Saale
    530409                     Breddewarden
    530410                     Breddewarden
    578347        Buchholz in der Nordheide
    649310                       Dederstedt
    651680                        Deiderode
    658325                       Deudesfeld
    661581                       Diedesfeld
    665404                        Diestedde
    672703                       Dodesheide
    710991             Drei Linden Siedlung
    714318         Drestedt-Valzik Siedlung
    718311         Drosendorf an der Aufseß
    726726                   Dunwarderfelde
    733931     Ebersdorf (bei Ludwigsstadt)
    840590                     Fedderwarden
    903566           Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf
    915214          Friedersdorf, Oderbruch
    931535        Friedrichswalde-Ottendorf
    1013722                   Göddeckenrode
    1056754                Großfedderwarden
    1073998       Gundelfingen an der Donau
    1187636                 Heidenoldendorf
    1280572                Hohenböddenstedt
    1565076               Klein Waddewarden
    1640130       Kummersdorf-Alexanderdorf
    1829644                       Meddewade
    1841699        Menzenschwand-Vorderdorf
    1928772          Naundorf vor der Heide
    1931349                       Nedderend
    1940174             Neu Duvenstedt-Nord
    1940175              Neu Duvenstedt-Süd
    1965225                Niederdollendorf
    1969279                 Niederstadtfeld
    2020344           Öd in der Pechschneid
    2083754                       Peddenöde
    2427090               Seebad Rüdersdorf
    2435941            Seidfeld (Sauerland)
    2449680          Siedlung Denrodtstraße
    2449685       Siedlung der Freundschaft
    2451328            Siedlung Waldfrieden
    2451329            Siedlung Waldfrieden
    2451330            Siedlung Waldfrieden
    2557288    Studentendorf Waldhäuser-Ost
    2736841         Waldsiedlung Junkerfeld
    2765743                      Weddermöde
    2765807                     Wedderstedt
    2765812                     Weddewarden
    Name: name, dtype: object

In [15]:

    coords = zip(de_towns.lon, # create a list with latitude-longitude pairs 
    labels = # get a list of place-names
    coords.append((5.2205227, 51.023644)) # add the coordinates of Heusden to the list
    labels.append('Heusden') # add Heusden to the list of place names

3. 从OSRM中获取到所有匹配项的驾驶距离

In [16]:

    # Get the pairwise drive time in minutes for a list of coordinates,
    # using the OSM-based open source online routing webservice
    # (code from python-osrm: )
    def drivetime_table(list_coords, list_ids, output='df',
        Function wrapping OSRM 'table' function in order to get a matrix of
        time distance as a numpy array or as a DataFrame
        Params :
            list_coords: list
                A list of coord as [x, y] , like :
                     list_coords = [[21.3224, 45.2358],
                                    [21.3856, 42.0094],
                                    [20.9574, 41.5286]] (coords have to be float)
            list_ids: list
                A list of the corresponding unique id, like :
                         list_ids = ['name1',
                                     'name3'] (id can be str, int or float)
            host: str, default 'http://localhost:5000'
                Url and port of the OSRM instance (no final bakslash)
            output: str, default 'pandas'
                The type of matrice to return (DataFrame or numpy array)
                    'pandas', 'df' or 'DataFrame' for a DataFrame
                    'numpy', 'array' or 'np' for a numpy array
            - 'numpy' : a numpy array containing the time in minutes
                    (or NaN when OSRM encounter an error to compute a route)
            - 'pandas' : a labeled DataFrame containing the time matrix in minutes
                    (or NaN when OSRM encounter an error to compute a route)
            -1 is return in case of any other error (bad 'output' parameter,
                wrong list of coords/ids, unknow host,
                wrong response from the host, etc.)
        if output.lower() in ('numpy', 'array', 'np'):
            output = 1
        elif output.lower() in ('pandas', 'dataframe', 'df'):
            output = 2
            print('Unknow output parameter')
            return -1
        query = [host, '/table?loc=']
        for coord, uid in zip(list_coords, list_ids):  # Preparing the query
            tmp = ''.join([str(coord[1]), ',', str(coord[0]), '&loc='])
        query = (''.join(query))[:-5]
        try:  # Querying the OSRM local instance
            rep = requests.get(query)
            parsed_json = rep.json()
        except Exception as err:
            print('Error while contacting OSRM instance : \n{}'.format(err))
            return -1
        if 'distance_table' in parsed_json.keys():  # Preparing the result matrix
            mat = np.array(parsed_json['distance_table'], dtype='float64')
            if len(mat) < len(list_coords):
                print(('The array returned by OSRM is smaller to the size of the '
                       'array requested\nOSRM parameter --max-table-size should be'
                       ' increased or function osrm.table_OD(...) should be used'))
                return -1
            mat = mat/(10*60)  # Conversion in minutes
            mat = mat.round(1)
            mat[mat == 3579139.4] = np.NaN  # Flag the errors with NaN
            if output == 1:
                return mat
            elif output == 2:
                df = pd.DataFrame(mat, index=list_ids, columns=list_ids, dtype=float)
                return df
            print('No distance table return by OSRM local instance')
            return -10

In [17]:

    # get the driving-time in minutes for all the coords
    time_matrix = drivetime_table(coords, labels, output='dataframe', host='')
    time_matrix.shape # 51x51 matrix, for all german cities + Heusden


    (51, 51)

In [18]:

    solutions = time_matrix.loc[time_matrix.Heusden < 180, time_matrix.Heusden < 180]

In [19]:

    solutions # we are left with six posibilities


| Deudesfeld | Niederdollendorf | Niederstadtfeld | Peddenöde | Seidfeld (Sauerland) | Siedlung Denrodtstraße | Heusden
Deudesfeld | 0.0 | 90.6 | 11.0 | 149.3 | 190.5 | 169.5 | 131.1
Niederdollendorf | 91.5 | 0.0 | 80.5 | 70.1 | 109.1 | 90.3 | 119.1
Niederstadtfeld | 11.1 | 79.6 | 0.0 | 138.2 | 179.5 | 158.5 | 132.8
Peddenöde | 150.0 | 69.5 | 139.0 | 0.0 | 62.5 | 46.1 | 136.9
Seidfeld (Sauerland) | 191.1 | 109.9 | 180.5 | 63.9 | 0.0 | 63.8 | 179.3
Siedlung Denrodtstraße | 171.1 | 90.6 | 160.1 | 47.2 | 62.5 | 0.0 | 132.0
Heusden | 131.8 | 118.6 | 133.3 | 137.4 | 175.3 | 132.4 | 0.0

4. 绘制交叉线

为了方便,使用R Leaflet,加上截图。外部的点是Worms, Koblenz, Aarlen, 和Malmedy。里面的点是DeudesfeldNiederstadtfeld,剩下的是不那么靠近交叉处的点。

Image of Yaktocat

5. 确认最终匹配的纹章盾


Deudesfeld Weapon


