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+ "third-party-tools/powerbi",
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@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ integrations:
Enhance your data analysis and processing capabilities with QuestDB through
these tools:
+- [**PowerBI**](/docs/third-party-tools/powerbi/): Create interactive data visualizations and dashboards.
- [Pandas](/docs/third-party-tools/pandas/): Analyze [time-series data](/blog/what-is-time-series-data/) in Python
with powerful data structures.
- [MindsDB](/docs/third-party-tools/mindsdb/): Build machine learning models for
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+title: PowerBI
+description: "Guide for using PowerBI with QuestDB. Use the top performing QuestDB database to build your PowerBI dashboards."
+import Screenshot from "@theme/Screenshot"
+This guide demonstrates how to connect QuestDB with Microsoft PowerBI to create
+interactive data visualizations and dashboards.
+## Prerequisites
+- [QuestDB](/docs/quick-start) running locally or remotely
+- [PowerBI Desktop](https://powerbi.microsoft.com/) installed
+## Connection Setup
+QuestDB utilizes a fully featured PostgreSQL Wire Protocol (PGWire). As such,
+setup for PowerBI mirrors the standard PostgreSQL connection setup. The benefit
+is the performance profile of QuestDB, and its powerful time-series SQL extensions,
+with the simplicity of the PGWire protocol.
+1. Open PowerBI Desktop
+2. Click "Get Data" in the Home tab
+3. Select "Database" → "PostgreSQL"
+4. Enter your QuestDB connection details:
+ - Server: `localhost` (or your server address)
+ - Database: `qdb`
+ - Data Connectivity mode: `Import`
+ - Advanced options (optional):
+ - Port: `8812` (default QuestDB PGWire port)
+ - Command timeout: Adjust based on your query complexity
+5. Select:
+ - Database authentication:
+ - User: `admin`
+ - Password: `quest`
+6. Click "Connect"
+## Working with Data
+1. In the Navigator window, select the tables you want to analyze
+2. Click "Transform Data" to modify the data or "Load" to import it directly
+3. Create visualizations by dragging fields onto the report canvas
+4. Save your report and publish it to PowerBI Service if needed
+## Using Custom SQL
+To leverage QuestDB-specific features like `SAMPLE BY` and `LATEST ON`, you can use custom SQL:
+1. In the "Get Data" dialog, click "Advanced options"
+2. Enter your SQL query in the "SQL statement" field
+3. Click "OK" to execute
+> Remember, you must include a timestamp column when using functions like `SAMPLE BY`.
+Here are some useful query examples:
+-- Get 1-hour samples of sensor readings
+ timestamp,
+ avg(temperature) as avg_temp,
+ avg(humidity) as avg_humidity
+FROM sensors
+WHERE timestamp >= dateadd('d', -7, now())
+-- Get latest reading for each sensor
+SELECT * FROM sensors
+LATEST ON timestamp PARTITION BY sensor_id;
+-- Combine SAMPLE BY with multiple aggregations
+ timestamp,
+ symbol,
+ max(price) max_price,
+ min(price) min_price,
+ avg(price) avg_price
+FROM trades
+WHERE timestamp >= dateadd('M', -1, now())
+## Best Practices
+- Leverage [timestamps](/docs/guides/working-with-timestamps-timezones/) functions for time-series analysis
+- Explore various [aggregation functions](/docs/reference/function/aggregation/) to suit your data needs
+- Consider using powerful [window functions](/docs/reference/function/window/) to perform complex calculations
+- For large datasets, use incremental refresh in PowerBI
+## Caveats
+### Date Table Limitations
+QuestDB currently cannot be used as a source for PowerBI's "Mark as Date Table" feature. This means:
+- You cannot mark QuestDB tables as date tables in PowerBI
+- Some time intelligence functions in PowerBI may not be available
+- If you need date table functionality, consider creating it in PowerBI or using another data source
+If you'd like QuestDB to support this feature, please add a 👍 to [this GitHub issue](https://github.com/questdb/questdb/issues/5208).
+## Troubleshooting
+- If connection fails, verify your QuestDB instance is running and accessible
+- Ensure PGWire is enabled in your QuestDB configuration
+ - `pg.enabled=true` - see [configuration](/docs/configuration/) for more details
+- Check that the port `8812` is open and not blocked by firewalls
+- For timeout errors, adjust the command timeout in advanced options
+## Further Reading
+- [QuestDB PGWire](/docs/reference/api/postgres/)
+- [PowerBI Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/)
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