This is a student project aiming at creating a simple 3D multiplayer Bomberman using the Oculus Rift.
This repository contains the source code, config files, media and necessary files to build the project.
You will need the following libraries to build the project :
- Boost 1.52 or better
- OGRE 3D 1.8.1
- Bullet 2.82
- OgreBullet, can be found here.
- LibOVR (from the Oculus Rift's SDK) 0.2.5c
See for more details.
This project uses CMake as a build system. Use it to configure and generate the Makefile, then build the project with make.
Note that on Windows, LibOVR currently (2014-03-27) only suppports vc++.
A way to compile it with mingw can be found here.
You can generate the documentation with :
$ doxygen Doxyfile