All the algorithms support sparse and dense matrix with multi card/node, unless otherwise specified.
Category | Algorithm | Comment |
Classification / Regression | Logistic Regression | |
Multinomial Logistic Regression | ||
Linear Regression | ||
Ridge Regression | ||
Lasso Regression | ||
Linear Support Vector Classification | ||
Linear Support Vector Regression | ||
Kernel Support Vector Classification | [*1] | |
Decision Tree Classification | [*3] | |
Decision Tree Regression | [*3] | |
Random Forest Classification | [*3] | |
Random Forest Regression | [*3] | |
GBDT Classification | [*3] | |
GBDT Regression | [*3] | |
Nearest Neighbor Classification | Only dense | |
Nearest Neighbor Regression | Only dense | |
Unsupervised Nearest Neighbor | Only dense | |
Multinomial Naive Bayes | ||
Bernoulli Naive Bayes | ||
Clustering | K-means | |
Spectral Clustering | Only dense | |
Agglomerative Clustering | Only dense | |
DBSCAN | Only dense | |
ART-2A | Only C++ | |
Preprocess | Singular Value Decomposition | |
Eigen Value Decomposition | ||
Principal Component Analysis | Only dense | |
Spectral Embedding | Only dense | |
T-SNE | Only dense | |
Recommendation | ALS | |
Factorization Machines | [*2] | |
Basket Analysis | FP Growth | |
Natural Language | word2vec | [*2] |
Latent Dirichlet Allocation | ||
Neural Network | Multi-layer Perceptron | Only C++ |
Convolutional Neural Network | Only C++ | |
Graph | PageRank | |
Connected Components | ||
Single-Source Shortest Path | ||
Breadth First Search |
[*1] Only support OpenMP parallelization. Run with VE_OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 and mpirun -np 1
[*2] Support OpenMP + MPI parallelization. Better performance with VE_OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 and one MPI process per card.
[*3] Only dense matrix is supported, but category variables can be specified