Draw numbers and borders on the map. This is an updated version of my old project beaZone.inc
SA:MP Forum Topic Link: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=618475 (Does not work.)
Portal SA:MP (pt-BR) Link: https://portalsamp.com/showthread.php?tid=3469
Open.MP Link: https://forum.open.mp/showthread.php?tid=2374
SA:MP Limit for gang zones is 1024. Numbers can take up to 10 gang zones to create and 4 for borders.
Now that i updated the include, take notes that the gangzones, can go up to higher numbers than 99 and equal less than 999.
The number creation is one of the hards/ugly parts that i've had to seen in the include. So if u have a better idea, please, fork this project and do a pull request.
CreateZone(Float:MinX, Float:MinY, Float:MaxX, Float:MaxY)
Creates a gang zone.
Returns the ID of the created gang zone.
Destroys a gang zone.
Returns (0 - a gang zone does not exist, 1 - successful)
ShowZoneForPlayer(playerid,zoneid,color,ncolor = ZCOLOR_NUMBER,bcolor = ZCOLOR_BORDER)
Show a gangzone for a player. (Including a number and borders)
Returns (0 - a gang zone does not exist, 1 - successful)
ncolor and bcolor arguments are optional
ShowZoneForAll(zoneid,color,ncolor = ZCOLOR_NUMBER,bcolor = ZCOLOR_BORDER)
Show a gangzone for all players. (Including a number and borders)
Returns (0 - a gang zone does not exist, 1 - successful)
ncolor and bcolor arguments are optional
CreateZoneNumber(zoneid,number,Float:numsize = 0.7)
Attach a number to a gang zone.
A gang zone must be shown again to players in order to display a number.
Returns (0 - a gang zone does not exist or numsize is invalid, 1 - successful)
Destroys a number.
Returns (0 - a gang zone does not exist or a number was not created before, 1 - successful)
Attach borders to a gang zone.
A gang zone must be shown again to players in order to display borders.
Returns (0 - a gang zone does not exist, 1 - successful)
Destroys borders.
Returns (0 - a gang zone does not exist or borders were not created before, 1 - successful)
Added in 2.1 - HideZoneForPlayer(playerid,zoneid)
Added in 2.1 - HideZoneForAll(zoneid)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid,color)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneStopFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneFlashForAll(zoneid,color)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneStopFlashForAll(zoneid)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneBordersFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid,color)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneBordersStopFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneBordersFlashForAll(zoneid,color)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneBordersStopFlashForAll(zoneid)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneNumberFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid,color)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneNumberStopFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneNumberFlashForAll(zoneid,color)
Added in 2.1 - ZoneNumberStopFlashForAll(zoneid)