Releases: ptarmiganlabs/butler
11.0.0 (2024-02-01)
- Major rewrite, switching to ECMAScript instead of CJS.
Bug Fixes
- Correctly report Docker status (72e1087), closes #939
- Make path resoultion for QIX schema files more robust (568aa2e)
- mqtt: Better logging and check for cert existence (59dc4fa)
- webhook: Deal with empty webhook list wo errors (3f42d02), closes #944
- winsvc: Win service monitoring no longer rely on New Relic (e47124c), closes #967
Code Refactoring
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9.4.0 (2023-12-13)
Upgrade note:
As this version includes a change to the InfluxDB data structure, it is recommended to delete the InfluxDB database used by Butler.
The database will be automatically re-created using the new structure next time Butler is started.
You will loose historical data though, but as you probably have a reasonably short retention period in InfluxDB (right...? you don't store everything forever, do you...?) it's usually not a major problem.If your InfluxDB database name is "butlerops", dropping the database is done with a command similar to this:
influx --host <ip-where-influxdb-is-running> --port <influxdb-port-usually-8086> drop database butlerops exit
🚀 Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
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9.3.2 (2023-12-12)
⚙️ This release address several bugs related to Windows service monitoring.
Long story short - this should work a lot better now compared to previous versions.
🎉 A bonus is that the Windows service monitoring is significantly faster than before.
For example, if you monitor 5 services on a server, Butler's monitoring code now executes ca 5 times faster than before!
🐛 Bug Fixes
- mqtt: Don't show MQTT startup info when MQTT is disabled (7f48bd3), closes #913
- winsvc: Bug fixes and better logging for win service monitoring (dc76b63)
- winsvc: Make Windows service status checks quicker (001f99f), closes #912
- deps: Update dependencies to stay safe & secure (f6389dd)
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
9.3.0 (2023-12-06)
- influxdb: Store failed reload info in InfluxDB (b45dedd), closes #866
- mqtt: Add support for Azure Event Grid as MQTT broker (3794da3)
- influxdb: Store reload task success info in InfluxBD (e642ad4), closes #870
Bug Fixes
- Disable SMTP mail appender in sample config (4f63cb3)
- More robust generation of anonymous Butler instance id (5203d54), closes #863
- mqtt: Better error handling when establishing MQTT connection (6299a2c)
- Verify that all required config file entries exist (38c42b0), closes #874
- winservice: Better handling of services that don't exist (56a18de)
- Add sample config files to release ZIPs (03f2fdf), closes #873
- deps: Update dependencies (f2592b0)
- deps: Update deps to stay safe and secure (1e9f2f6)
- master: release 9.3.0 (d364558)
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
9.2.2 (2023-11-09)
Bug Fixes
- deps: Update dependencies to stay safe and secure (e7859b9)
- Improved test cases for file operations (e48329c), closes #831
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
9.2.1 (2023-09-21)
Bug Fixes
- Add verbose logging showing which NR accounts are used (907b9ae)
- Typos in Slack/Teams notifrication log messages (e28b715), closes #794
- deps: Removed npm as dependency (84961ef)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4 (412ff92)
- deps: update crazy-max/ghaction-virustotal action to v4 (cd705e8)
- deps: Update dependencies to stay safe and secure (bbc242c)
- deps: update docker/build-push-action action to v5 (f48f378)
- deps: update docker/login-action action to v3 (725c0e2)
- deps: update docker/metadata-action action to v5 (c66bd35)
- deps: update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v3 (7fac129)
- deps: update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v3 (1a87ceb)
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
9.1.2 (2023-08-22)
Bug Fixes
- alerts: Empty alert recipient lists no longer cause errors (34421ce), closes #640
- docker: Fix broken Docker image (85f016e), closes #764
- Enable Teams notif for Win service monitor now works (a0761cb), closes #758
- deps: Update dependencies to stay safe and secure (2165579)
- Add linting command to package.json (b8332f8), closes #760
- Fix code linting issues (b6312ac), closes #762
- Fix simpler code structure/linting issues (c24c446), closes #761
- reload-alert: PDF explaining concept of reload alerts (dd1efdd)
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