Releases: ptarmiganlabs/butler
butler: v12.1.1
12.1.1 (2024-04-17)
Bug Fixes
- qs-license: Correct license type names written to InfluxDB when releasing QS licenses (1cd59f2), closes #1094
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler: v12.1.0
12.1.0 (2024-04-15)
No new features in this release, instead focus is on the Butler config file.
There is now much more comprehensive checks done on that file during Butler startup.
This is a (very) good thing, but there may be cases where you have had a technically invalid config file and Butler has still accepted it, but with side-effects as a result.
Things are more strict now and this should ultimately result in more stable configurations when running Butler.
Bug Fixes
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler: v12.0.0
12.0.0 (2024-04-12)
- qs-license: Align field names used to store QS license data to existing field names in the database.
Bug Fixes
- qs-license: Align field names used to store QS license data to existing field names in the database. (2694d12), closes #1084
- qs-license: Write correct license type tags to InfluxDB (e550dea), closes #1085
- deps: update dependencies (165df1b)
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler: v11.2.0
butler: v11.1.5
11.1.5 (2024-04-09)
Bug Fixes
- Add config file template to Windows zip (2510f55)
- deps: Upgrade dependencies (243caa3)
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler: v11.1.4
11.1.4 (2024-04-08)
- Docker image build (72ca27e)
- Fix broken Docker build (09ddf62)
- master: release butler 11.1.3 (2fb2075)
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler: v11.1.1
11.1.1 (2024-04-08)
Investigating problems with the Docker image build pipeline.
No new features or bug fixes in this release.
- Docker build debug (d4dc1b8)
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler: v11.1.0
11.1.0 (2024-04-08)
- license: Monitor high level Qilk Sense license usage across different license types (2c925b7), closes #1041
- license: Scheduled removal of unused user Qlik Sense user licenses (bac1258), closes #1042
Bug Fixes
- Better, more complete check of config when starting Butler (1e769dd)
- Make handling of reload failed/aborted/succeeded messages more robust (eaf609e), closes #1034
- Remove Node.js warnings on Butler startup (e489d4b), closes #1037
- startup: More consistent logging during startup (e0cce7b), closes #991
- Tidy up formatting of startup info written to logs (c337aa1), closes #991
- Optimize GH Actions for building binaries (cfc024f)
- Remove udp client from Butler project, move to its own repo (70817f0)
- Sign Win binaries with new signing solution (e8e91d5), closes #1004
- deps: Update dependencies (0c5890e)
- deps: Update dependencies (fc4c34c)
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
11.0.2 (2024-02-01)
This is a maintenance release used to test the automatic building of Butler binaries, Docker images etc.
No new features or bug fixes were added in this version.
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
11.0.1 (2024-02-01)
This is a maintenance release used to test the automatic building of Butler binaries, Docker images etc.
No new features or bug fixes were added in this version.
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis: